Hey, read this.

....makes sense

A question gets asked here, or where ever, and the response is SO HALF-ASSED at times
.....It's like, us Newbies are just suppose to know what the respondent is talking about, without clear and precise instruction

I get it.
I think Newbies would agree
The ones "in the know" could be offended - - "What do you mean you need a better answer? I gave you [whatever], that'll get you started... blah blah"
- - Things get left out by the one's in the know because "I" am just suppose to know something about something "I" have no idea about.

Hope that mess makes sense :p

It's kinda like my resent response today on.....
It's a basic answer that assumes the Operator actually knows what he/she is doing
Obviously the Operator does not know what he/she is doing or they would have figured out the very basic answer to their question.....

Q. {Real Question]
Transaction stuck in Android app for a day?

A. [Not the Real Answer I posted but close]
You need to broadcast your transaction.....

You see, It's a half-assed answer that assumes intelligence and not a complete explanation of the issue to the Operator that will actually fix the said issue, unless the Operator actually knows what to do, there forward...

...Nobody asks a question they already know the answer too, unless they're trying to "catch somebody"....

....anywho - lot's of variables

Hey, send me a Gun Kit, un-assembled and only 80% completed
I'll write a complete guide on how to assemble it from, box to range

.................... fades to black...............
