Get public key from an address


Active member
Hi I want to know how to get the public key from an address on the console. I see ```importpubkey``` but I would need something more like a list or getpubkey.
Anyway to get an uncompress address:
coind@s01:~ $ dash-cli validateaddress XbbvfoNAxJXZPm4Ve8NcAhdBCG9yhkAfwp
"isvalid": true,
"address": "XbbvfoNAxJXZPm4Ve8NcAhdBCG9yhkAfwp",
"scriptPubKey": "76a9140a0a156e037c712b8192f1b766968b425053cf8988ac",
"ismine": true,
"iswatchonly": false,
"isscript": false,
"pubkey": "022c79e7699ebb6c07afdcdfeb1aac03ce4707f0c2628bcbef86b93e2e6b97d69f",
"iscompressed": true,
"account": ""
I get an iscompressed true.
I think the compressed public key are not taken by electrum when creating a multi-sig wallet.
I think the compressed public key are not taken by electrum when creating a multi-sig wallet.
Electrum is asking you for master public key i.e. the one that start with xpub. I guess it then derives addresses from both your and cosigner master pubkey in parallel to create each next multisig address but do not quote me for that :)

If you need a single multisig address for a single set of addresses/pubkeys - use "addmultisigaddress" rpc in Dash Core instead.