Have a question for Evan, kot, tungfa, or Daniel D? Ask here for next episode of DASH: Detailed!

1.). Do you foresee a point in Dash's future when protocol development reaches a standstill like Bitcoin? What, if anything, can be done to prevent that from occurring?
2.). Are there any plans/thoughts about incentivizing the physical distribution of master nodes around the planet so that we don't end up with 4,000 nodes all in the same data center or in the same country?
3.). Any thoughts / plans about shifting responsibility for block creation to the master nodes and having the miners provide hashing but not pick transactions?
4.). Thoughts and ideas on protocol level support for master node sharing?
1) Any chance of utilizing the masternode network to become like the Tor network version 2.0 ?
2) Will there be a OpenBazaar fork specifically made for Dash or is there any talk with them to integrate Dash into their platform ?
3) will there be a decentralized exchange hosted on the masternode network in the future ?
4) Does Evan get 8 hours of sleep every day ? Im worried :/
Direct fiat/DASH gateway would be high on my list.
I am adverse to any requisite transaction in btc prior to a DASH investment
When will this be conducted easily without question of integrity ?
1) Evan: How do you see your involvement with Dash playing out long term? Do you plan to eventually hand off development to a core team, like Satoshi did with Bitcoin? If not, how many years into the future do you see yourself committing to the Dash project full time?
2) Will future Dash wallets be based off of Electrum or qt? Or will they be completely rebuilt from the ground up for Evolution?
3) Do you feel our anonymity solution (coinjoin), could be improved? Do you see perhaps a place for new technologies, such as ZK-SNARKS in a new approach to Dash's anonymity solution for Evoltuion?

Thank you,
  1. How is the new SQL protected from attacks? Is it different to classic SQL?
  2. Do you have same details about DashDrive?
  3. What the hell is happening with FIAT gateways? Where is the bot?
  4. Why had the dash roadmap been changed? Baning is not that good idea? Too much thinking about incentivization?
Question for Evan:

Before you were mentioning DASH as a perfect payment solution for online gaming/gambling systems...

Have you checked 2 new projects: LuckySlider.com and ixSlot.com, as the first instant & private gambling games designed exclusively for DASH?
Can you comment if our development is going in right direction (instant and anonymous gambling without need for users accounts or depositing money)?

EDIT: https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/luckyslider-com-new-instant-private-online-luck-game.10084/

If you have any suggestion we would appreciate your comments.

Kind regards,
Instant & Private Gaming Dev Team
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sorry missed the show
had a sick child at home and could not google hangout parallel
(all good - just did not sleep the little man :rolleyes:)
@ Evan or one of the programmers: Do you see a way to make an open market, where a distributed website and arbitration can be the service offered by the MN network using the DAPI and volunteered hard drive space or some combo? A distributed market place that acts like a central website, and a distributed exchange are two things I would like to see. I just don't know if this could be done outside the core wallet using DAPI since I'm not a programmer. Thanks!

Can sharded hard drive space be created from the DAPI outside the core?

And I know I'm too late, oh well :(