Good thing y'all started publishing Dash materials in Russian. Looks like Irina stumbled on them.

I'd also like to offer that the timing of this thing was completely foolish. With the Miami Conference happening just a few days after this "campaign's" conclusion, virtually everything about v0.12 will be invalidated and replaced b v0.13. It's as if Microsoft started advertising Windows 95 right before the release of Windows 10...

It was a dumb idea.
Fantastically bad timing.
No oversight or attempt to assure the sponsorship was even accurate.

It all points to parties involved not having any idea what is going on in DASH, and other parts of crypto. I barely pay attention to anything but, and I know... Oh jeez, forget it... It's such an incredible farce...
The MN Voting system's approval threshold needs to exceed it's clueless moron volume. Period. If you won't learn, then you need to be mitigated. We can't have the lunatics running the asylum. 66% or DASH is going to sink itself in this bullshit, and the ones responsible will stand around saying "Golly, I can't understand how something so terrible could happen..." because utter cluelessness is responsible. Clueless people never understand that it is their own fault for doing dumb shit. Just. Like. This.

Attempting to portray me as "angry" just because you've never seen a grown up get shit done and tell it like it is only further discredits the accuser. I'm an exceptionally experienced business owner, and you don't gain experience by failing, because you can't have much experience running a business that fails!

I'm trying to emphasize the magnitude of this matter to a bunch of children who can't understand the problem. That is what makes me mad. But even then, I wouldn't get far letting my emotions control me. I may have some angry brewing, but it doesn't cloud my head, and it's not directed at Amanda or Monero. It's directed at the idiots who voted for this, grossly mismanaged it, and after the fact still don't even see the problem! Holy shit! What color is the sky on your planet? Can you taste the letter 9? Potato(e)?
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I think you should keep the speculation to a minimum. You'd have a hard time being more wrong.I'm not pretending to know what's in your head. I see the evidence laid before us. The difference between speculation and observation.So do it!I can? How can I compare it to an imaginary presumption? Where has it been stated that this is a result of gross negligence on the part of the owner of the budget proposal? Where is the evidence of this? More speculation.I had a new hire that dunked aluminum in a parkerizing tank after being explicitly advised of the outcome. Fired on the spot. GTFO. No 30 days of screwing up even more stuff. Turns out, it was a democrat plant who wanted in the door only to sabotage my operations. Duh, why else would a democrat even apply for a job.? They don't work!Wasn't that the budget owner's job? To provide the necessary information? Oversight? Making sure this actually got done right? Would you approve an advertising campaign without ever looking at any of the footage? Scripts? Nothing? Just throw money at it and walk away? I guess if it's not your money you don't care! Or if you are secretly working for the competition...

Such gross misrepresentation of DASH is the primary issue.

I don't have a gripe about XMR being mentioned. It's a failed project for anyone who understands how it can't work in the long run.

It seems to me that she's fallen for typical trollbox FUD and not bothered to educate herself of current events in the very field to which she's attempting to be a media provider. It's more embarrassing to her than anyone else. I expect it won't have much negative impact because the cryptotards don't know any better.

In the real world of grown ups you can't make such a grossly tragic fuck-up and still survive it. Fortunately, for her, there aren't many adult minds involved in crypto.

I'd even give her a pass on having no idea what she's talking about if we could get an explanation why the manager of this budget item/project viewed this before it was made public and gave it the green light. Did she set the proposal up herself? In order for something so grossly incorrect to be included... How?

Yes, we should take care of our own business. Not make excuses to ignore something this bad like it's no big deal.

I guess if you're oblivious to the problem, you don't see it as a problem. "What's the big deal?" says the clueless moron who doesn't understand what DASH is or how it works, yet claims to be it's supporter...

You have repeatedly said that she is spreading FUD and horrific misinformation. Could you please be specific with the exact statements she made and how they are wrong or how they are spreading fear, uncertainty or doubt, and also how you would correct them. Thanks.
camosoul breathe haha

You know, "there's more than one way to skin a cat". And for anyone who finds success, they find their own path. What works for one person, doesn't always work for another. Ah, heck, you know that. But anyway, some of the people here, this is all new for them, they're finding their feet. And I gotta say, for every successful person, you know there were many failures. Show me someone that didn't fail and I'll tell you they never really succeeded, guaranteed and no exceptions. The importance, however, is not that they fail, but whether they learn and modify their behaviour. And that's where we are with dash, in it's infancy, we're learning as a group how to best deal with this.

Okay, I'm done :p
No one is crying about the Doge and Nubits name drops. Monero obviously hits a sore spot in the DASH community. I couldn't care less about it. It's a show about crypto with an audience that is interested in crypto. The budget was for the sponsorship promo, not to buy the show. geez...
Yes, but for the untreceable part, it's not Dash, but Monero the winner in this video.
And the particularity of Dash is the anonymity "DΛSH is digital cash. Transactions are obscured in the blockchain"
So wake up, mentionned Monero in a video sponsorised by Dash, not very good comportment.

You can tell us if we work for Monero now ?
This is the messaging that was approved by Tungfa from the outset:

Day 1. second tier/masternodes/full node count
Day 2. decentralized governance/budget proposals/block reward 45%/45%/10%
Day 3. Evolution of payment network/"like PayPal, but decentralized"/upcoming BTC Miami
Day 4. instantx
Day 5. darksend
Day 6. proof-of-work/x11/currently no ASICs
Day 7. integration with Lamassu machines, Android & iOS mobile wallets
Day 8. Re-iteration of points 1 & 2
Day 9. Re-iteration of points 3 & 7
Day 10. Re-iteration of points 4 & 5

We are open to suggestions for better wording of messages. Feel free to email your script suggestions to decentral@, or just message us on Twitter. We are here to be as useful as possible for all involved. Without either a Dash "PR" person in charge, or a masternode vote of exact sponsor language, we have no mechanism by which to measure consensus or majority will.

A bug to be worked out of the decentralized governance process, perhaps. Glad we get to be pioneers in this process.

Oh, I didn't know this existed!

I think, as far as DarkSend goes, it's ahead of time mixing in denominations that make them indistinguishable from one another and it's important to note that not only is it untraceable, it is untraceable while the funds are still out in the open and verifiable. You can see what is happening, you simply can't see which amounts go together, or who they came from. The ledger is clear, the connections have several possibilities and thus can't be pinned to any one user. This is why DarkSend delivers anonymity without obfuscating the blockchain. Cryptonote asks you to trust their math, and that nothing can be manipulated, but there is no way to actually audit their blockchain.

Personally, I think X11 algo and ASICs are boring and totally a waste of discussion time..
You have repeatedly said that she is spreading FUD and horrific misinformation. Could you please be specific with the exact statements she made and how they are wrong or how they are spreading fear, uncertainty or doubt, and also how you would correct them. Thanks.

She said DarkSend was coinjoin. Which it is related to, only it's been upgraded a few times. 1st it's completely decentralized, second it's ahead of time, so you don't have any delays when you're ready to buy something, and third it's in denominations that are exactly alike, so they are indistinguishable from each other.

And we've been arguing with trolls since forever, that DarkSend is not coinjoin, and here she said just that, LOL. And all hell breaks loose :p
I agree that the Darksend could have been sold a little better. I'm just saying to put it into perspective, this was one video out of ten and probably the silliest of them all. The theme of the video was why cryptocurrency is good in general, and the name drops of Doge, Nubits and Monero were only mentioned as examples of the diversity of currencies and they got about 3 seconds each. I can understand if the video was a special on hyping Monero but that just isn't the case.
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No one is crying about the Doge and Nubits name drops. Monero obviously hits a sore spot in the DASH community. I couldn't care less about it. It's a show about crypto with an audience that is interested in crypto. The budget was for the sponsorship promo, not to buy the show. geez...
Yes, but that wasn't really a sponsor quip, or didn't feel like one. A mentioning in passing along with several other coins. She was more direct with Nubits, "Today's sponsor was Nubits! where a Nubit is always worth a dollar" See, it's burned in my brain, LOL
She said DarkSend was coinjoin. Which it is related to, only it's been upgraded a few times. 1st it's completely decentralized, second it's ahead of time, so you don't have any delays when you're ready to buy something, and third it's in denominations that are exactly alike, so they are indistinguishable from each other.

And we've been arguing with trolls since forever, that DarkSend is not coinjoin, and here she said just that, LOL. And all hell breaks loose :p

She said it's a native coinjoin built into the protocol. I don't think that is an unfair characterization especially when you have only a few seconds to describe it, not a minute to talk about why it is better than coinjoin. I do think it could have been done better but again, the aim is to point people to check it out for themselves at, and I don't think that goal was significantly hampered by the wording. Judge this in perspective.
I agree that the Darksend could have been sold a little better. I'm just saying to put it into perspective, this was one video out of ten and probably the silliest of them all. The theme of the video was why cryptocurrency is good in general, and the name drops of Doge, Nubits and Monero were only mentioned as examples of the diversity of currencies and they got about about 3 seconds each. I can understand if the video was a special on hyping Monero but that just isn't the case.

Ok if you work for Monero tell us.
It's very normal to mentionned Monero in a video sponsorised by Dash.
Apple will do the same about Microsoft and android, off course ;)
Mcdo for BurgerKing
Coca-cola for Pepsi
Mercedes for BMW

It's the basic rules in business
Ok ok I'm hypersensitive ;)

You're like Jesus, give the left face after punch in the right face ?
Ok if you work for Monero tell us.
It's very normal to mentionned Monero in a video sponsorised by Dash.
Apple will do the same about Microsoft and android, off course ;)
Mcdo for BurgerKing
Coca-cola for Pepsi
Mercedes for BMW

It's the basic rules in business
Ok ok I'm hypersensitive ;)

Monero isn't the only competitor to Dash. Every other cryptocurrency is. It's a show about cryptocurrency. Where are all her other videos hyping Monero?
She should have known Monero was a problem in the Dash community and omitted it for that reason alone. I can understand the criticism, but if you think that she is conspiring to screw over Dash or that the Monero name drop will have any impact on the audience, I don't know what else to say.
Yes, but it's Monero mentionned, not another anonymous cryptocurrency.
So, if you know the world of cryptocurrencies, you know the problem between Dash and Monero, the trolls of Monero likes post false messages inside the topic of Dash.
So mentionned Monero when you're sponsorised by Dash is very rude.
First is not a respect of business "sponsorised = take dash or dollar for that" and second, it is a lack of courtesy about the team Dash and the trust give at daily decrypt.
You can see what is happening, you simply can't see which amounts go together, or who they came from. The ledger is clear, the connections have several possibilities and thus can't be pinned to any one user. This is why DarkSend delivers anonymity without obfuscating the blockchain. Cryptonote asks you to trust their math, and that nothing can be manipulated, but there is no way to actually audit their blockchain.

DASH fixes what Monero fails to consider. All encryption can eventually be broken. Moore's Law. Monero looks like a good idea as long as you fail to consider this reality. DASH hides transactions in plain view, which is not subject to Moore's Law. Even if you decide to trust Monero, it's only a matter of time until all is exposed from day one. You don't have to trust DASH. It's trustless.

Blockchain Bloat. If Monero were actually adopted, it would instantly collapse under it's own weight. the only reason it continues to exist is because barely anyone uses it. It would bloat so fast that there wouldn't be enough bandwidth to keep up. Nodes would all desync, no two blocks would agree. Even if you could keep up, where you gonna find hard drives to put it? Where's the incentive? Who's going to bank up dozens of 8TB Seagate Archive drives to manage just one "full node" for Monero?

But, this isn't about Monero. I only covered it so that we can put that crap to rest and get on with our lives.

This is about the gross misrepresentation of DASH/DarkSend. Apparently, specifics were not mentioned. It was left up to Amanda, and she is/was badly misinformed.

TanteStefana pretty well covered it. DarkSend pre-mixes duffs in equally quantified, denominated increments. And it repeats this to a user-selectable stack depth of 8 repetitions. no need for encryption. It's completely untracable. No exponential blockchain bloat. No encryption for Moore's Law to inevitably break. The failure modes that the Monero Experiment taught us are precisely why this system was invented. Or maybe it didn't teach a lot of people, and they just troll on knowing idiots will never figure it out...

Monero is only associated with this conversation because it's defects are the reason Evan came up with DarkSend. Mentioning it doesn't make me "mad." It only serves to discredit the speaker, that she doesn't understand this. Monero is the broken antiquity that DASH fixes. DASH is built upon Monero's failure to solve their problems and resort to using trolling, hype and misinformation to stay alive in the trading scene. It'll never be Real World usable, and even if it were, mass usage would immediately sink it.

v0.13 of DASH will not even require the users to hold the blockchain. It uses it's own internal Storj-like system to host it, all clients become light clients, and you query a quorum of Masternodes for the inf you need, instead of a trusted wallet server. Trustless and self-sufficient.

DASH takes the good ideas in crypto, which don't really do anthying on their own, and combines them to actually be useful. Much like PeerCoin became nothing but HoardCoin. Evan converted merely holding a coin into a Bond system that requires 1000 DASH to run a Masternode. Not merely Proof of Stake. But now, Proof of Service, which you cannot provide without putting up proof of the 1000 DASH Holding, a Masternod Bond Payment. It hasn't been discussed, but anyone with a clue can see that this system has the potential to eliminate mining as we know it, while also being several orders of magnitude MORE secure than mining.

DASH is full of excellent ideas that didn't really do anything useful on their own, but were improved upon or combined to make that idea something of use. I'd never suggest to "punk" Monero, Storj, or PeerCoin, because lessons were learned. They were necessary steps. The fact that most people aren't smart enough to see the lessons to be learned there is neither here nor there. Stupid people are everywhere. Whatever. The fact that their Developers and Communities are desperate to protect their bags, to the point of lying to the uninformed, is the only point that bothers me about them. The technologies and ideas were good. They just aren't useful as stand-alone solitary-idea coins. Since they weren't interested in stepping up, and chose the path of hype/lie/troll instead, Evan grabbed what was good of it and left them behind. Hell yeah! This is why I'm all in on DASH.
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Well, I think a lovely resolution would be for Amanda to actually explain this in her next sponsor blog spot. She doesn't have to start a war by mentioning Monero, she can simply refer to cryptonote based coins as a group.

"And today's sponsor is Dash. Dash, where transactions are anonymous but the blockchain is clear to see." I don't know, that's not it... :p
Well, I think a lovely resolution would be for Amanda to actually explain this in her next sponsor blog spot. She doesn't have to start a war by mentioning Monero, she can simply refer to cryptonote based coins as a group.

"And today's sponsor is Dash. Dash, where transactions are anonymous but the blockchain is clear to see." I don't know, that's not it... :p
"Privacy in plain view, visit to find out how."