Active member
a little off-topic article here:
Well, but what is stopping the Core team from ignoring the will of the Masternodes and making decisions unilaterally? There isn't that much of a difference, don't you see?
I knooow! Maybe you view standard corporations as the CEO doing whatever he wants, but that is not the case for most corporations. Not the larger ones, at least.Sure, they can do that but won't look good. It would turn lots of people away from the project. Why bite the hand that feeds? (...)
I knooow! Maybe you view standard corporations as the CEO doing whatever he wants, but that is not the case for most corporations. Not the larger ones, at least.
I like this approach this way masternode owners can't vote soley on masternode agenda projects that might negatively affect miners. I just dont want to see pay to vote type thing where budget system is gamed.I think It can be improved through the diversify of the voting system.
Miner vote
3tier user vote
2ter (MN) vote
developer vote
It certainly worth think/discuss about.
I basically see two main problems:
- If we have BTC as an example: There are tons of BTC investors who will not run a BTC full node, even though they know it is important to the network (their investment);
- Even if DASH investors are different, and are willing to donate "strong reliable nodes" (with the eventual requirements from the network to take the node into consideration - for example, to avoid sock puppet voters/sybil attackers), still voting for important decisions to the DASH community/network should be seen as something serious, involving real money invested, and should never be seen as a funny online game...
edit: (I hope) the more money one has invested in some investment (e.g. DASH), the more serious will be one's decisions regarding this investment (e.g. masternode owners vs any other "not invested user")... sorry for being a little unpleasant on this subject.
But, if there's a viable solution, that would be wonderful, indeed.
Not English speaker here.
Sure this POS model make sense, but 3-tier n DASH holder should be able to make 1/m of 1 MN node. (plz note n!=m)
I think it is vital to DASH success cause It can help to prevent MN centralization tendency.
Let's assume group of rich guys in MN want more fee, more voting power, so they decide to eliminate competitiors.
They can do it by form a some kind of cartel(can be secretive!) then increase minimum required DASH deposit to become a MN.
How can we prevent it from happen?
One permanent solution I think is give 3-tier users some (at least fraction) voting power as 3-tier users won't want pay more fees for instantX.
+ miners should have some voting power too.
we should seriously study rootStock voting system.
Then we can make it better.
The issue is not greed.. this is capitalism... if it were overpriced, the demand would drop and feedback to the "greedy capitalists". The issue is collusion because that might be a form of centralization... and that's a hard nut to crack when stake holders are anonymous.
Exactly. In other words: The "Masternode Centralisation Issue" is a fallacy. If there's abuse from the Masternode owners, the dissatisfied "regular users" will dump DASH ergo the MN owners will see their money "dissolve".
There's no incentive to Masternoders abuse.... it's not like DASH has got the cryptocurrency monopoly.
Why would a group of "stinky rich guys" want "more voting power" for a "dumped currency"? it makes no sense...
As I said before, the ultimate vote a user can give on a cryptocurrency governance is buy selling it, to buy into an alternative currency he judges better. There's a free market of currencies out there, and no cryptocurrecy will ever be able to please all demands from each and every person. And we should be careful not to (with the argument of "perfection" or "inclusion") create a mess, instead of a well-functioning system.
IMHO, It's a waste of time to try to give vote to "micro investors": It would deteriorate the quality of the decisions, from my perspective.
Sorry again.
Not English speaker and it may stupid question.
But what if MN quorum decide to increase required DASH deposit? (want more fee/power/control)
From the beginning it wont be a rapid increase, but I think it can be a vicious cycle.(centralized currency!??)
DASH may not have block limit problem but it could have minimum MN deposit problem?
Plz someone answer this question. whether I'm complete idiot or not.
First of all, I'm a libertarian and capitalist plz mind this fact.
Yes DASH is not monopoly of this market but you have to consider word "Decentralization".
Why use digital currency from the beginning? Why not fiat? How about newly developing Chinese digital currency?
supreme master's of Chinese communist party will handle CCPDC extremely efficiently.
It will be even faster and efficient than DASH!
What if some financial institution make almost exact clone of DASH? can we compete against them?
Decentralization is slow and painful but it's our strongest weapon!
I love the MN structure of DASH but we have to find the way for balance of power.
You think micro investor should not vote? I'm perfectly fine with that, than at least miners must act as a voter. (Balance of power!)
Otherwise DASH will not replace bitcoin, will not make great, It will serve just niche market at best.
Masternodes also have pump and dump power. If they want they can sell their coins and sell their equipment or use it for being nodes of other cryptocurrency, right?
So this doesnt seems like equal powers,
users (+)have ability to pump and dump, (+)have no equipment costs, but (-)have not ability to vote,
miners (+)have rewards, (+)have ability to pump and dump, but (-)have not ability to vote and (-)have equipment costs.
Masternode (rich investors) (+)have rewards, (+)have abilitiy to pump and dump, (+)have ability to vote but (-)have equipment costs.