Help with understanding the v0.13 upgrade


Hi Guys,

I've been following along with the Dash development as a Masternode operator for almost a year now. I'm still not much of a computer guy, and hope somebody out there would help me with the update to v0.13.

I'm using the instructions at:, but I'm afraid to screw it up, so I'm asking the community to look over my understanding of the procedure before I attempt to actually do the upgrade. Thanks in advance for your knowledge and assistance.

So far, for the manual update I have...

0) sign into Username through PuTTY.
0) I don't see a "* * * * * pidof dashd || ~/.dashcore/dashd" for crontab-e to automatically restart dashd, so I skipped this step.

1) cd .dashcore
2) ./dash-cli stop

3) cd /tmp/ <--- question: where's the directory tmp? how come I can't find it in .dashcore using the ls -la command?

4) in directory of /tmp$, enter command "wget"

5) Verify the integrity of download by using command: sha256sum dashcore-

Once I get the output value, how would I compare with the SHA256SUMS.asc file? I'm still a little unclear about how the checksum works...

6) Extract the compressed archive and copy the new files to the (.dashcore) directory, using 3 consecutive commands:
tar xfv dashcore-
cp -f dashcore-0.13.1/bin/dashd ~/.dashcore/
cp -f dashcore-0.13.1/bin/dash-cli ~/.dashcore/

7) Restart Dash in .dashcore, isn't "./dashd" the command? Why does the instructions say "~/.dashcore/dashd"? I might not be precisely understanding the syntax.

8) in the sentinel directory enter commands "git checkout master" and "git pull."

9) Then re-start masternode updated v0.13 Dash Core wallet.

Thanks in advance for your clarification and assistance.
Brown Bear.
Not sure who wrote those instructions but it looks like they rely on an installation based on a previous set of similar instructions, in particular steps 0, 1 and 2 require step 6 to have been done at some stage (moving executables).

If you've got a fairly good idea of what each step is supposed to do then it could be worth going through the official docs to get the installation procedure matching those update instructions but it might be simpler to use dashman to manage maintenance and updates instead:
Thanks for the tip. I ended up just following the original instructions as I wrote them in my first post, and they seem to be working!
(I was just hesitating, because I didn't fully understand all the details.)

3) cd /tmp/ <--- question: where's the directory tmp? how come I can't find it in .dashcore using the ls -la command?

The slash before tmp refers to the root level of your server. So it's not in /home/[username]/.dashcore/tmp but simply /tmp parallel to /home.

BTW, a tilde ~ always refers to your user home folder. So ~/tmp would be the same as /home/[username]/tmp.
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