Forced to start my MN again?


New member
Hi there, I have been running my masternode for 10 weeks consecutively, no down time. I am on the latest version and was due to get a payment soon as I was in top 10%, then I checked status on my MN and it said start from hardware wallet, but I silly restarted with dashman/dashman restart and lost my spot in queue and now no payment and was forced to start again? Is that normal? Now I have to wait an extra 8 to 9 days to get paid again? :S
Hi there. I think you are confusing two different types of restart.

Restarting from dashman should not affect your position in the queue, because you will only have a couple of minutes of downtime. It literally just closes and restarts the Dash daemon, dashd. However, if the status said NEW_START_REQUIRED, then it would have been (theoretically) impossible for you to be in the queue in the first place. In that case, you would need to send a start command from the hardware wallet, which will reset your queue position.

In general, it's best to check your status from both the masternode itself and another node on the network. DMT can help you do this.

You can read more about masternode states here:
That's what I got. NEW_START_REQUIRED Prior to this my queue position was 300ish/48xx and I didn't get sent dash before it went from enabled to new start required :/ that's why I was confused why it changed suddenly out of no where when I was due to be paid.