HELP- Status Reflects "Upgrade"

All my Masternode Status's are blaring red now with "Upgrade". However, when I check on the status using Dashman, their network state shows "enabled" and they are counting down.

My question is does this status mean I need to perform the upgrade immediately or can I wait until they get paid and do the upgrade?

Please give me the correct answer as upgrading now them mid-cycle will cause me to lose out on a lot of payments.
I checked Dashman and the MNs network state is "enabled" and they are counting down, but my wallet status shows "Upgrade". Guys, I need your help to figure out whether to wait per the Dashman status or upgrade immediately.
Too late. I already restarted my MNs to err on the side of caution. This is the 2nd time in which Dashman was reflecting a different Ninja status than the Ninja site itself (the 1st was when that project with incorrect comma was inserted). All my MNs were showing enabled and counting down, while the actual Ninja site was showing "inactive". Last time I foolishly waited as the countdown via Dashman was getting slower and slower as it approached 0 (kind of like falling into a black hole) and I literally restarted when I was #4 in the cue per Dashman- Because I didn't know which data to believe (people were saying that Ninja database was also corrupt).

This is seriously getting ridiculous and I'm getting pretty frustrated, since I've now lost another payment cycle on all of my Masternodes thanks to unreliable data from Dashman or whatever the source of this misalignment is.
You should generally trust the status as shown locally on your masternode using "dash-cli masternode list full". "dashman status" is also a great source of information, however be aware that some of the data shown by dashman is sourced from the dashninja API which has recently suffered from some problems. If in doubt, trust your local status over dashninja. You can also ask your fellow MNO to check the apparent status of your node from their end.
I am now getting the below error : Can you tell me why? My node is also showing as inactive on Ninja!

sentinel tests passed : /root/dashman/lib/ line 1129: [: too many arguments


sentinel crontab enabled : YES

sentinel online : NO