You can see what is happening, you simply can't see which amounts go together, or who they came from. The ledger is clear, the connections have several possibilities and thus can't be pinned to any one user. This is why DarkSend delivers anonymity without obfuscating the blockchain. Cryptonote asks you to trust their math, and that nothing can be manipulated, but there is no way to actually audit their blockchain.
DASH fixes what Monero fails to consider. All encryption can eventually be broken. Moore's Law. Monero looks like a good idea as long as you fail to consider this reality. DASH hides transactions in plain view, which is not subject to Moore's Law. Even if you decide to trust Monero, it's only a matter of time until all is exposed from day one. You don't have to trust DASH. It's trustless.
Blockchain Bloat. If Monero were actually adopted, it would instantly collapse under it's own weight. the only reason it continues to exist is because barely anyone uses it. It would bloat so fast that there wouldn't be enough bandwidth to keep up. Nodes would all desync, no two blocks would agree. Even if you could keep up, where you gonna find hard drives to put it? Where's the incentive? Who's going to bank up dozens of 8TB Seagate Archive drives to manage just one "full node" for Monero?
But, this isn't about Monero. I only covered it so that we can put that crap to rest and get on with our lives.
This is about the gross misrepresentation of DASH/DarkSend. Apparently, specifics were not mentioned. It was left up to Amanda, and she is/was badly misinformed.
TanteStefana pretty well covered it. DarkSend pre-mixes duffs in equally quantified, denominated increments. And it repeats this to a user-selectable stack depth of 8 repetitions. no need for encryption. It's completely untracable. No exponential blockchain bloat. No encryption for Moore's Law to inevitably break. The failure modes that the Monero Experiment
taught us are precisely why this system was invented. Or maybe it
didn't teach a lot of people, and they just troll on knowing idiots will never figure it out...
Monero is only associated with this conversation because it's defects are the reason Evan came up with DarkSend. Mentioning it doesn't make me "mad." It only serves to discredit the speaker, that she doesn't understand this. Monero is the broken antiquity that DASH fixes. DASH is built upon Monero's failure to solve their problems and resort to using trolling, hype and misinformation to stay alive in the trading scene. It'll never be Real World usable, and even if it were, mass usage would immediately sink it.
v0.13 of DASH will not even require the users to hold the blockchain. It uses it's own internal Storj-like system to host it, all clients become light clients, and you query a quorum of Masternodes for the inf you need, instead of a trusted wallet server. Trustless and self-sufficient.
DASH takes the good ideas in crypto, which don't really do anthying on their own, and combines them to actually be useful. Much like PeerCoin became nothing but HoardCoin. Evan converted merely holding a coin into a Bond system that requires 1000 DASH to run a Masternode. Not merely Proof of Stake. But now, Proof of Service, which you cannot provide without putting up proof of the 1000 DASH Holding, a Masternod Bond Payment. It hasn't been discussed, but anyone with a clue can see that this system has the potential to eliminate mining as we know it, while also being several orders of magnitude MORE secure than mining.
DASH is full of excellent ideas that didn't really do anything useful on their own, but were improved upon or combined to make that idea something of use. I'd never suggest to "punk" Monero, Storj, or PeerCoin, because lessons were learned. They were necessary steps. The fact that most people aren't smart enough to see the lessons to be learned there is neither here nor there. Stupid people are everywhere. Whatever. The fact that their Developers and Communities are desperate to protect their bags, to the point of lying to the uninformed, is the only point that bothers me about them. The technologies and ideas were good. They just aren't useful as stand-alone solitary-idea coins. Since they weren't interested in stepping up, and chose the path of hype/lie/troll instead, Evan grabbed what was good of it and left them behind. Hell yeah! This is why I'm all in on DASH.