Foundation Board meeting question


Foundation Member
Now that the Foundation is setup, when is the next meeting and what format will that meeting be in? Will we have some sort of live streaming or a video recording of the meeting available for the public?
Thanks for being the first to write here!!

We will probably have a meeting next week, but the final date is not final yet. We will try to have a regular schedule so everyone can follow. This will be one of the things to be discussed in the next one. Aside of the meetings, we are in constant contact over email, so most of the things happen between meetings.

We usually hold them over skype or any other conference call service. We haven't recorded any of the previous ones and we are not planning to do that just yet. That level of transparency would be great, but it also would bring some problems: nobody speaks as openly when being recorded as when not, meetings would be much longer and formal because all mentions to things not treated in the meeting (like emails) would have to be explained so the viewers would understand, some plans for the future could be ruined if disclosed too early... some of those things could be solved with some video/audio editing, but that would be a big task by itself :)

We do, however, publish the minutes of the meetings so you can all know what we are up to. Up until know the procedure has been to approve the minute of the previous meeting as first thing in the next one. Depending on the schedule of meetings we decide upon, we may change that to have them approved and shared faster. More on this after the next meeting.
Sound great fernando
i was wondering as well how the meeting would run if you knew 950 people were watching you online.
I think you guys should do this step by step (do NOT overtake yourself)
transparency will grow on you and us.
This needs a bit of time but sure a video conference will be on the horizon (sooner or later) ....>
I think firstly we should do the meetings which does not go live.
If there is a need we should firstly decide who will take part and what aspects should be talked before going live.
I can say that I'd take my part in the meetings but I don't feel I could do that if the meeting is on live stream yet.
Thanks for the explanation. I do hope that sometime in the future these meetings would be open to the public (live stream) and held in a formal meeting format. I think this level of transparency would help to show professionalism to potential investors.
Not a member, but if you wish to cover the public/private angle then a transcript or notes about the important points could be made public after the private meeting.
Sound great fernando
i was wondering as well how the meeting would run if you knew 950 people were watching you online.
I think you guys should do this step by step (do NOT overtake yourself)
transparency will grow on you and us.
This needs a bit of time but sure a video conference will be on the horizon (sooner or later) ....>
If there were 950 members watching (so many more registered, meeting are not that fun!!) I think I'd be dancing like a maniac :) But you are right, we need to manage expectations and avoid promising things that we are not prepared to fulfill yet. Public multisigs are our first step in the total transparency road, but we'll advance more towards that in the future.
Not a member, but if you wish to cover the public/private angle then a transcript or notes about the important points could be made public after the private meeting.
That is what we want to achieve with the publication of the minutes in the website (About > Meetings), but I agree that we need to do it faster than the next meeting.
On a side note, I would like to start printing some Darkcoin signs to go staple around my city. If everyone started doing this (maybe something like an objective of at least 1 poster a week per member… Then all of a sudden for a very low distributed cost Darkcoin posters would start appearing all over the world. With updates to designs of posters, people will start noticing that there are different posters of Darkcoin, then eventually people will start to recognize the symbol and the name in their unconscious… When we have planted the seeds in the unconscious, the tree will grow in consciousness...
If we could have some designers like Enzwell and others like Raze etc. distribute pre-made Darkcoin posters files on Darkcoin Talk, we could start today. For fun, we could have a thread dedicated to bragging about how many posters we posted this week :) With pictures of our exploits? Go Darkcoin! Imagine how cool it would be to go somewhere to put one up and to find that someone beat you to it… That would really be awesome.
A easy model would be to get participating masternoders to donate a percentage of their profits to the Darkcoin Foundation. I also think if everyone starts supporting the foundation and we initially provide it with enough to create the base and pillar for accumulation of masternodes, you know something like 1 node goes to support the project, the other node to increase the resources in the first node group… In this sense, it would be extremely beneficial in my opinion to strategically encourage masternode operators to donate a large amount now, an excessive large amount.

Let me explain, because the foundation is new and is so vital for the world, it is vital that we allocate maximum resources to its implementation, which means funding. I propose to the members of the board, that you encourage us to give a high percentage now and for the first few years, a high percentage maybe even 50 % of what we make on our nodes if we decide to participate. Then, when the foundation is strong, well funded with operating nodes, when the Darkcoin brand has gone up the chart, maybe the foundation can arrange for us to be some kind of MIP's have a office somewhere, take us out to dinner sometimes or something like that… For life. :) Hahaha, wanted to add a little humour there because of the lifetime memberships, I liked that part…

Most importantly:

I think it would be great publicity to have an office with a cool sign, thats for sure, you know… something like a stone carved sign on a wall with the words Darkcoin engraved in it behind a waterfall veil covering the whole wall. Get some nice colourful spot lights, green and pink to illuminate the sign and the ripples on the water… That would be nice for the media and a good place to do press releases. :) If were going to talk the talk, we need to walk the walk.

If we do something like this we will have invested a lot in the foundation in the end, we will basically have funded the foundation through the community and then given the community back the channel for action and the very possibility of all this itself with Evan, Holder and all the newer Devs, so cool ( this I would see as an investment in lifestyle rather than a donation, so it would be important for the foundation to let us know that we are making a smart investment… Don't worry, I already have faith it would be more for others lol)

This would show true commitment and organization, strategic, smart, I would be willing to sacrifice a part of my personal wealth now to help Darkcoin and I'm sure others would see the wonder in such a strategy, true organization. It would also clearly establish the Foundation as a strong and trusted channel for our efforts when we really need to focus our intention and resources on specific goals.

I'm also not saying for ever… hahaha, I'd like to get all my earnings from masternodes one day :) But what I am saying is maybe for a couple years?

You know what would be so cool! If there were different levels of commitment and you got a title depending on your commitment for the MIP funding period. Something like this, if you donate 50% of 1 node for X years you become a baron, 2 nodes a count, 3 a prince, 4 a king, all of a sudden we have a Darkcoin royal court :) Powerful stuff... Hahaha, I have all these original ideas today…

Darkcoin Baron
Darkcoin Prince
Darkcoin Count

I know that last part sounds a little funny, but realize it or not when Darkcoin becomes what it will become you will basically have the resources of royalty, so in that sense it would be really funny to look back at these moments… look back and say, damn I wish I had bought more coins then and gotten a title… Hahaha, I don,t know if you guys already have planned financing after this first round but creating an honorary Dark brotherhood recognition court system could be an idea that would be fun I think… Definitely funny, it would have to be dependent on fulfilling the financing obligations of course, if nothing else it would probably work, you would be surprised how much people would pay for a title even if it is only honorary ;)
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It would make sense to have the option to support the Darkcoin Currency with a direct easy in wallet donation option. A easy model would be to get participating masternoders to donate a percentage of their profits to the Darkcoin Foundation. I also think if everyone starts supporting the foundation and we initially provide it with enough to create the and pillar for accumulation of masternodes, you know something like 1 node goes to support the project, the other node to increase the resources in the first node group… In this sense, it would be extremely beneficial in my opinion to strategically encourage masternode operators to donate a large amount now, an excessive large amount.

Let me explain, because the foundation is new and is so vital for the world, it is vital that we allocate maximum resources to its implementation, which means funding. I propose to the members of the board, that you encourage us to give a high percentage now and for the first few years, a high percentage maybe even 50 % of what we make on our nodes if we decide to participate. Then, when the foundation is strong, well funded with operating nodes, when the Darkcoin brand is strong and bright, maybe the foundation can arrange for us to be some kind of MIP's have a lounge somewhere, take us out to dinner sometimes or something like that… For life. :) Hahaha, wanted to add a little humour there because of the lifetime memberships, I liked that part…
After all we will have invested a lot in the foundation in the end, we will basically have funded the foundation through the community and then given the community back the channel for action and the very possibility of all this itself with Evan, Holder and all the newer Devs, so cool ( this I would see as an investment in lifestyle rather than a donation, so it would be important for the foundation to let us know that we are making a smart investment… Don't worry, I already have faith it would be more for others lol)

This would show true commitment and organization, strategic, smart, I would be willing to sacrifice a part of my personal wealth now to help Darkcoin and I'm sure others would see the wonder in such a strategy, true organization. It would also clearly establish the Foundation as a strong and trusted channel for our efforts when we really need to focus our intention and resources on specific goals.

I am "following" you ....>

good thinking
we talked about this before (i was as well ready to have % of my MN payments go straight to the foundation)
evan posted regarding this and said it can not be implemented !
same with and extra donation button in the wallet ! there are really more pressing developments to be taken care off and for now it is all abbout
- regular donations to the foundation (they have it all set up)
- sign for life (100 DRK ) and consider that a donation (that's what I did)
Ok get ready guys I just had another cool idea for marketing Darkcoin… :)

So I was thinking specifically, how do we target the crypto crowd? (you know target audience basic stuff…) I was thinking what is the advantage of being early here? That first marketing attempts can be focused on easily manageable targets, what I mean here is because crypto is still small it is easy to know who is most active in it.

In this sense what I propose is that as a community we identify all the current major actors in crypto. Then what we do is order a bunch of cheap usb chips, have the logo painted on them during manufacturing, then load them up with a client and 1 DRK, or whatever amount… Then we mail them to the major players with a nice letter explaining Darkcoin and inviting them to join the fun :)

That was the first idea, then it got better, lets send the USB with the logo and no coin on it :) That way if they want the coin they can load up the client from the USB, email the foundation and the foundation after providing answers for all questions regarding DRK and establishing direct email contact with the major players, effectively bypassing all gatekeepers in 1 move, effectively goes birds and stone analogy… Also if some chips don't get activated the foundation retains the coins that would be lost, effectively making this option more efficient. There are probably only a few hundred major players in crypto right now, we could start with them… Write out the letters directly addressed to them personally, mention in the letter that we specifically have recognized their importance and would value their presence and experience on the adventure… that kind of thing…

If we want to start by just sending letters we can do that too, but I think the act of loading the client will be like a hook, we mention the Darksend feature, they want to check it out in the wallet, then they will want to see some coin in it if its free :) Free usually gets them… And that would be a cheap price for the community to pay for such a potentially huge return on investment if we get even 1 of the hundreds of players to respond, imagine hundreds! In a sense, the foundation itself, as its contacts and support ''network'' gets bigger and bigger will become an effective community node in itself if a slightly different one than our personal masternodes.

It would be cool to start having more physical things with the Darkcoin logo on them and additionally the foundation could operate a little store on their website and sell promotional products like the USB chips with preloaded clients (just cool to have DRK chips) and T- Shirts and pens...
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Because TV is prohibitively expensive although we eventually want to get there… In the mean time I think we should have a few commercials for Darkcoin on Youtube if anyone is good at acting, who knows it might make you a star :)

Use the basics, humour, sensation (emotions), or sex as the framework of the commercial, even better use all three and it should be effective. If the commercials are really good that would obviously help, 1 good commercial strategy can make a company, think AXE. It would be awesome if when people type Darkcoin on Youtube that some effective marketing pops up and hits them fast and hard. This is necessary to backup a poster campaign, they see the poster, then go check it out on google, it links them to youtube-marketing, the website-information(link to the commercials on youtube), DCT, the foundation website, etc… And we welcome them to a better world :)
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r-ando I know you just let yourself go and that is great, but let's try to keep the threads on focus. This thread was about board meetings, we should not talk marketing darkcoin here because most people won't see it. If we don't keep threads on topic we will turn this into bitcointalk. If you start a thread about marketing ideas in the general forum we can all discuss them there. Regarding the ideas for the foundation, this is the right place, but please start new threads for different things :)
r-ando I know you just let yourself go and that is great, but let's try to keep the threads on focus. This thread was about board meetings, we should not talk marketing darkcoin here because most people won't see it. If we don't keep threads on topic we will turn this into bitcointalk. If you start a thread about marketing ideas in the general forum we can all discuss them there. Regarding the ideas for the foundation, this is the right place, but please start new threads for different things :)

Sounds good fernando! :)
Do we have a time and venue for the first meeting? This is probably the first thing that needs to be settled. That and the agenda. Oh, and some general security protocols would be a good idea. I don't mind showing my face (ugly as it is;-) but I would hope we could be reasonably sure any record would be deleted after we were done. In all these kinds of things my intuitions and hunches far out-pace my technical prowess. I try to stay away from all things Google for all but the most trivial matters. What about a vpn?

As far as use of funds goes I would like hear thoughts on what may be considered a radical proposal, but has its roots in common sense and good business practice:

At this point in its development the DRK ecosystem/economy is almost totally dependent on Evan, and to a lesser extent the other developers. The loss of Evan at this point in time would deal an almost fatal blow to the project. Even without waxing conspiratorial, we need to recognize that accidents do happen. Given his (and presumably the other major developers) youth, lifestyle, and health, and the foundation's clear insurable interest--a 10 year level term life insurance policy of one million dollars (or more?) on Evan, and lesser amounts on the other major developers, could be obtained quiet reasonably.

The foundation would be the beneficiary with the stipulation that the directors would use the funds exclusively to hire replacements for Evan, should the unthinkable happen. If Evan has a wife and children or other dependents (aging parents), an additional amount/policy should be procured for their care, and in gratitude for Evan's work on behalf of us all.

Since this would be paid for on an annual basis, It should only be the first year which represents even a minimal strain on the foundations resources, and this would be minimal in relation to the security it would afford. A quick google found 1.5 million dollar, 10 year term policies on 40 year old men available for well under $50/month. Such a pittance would not only secure DRK's future, but would be a statement of gratitude to Evan and the other developers, as well as showing the world how much we value him/them.

What think ye all?
My answer to that strix is please think positive not negative. Do your sell insurance lol? Destroying records...Why are you planning or imagining stuff that could happen to Evan, haven't you heard of the power of visualization? Here we try to make that work for us not against us.

I'm sure Evan is a big boy and can take care of himself. We don't have to worry about his health or his health insurance policy and maybe we can wait for him to let us know himself if that becomes an issue…. Private life and all…imo. I'm not kidding about visualizing positive stuff, its better to put your energy into positive thoughts. Here watch this if you have some spare time:

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