Graphs and Tools

Thanks a lot man.

Do you, by any chance recall that cool guy who was also creating - unofficial but fantastic - promo graphs. He mostly posts them over at the bitcoin talks but for the last 20 minutes combing thought there I can't seem to be able to find a single one...
Thanks a lot man.

Do you, by any chance recall that cool guy who was also creating - unofficial but fantastic - promo graphs. He mostly posts them over at the bitcoin talks but for the last 20 minutes combing thought there I can't seem to be able to find a single one...

Do you mean, georgem? (careful with the link! :wink:)

I think there was also another guy...who created this and many other closely DASH related graphs... (and what tungfa said, not sure Alex-ru was making these graphs, was he? I recall only his videos...)

Thanks guys!! Yes, raze is great, but I was thinking of raptor!! Is Raptor73 the same as;u=204709;sa=showPosts;start=580? Thanks again all for help.

Since I now write a document on DASH I come to appreciate this fantastic motley-crew lunatic fringe gathered around DASH. It is in fact mind-boggling how much work so many members of the community have done thus far. One tends to overlook all of that, mired in forums' bickering or dealing with the price, but truly astonishing work everyone, truly astonishing...

I think there was also another guy...who created this and many other closely DASH related graphs... (and what tungfa said, not sure Alex-ru was making these graphs, was he? I recall only his videos...)

This one is indeed mine, but Raptor73 does great work too though. :smile:
I know that raze , and I apologize :sad: for not mentioning it at the first place: I use that fantastic graph as my desktop since the day 1 of you publishing it. :smile: / and now I even recall I was inquiring who's the author of this masterpiece while back. damn OCD and lost memory... /
I know that raze , and I apologize :sad: for not mentioning it at the first place: I use that fantastic graph as my desktop since the day 1 of you publishing it. :smile: / and now I even recall I was inquiring who's the author of this masterpiece while back. damn OCD and lost memory... /
No worries. That's what I get for almost never taking credit for my work. :tongue:
Thanks guys!! Yes, raze is great, but I was thinking of raptor!! Is Raptor73 the same as;u=204709;sa=showPosts;start=580? Thanks again all for help.

Since I now write a document on DASH I come to appreciate this fantastic motley-crew lunatic fringe gathered around DASH. It is in fact mind-boggling how much work so many members of the community have done thus far. One tends to overlook all of that, mired in forums' bickering or dealing with the price, but truly astonishing work everyone, truly astonishing...

Indeed. That's why I am proud to be here :smile:
Well, unless this is some sort of not overly cool gangsta joke, I am kind of disinclined to take such statement at face value unless it's elaborated with hard facts...

He made all the DashnDrink Soda machine graphics, which are A++, facts enough? lol I dunno i just like his work lol
I know that raze , and I apologize :sad: for not mentioning it at the first place: I use that fantastic graph as my desktop since the day 1 of you publishing it. :smile: / and now I even recall I was inquiring who's the author of this masterpiece while back. damn OCD and lost memory... /

apologise as well
did not mention raze and raptor73 !
This is so cool, your stuff.

I just took a mastenode_brain.jpg image from there and had to send you a few DASH for a beer or two as a token of gratitude. Than, of course, what a "gratitude" would be without additional question :wink: -- do you have / know where to get a slightly better resolution of this one (it's for a primitive Word doc so even this might do, but just in case):
