Yesterday I tried to send a small amount of Dash to an address I was given by a friend through a Jaxx wallet I was holding dash.
You can find the transaction here:
This transaction has never been confirmed. You can see on the blockexplorer that there is an Unknown Hash.
I am 99% sure the address I sent to was valid. My friend has sent me a screenshot and QR code of the receiving address.
I thought maybe the transaction was frozen so I have followed this explanation here
So, when I do
Has anybody experienced a similar error, or know a solution to the problem?
You can find the transaction here:
This transaction has never been confirmed. You can see on the blockexplorer that there is an Unknown Hash.
I am 99% sure the address I sent to was valid. My friend has sent me a screenshot and QR code of the receiving address.
I thought maybe the transaction was frozen so I have followed this explanation here
So, when I do
in my QT wallet I get a message that there is no information available about transaction (code -5).getrawtransaction 7ff8a07015cb767e578809364d20b2ac06be1b9c9fd9039c6710433f50b32569
Has anybody experienced a similar error, or know a solution to the problem?