Help figuring out my website usage please?


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Foundation Member
I have 6 pictures on my husband's website just so I could put them up here and at bitcointalk, etc...
Suddenly, I'm out of bandwidth? I have 20 gig / month, and I'm out of bandwidth? Have I been attacked? I've noticed that the crypto coin community can be quite mean, is it possible someone did something? I just can't imagine 20 gig were used up with 6 pictures that haven't been up a whole month!
How big are the pictures? It's possible if let's say the pic is 1MB and there's 20 thousand views of a page which has the picture on it. Everyone needs to download it at least once.
hummm, looks like they average 250kb ea. I guess I best not use that site to post pictures!
Using Darkcoin-qt acts as a full node. Currently there are no lite weight versions of the wallet.

When your wallet is open, multiple connections are made to download and sync the blockchain. When it shows 8 active connections in the bottom corner of your wallet, your sending and recieving data from 8 separate people simultaneously.

While your helping the network tremendously by running a full node, it probably isn't a good idea to let it run 24hrs a day if you have a bandwidth cap each month.
The control panel at the webhost likely has stats tools available for install, 99% of commodity webserververs are running CPanel so if that is the case login to the control panel and activate AWStats. Awstats will give you a break down of views, where they are coming from, whats using up the bandwidth.

I blew through my bandwidth in about a 10 day period running the Faucet :)

If neither of you are familiar with that, hit me up on IRC and we can do a remote sesh and I can walk you through it.
If each picture is 250kb and there is 6 then they equal a total of 1.5mb
20gb/1.5mb = 13,653 unique page views.
That's a ton! You should double check your bandwidth report with your hosting provider.

Also someone could be "hot linking" on your website.
Thanks guys, I'm gonna move to image shack, or somewhere, LOL
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