To quote Andreas Antonopolous "...I think absolute certainty is the behavior of a fool...You have to be quite selfish [or quite arrogant] to believe that you can make firm predictions or have opinion with certainty in an area that is so vast & complex..." (
You've demonstrated your level of ignorance of software development. We call it a prototype because it is a prototype. It is NOT v1 of Evolution. Who claimed this video was v1 of Evolution? I don't remember claiming that. This thread is entitled "...Demo #1" because it is a
demonstration using a prototype of the v1 full-stack design using mocked (simulated) data on a local machine with a number of Dash evolution repositories built together produced by multiple teams within Dash Core Group, Inc. Prototypes are intended to be reviewed and help to prove things. I believe it's generally referenced in scientific communities as "R & D" - wherein "research" means " search again [through ideas, successes, & failures]..." implying goal-driven experimentation, and "development" - meaning, colloquially, "make shit work".
Not sure what behavior you're referencing that indicates: 1) poor "self awareness", 2) Hyperbolic self-belief of "bigger fishness", 3) "Ivory tower-likeness", 4) disconnection from reality, 5) "living in a bubble" implication, 6) going off the rails, and 7) enemy-making.
@camosoul, maybe if you can give me some specific examples of the above behaviors then we can help to connect with whatever reality you're trying to describe?
This message itself is an example...
At no point did I say this demo video is V1. That is your own contrivance.
My level of understanding of software development is no less or more than the development cycle of any other product; extensive. Software is not an "only ones" market that can be understood exclusively by fellow software developers... R&D is what I do. It's my life. I have a breadth if experience sufficiently vast and detailed that I can apply it to damn near anything.
Now, if you're done with the name-calling and dick-measuring, can you please address the matter at hand instead if thes distraction tactics designed to get likes from fanboys?
There are several tidbits of information that suggest DASH is abandoning it's interest in privacy. I could provide them all, but it would be quite long. Instead of pointing out every little detail in an obnoxious pick-apart that can easilly be labeled as trolling, again, I'd prefer to ask the questions directly:
1) Is DASH abandoning PrivateSend?
2) Is MN blinding, or something better such as an internal onion routing system, ever to be done?
3) What happened to the dead change fix?
The questions themselves play to the examples, as they request a solid response to replace the current hints...
We've not heard much for a year. The attitude and direction seem to have changed dramatically. Many of us are trying to get a fix on where this train is going.
I can predict, with absolute certainty and accuracy, that 2 plus 2 will always, absolutely, equal 4. Regardless the complexity of the equation, if all the values and conditions are the same, the outcome will be the same.
As anyone concerned with the direction of a project they care about, correlaries to past experience are made to assure success. In a vacuum of data, FUD takes root. I ask you to eliminate that vacuum by providing facts. What I, or anyone else, chooses to extrapolate or correlate, will depend on our in experience with similar equations found through life experience. Those with limited experience have limited capacity to make future-looking decisions, and refer to those with a greater capacity as "lucky" or "foolish." As with sufficiently advanced technology, it can appear as magic when sufficiently experienced persons manage to "predict" with near flawless accuracy... Regardless of the write-off terminology used, it denotes a lack of accountability on the part of the speaker when such terminology is used. I really don't care your opinion on the topic of "prediction." "OMG, he predicted that 2 + 2 = 4, again! He gets it right every single time!! It's fuckin' magic!" Call me names if you want. Quote someone else to call me names by proxy. I don't care. The point is that this detour has left the questions unanswered... Reminds me of talking to a woman.
Regardless of your own predictive capacity, or your opinion of mine; future-looking decisions become difficult to make in a vacuum of fact. Calling my capacity for such into question may be a fun way to deride and gain cheers from zealots (very Trump-esque), but I am not so easilly distracted. I ask you to fill that vacuum of fact, rather than leave me, us, to rely on speculation of hair-splitting details and presumptive contrivance which may have perfectly understandable and non-conspiratorial reasons for being so, yet, at the moment, appear to add up to trouble... Why not replace this with solid statements of fact and intent? Why leave us to wonder and guess based on hints? And then call names at those who want such, instead of just
believing that "It's gonna be great!"
Unless, of course, the honest answers to these questions are known to you as things we, I, do not want to hear... But there, again, I am speculating. Wouldn't it be nice if I had a better option than riddle-guided speculation? I know full-well that such is limited in it's usefulness. I don't need you to point that out. The whole point is that I want it clarified because we both agree on this matter.
The many hints need not be detailed if the questions those hints bring about are asuaged.
So, I ask you to do so. No need to dig into every little nit I could pick, and use that to shit-talk and distract while still not answering the questions... None of it matters if the questions raised by it are answered.
Perhaps I've grown accustomed to speculation and inquiries being ignored. Speculation being the only tool at my disposal, and antagonism being a way to pry information from those ignoring direct inquiry...