Behold, SMUT - Simple Masternode Update Tool!
It's *very* simple!
Get it here: !
Latest version: SMUTv45
Start from a terminal with 'python'
For those of you who hate the CLI but have no problem typing stuff into a GUI! Probably wont work on Windows, I have no idea! You may need to pip install urllib2 and pxssh!
It works for me! Feel free to try it!
Create a textfile called masternodes.txt and put in it your MN wallet address and corresponding IP, separated by a space. Have as many MNs in there as you like.
Then start darkcoind either yourself or you can start it from within the About tab! You may need to give darkcoind a minute to sync up and sort itself out. If you are running your QT wallet already, you'll be syced but you'll have to shut down the QT wallet before you start darkcoind!
Click Felch! Wonder at the result!
For updating, enter your username, serverIP and password. The app should get the download link for you from (that's what the two second startup delay is!) but if not, or if hasn't been updated to the latest version yet, enter it yourself! When you have entered all the details, click Update, and start drinking!
If you are experiencing bugs, try a mosquito net!

It's *very* simple!

Latest version: SMUTv45
Start from a terminal with 'python'
For those of you who hate the CLI but have no problem typing stuff into a GUI! Probably wont work on Windows, I have no idea! You may need to pip install urllib2 and pxssh!
sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install urllib2
sudo pip install pxssh
sudo pip install anything else it complains is missing!
It works for me! Feel free to try it!
Create a textfile called masternodes.txt and put in it your MN wallet address and corresponding IP, separated by a space. Have as many MNs in there as you like.
Xmn;klvj90867anLiobhiapd7yp9q3 23.456.78.910
etc. (Yes, I know those aren't valid IP addresses!)
Then start darkcoind either yourself or you can start it from within the About tab! You may need to give darkcoind a minute to sync up and sort itself out. If you are running your QT wallet already, you'll be syced but you'll have to shut down the QT wallet before you start darkcoind!
Click Felch! Wonder at the result!
For updating, enter your username, serverIP and password. The app should get the download link for you from (that's what the two second startup delay is!) but if not, or if hasn't been updated to the latest version yet, enter it yourself! When you have entered all the details, click Update, and start drinking!
If you are experiencing bugs, try a mosquito net!
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