Hmm I see I was booted from slack. Awesome.

you got kicked out of telegram for the same reason you got kicked out of slack !
if you did not learn your lesson yet, well, you might be kicked on other pages too !

i know you have an issue with me and think i am "doing whatever i want / as supposedly in charge"
but i am protecting the groups and chats,
if my old members come to me complaining, well the newcomer who is staring up the fuzz gets kicked !
thats how it works, like it or not

Soooo who decides this then? Is there some local police officer I should be on the look for? I got a few words for him regarding the handling of this if so.

Seems to me like you get all riled up just like I do, yet you just can't continue the debate and get into a mentality that you can just force me to shutup with kicks or bans instead of engaging me politely, which if you had noticed was working for PLENTY of people today.

edit: and how the hell is "
if my old members come to me complaining, well the newcomer who is staring up the fuzz gets kicked !
thats how it works, like it or not"

A suitable attitude towards moderating, are you joking right now or?
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Soooo who decides this then? Is there some local police officer I should be on the look for? I got a few words for him regarding the handling of this if so.

Seems to me like you get all riled up just like I do, yet you just can't continue the debate and get into a mentality that you can just force me to shutup with kicks or bans instead of engaging me politely, which if you had noticed was working for PLENTY of people today.

going and going he is ....
i did not kick you from slack (believe what you want)
i kicked u from telegram as explained above !

i know u think (and try to make it sound) there is some personal vendetta going on
well it is not, i am doing this long enough as admin on multiple pages and i know where the line is

keep going as i know u will
going and going he is ....
i did not kick you from slack (believe what you want)
i kicked u from telegram as explained above !

i know u think (and try to make it sound) there is some personal vendetta going on
well it is not, i am doing this long enough as admin on multiple pages and i know where the line is

keep going as i know u will

Maybe you should work on your sarcasm and attitude and people wouldn't "assume you have a personal vendetta" against them.

You sound like someone who thinks he's better than others, and to be an admin requires a humble mentality. So whats the issue here? As I said earlier today to plenty of people, who by the way gave me the benefit of the doubt, I have no intentions of going on negatively, I realize the past few days have been frustrating but if YOU can't drop it like you expect me to, then you are going to have a very fun week.

It takes two to tango, be nice and i'll be nice, or you can keep being unfair, and we'll see how that plays out for you.

Notice how polite I was? (Compared to the past couple days)