Getting Masternode Details From Daemon


New member
I'm trying to query the darkcoind daemon to get details on the masternodes.

darkcoind masternode list pubkey​

The command above lists just the public key. Does anyone know a way for me to query for pubkey, vin, lastseen, activeseconds, version, etc.? Multiple queries may be necessary and that's fine but I would need a way to link them together.

I can see IP:pORT is a logical link but my understanding is that data will be going away. I think pubkey and vin will be enough for now but any more information is appreciated.

Thank you all.
dashd masternode list full
dashd masternode list help
for more commands.
That's for testnet release :wink:

Mainnet currently supports 'active', 'vin', 'pubkey', 'lastseen', 'activeseconds', 'rank', 'protocol' only

PS. 'rank' is a heavy one, avoid using it for now (already fixed in next testnet release)
so sorry, too much on testnet :)
wish to see it live on main net soon :)

I really like to run 11.2.x on mainnet as litemode wallet :) really impressive :)
Ah, very interesting! Thank you so much for your responses. I would love to see the full option in mainnet. Until then, I'll find another way to get the data I need.
dashd masternode list full is working for me on main with 11.2.16.
yep, some posts here become outdated so fast.... :rolleyes:
so now you can also use "dashd help masternodelist" to get some description (note: it's not accurate in few places however, will be fixed soon)

EDIT: fixed typo :wink:
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yep, some posts here become outdated so fast.... :rolleyes:
so now you can also use "dasd help masternodelist" to get some description (note: it's not accurate in few places however, will be fixed soon)

Very nice. I see you have trouble spelling dashd too :tongue: