Each user only gets 5 votes per proposal. If you have already voted what you can do is check if your votes are in questions with more than 10 votes. If they are, you can withdraw them and vote other question that is below 10 votes.
At the moment we are at 55 followers and we need 60, but in reality we are gonna need more than that. The second requisite is to have 40 questions with at least 10 votes and we only have 18 at this moment. We are not getting votes from people who don't follow our proposal, so at 5 votes per follower we need a minimum of 80 followers to get those 400 votes. Some people have not voted or will vote to proposals with more than 10, so probably it will be more in the field of 90 followers to pass to the next phase.
In the next phase we will need at least 200 committing to this and at least 100 of them will need some reputation (200 points) in, at least, one other stack exchange site. Those who already follow the proposal and have already vote can start working on that. Find a site you know about and post. To gain reputation you need votes, so if you leave links here others can help accelerate the process