Help appreciated: Stuck Dash Wallet Send Transaction


New member
A few days ago I tried to buy a gas card on Bitrefill. After paying for the card from my Dash Wallet the Bitrefill app froze up and I never received the card. Bitrefill says that the address the Dash was sent to was not one of their wallets. Dash wallet keeps trying to send the transaction everyday since. My question is: When does the transaction finally "fail"? What happens to the funds when the transaction fails?

Thanks in advance for any help on this. First time this has ever happened to slope game.
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A few days ago I tried to buy a gas card on Bitrefill. After paying for the card from my Dash Wallet the Bitrefill app froze up and I never received the card. Bitrefill says that the address the Dash was sent to was not one of their wallets. Dash wallet keeps trying to send the transaction everyday since. My question is: When does the transaction finally "fail"? What happens to the funds when the transaction fails?

Thanks in advance for any help on this. First time this has ever happened to me.

What does the blockchain say? Did the TX actually go through and to what address? In case it hasn't gone through and the wallet is trying to resend it. What type of wallet is it? Core desktop? Mobile? Is HD? Ie using 12/24 word mnemonic? To solve the problem, I would most likely recover my wallet on another device, or in case of desktop app, I would rename the dashcore folder and sync a new chain. Then I would re-enter my seed phrase and allow the wallet to scan for my Dash, it won't know anything about the TX you are trying to do, so that TX will finally be cancelled. To answer your question, how long does the wallet try to resend? It will do so indefinitely.

Make sure you are upgraded to v21, versions prior to v20 cannot sync the chain and cannot send funds.