HandCash Chain Switch Shows Importance of Ease of Use at Protocol Level

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Mark Mason

Well-known member
HandCash Chain Switch Shows Importance of Ease of Use at Protocol Level


Username-based Bitcoin Cash wallet HandCash has chosen to remain exclusive to the Bitcoin SV chain, showing the importance of developing a solid user experience on the protocol level.

In a recent announcement, HandCash announced temporary downtime as it prepared to transition to solely follow the Bitcoin SV ruleset, one of the two chains produced by the recent Bitcoin Cash hash war:

Read more - https://www.dashforcenews.com/handc...-importance-of-ease-of-use-at-protocol-level/
This sounds like bad news brought as good news.
We have been talking about using usernames instead of public keys for years and now they implement it first? in a matter of months?
Sounds to me like Dash needs to get its act together, or am I missing something here?
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