whenever anyone, no matter how professional starts a new venture that nobody has ever done before there are going to be crash and burn moments. That does not mean they are not acting professionally. It means they have major challenges to overcome. Consider Elon Musk with his spaceX campaigns. He lost 3 giant rockets and blew nearly all his money on the program. Does that make Elon Musk unprofessional? Elon Musk was also self taught for building rockets - something that could be classed as being totally unsuitable for him. But Elon had positive intentions, learnt from the mistakes and moved on to eventually solve these issues and now he has a world class rocket business that can out compete every rocket company in the world for price including NASA's own program.
Edison is reputed to have tried 10,000 different ways to create a lightbulb and when someone said to him he had failed Edison replied "no, I've found 10,000 ways in which the light bulb does not work" What would have happened if Edison just gave up? I would have imagined that the sponsors of Edison at the time might have started thinking he was wasting their money. I wonder however if those same people now consider it a waste?
I know also in my career I've had very challenging times were my project was not working where things did not work out as I had planned. But by gathering the data, analysing it and working out a new way I eventually solved all those problems. In fact what I learned was often the problem was pointing me in the right direction for the solution but I just did not see it at the time. What counts is if someone is learning and adapting to those problems and actively working on fixing them. What counts is that we learn from them and adapt from them.
In order for us to have a chance to solve the problems faced with this project we need to first list all the problems that need to be solved and then see if we can find solutions to each of those problems. Then we need to state specifically ideally how would we want this program to work. If it was working perfectly how would that look like?
I am going to list the problems to be solved with the project here. If anyone can add to this list please feel free. We want to list as many problems and issues as possible so that we have them all out on the table so that we know what we are actually dealing with.
1. We are unable to validate for certain the recipient's identity as being unique. They could be one, or a small group of people that are claiming the free dash.
2. We don't know if a fraudulent user has access to a large number of SIM cards from a source and using those or not. SIM's are the unique record source for validation.
3. Once claimed the recipients are not using their DASH because:
a) they might not know what to do with the DASH
b) are keeping it as a speculative investment hoping the price of DASH will go up.
4. Due to the scale of the project validating of the large number of transactions is a challenge because it is being done fully manually.
5. There are questions as to where the DASH is going and how it is distributed. How much is going to the project owner (if any) and how much is going to recipients.
6. In addition to the above issues I see the other issues that need to be solved are data protection laws that must be adhered to when storing and processing information about people e.g. names, addresses, telephone numbers etc. We need to ensure this project complies with those data protection laws.
I will wait for replies to see what other issues / problems are with this project so that we have everything on the table first before we start considering possible solutions to these problems.
You seem to have missed the saying "The road to hell is paved with good intentions".
Yes, that statement can be true but it is also true to say "nothing ventured, nothing gained" So which one is more true?
Do we want this project to have a chance of success? If so I think we have more chance of that if we try and at least find solutions to the issues on the project. If we cannot find solutions to all the issues then we would have to re-assess the project and see if there is another way to achieve the same results but without the issues we are facing on this project.