europound Member Feb 13, 2018 #1 Can I reuse one and the same {masternode genkey} for multiple masternodes?
strophy Administrator Staff member Dash Core Group Dash Support Group Feb 14, 2018 #2 only if they are not running simultaneously
europound Member Feb 14, 2018 #3 what if master nodes are running inside dockers and each has its own ip?
thephez Active member Dash Core Group Feb 15, 2018 #4 No, masternodes verify each other using a combination of things including IP address and messages signed using the key. If 2 attempt to use the same key with different IPs it will cause issues.
No, masternodes verify each other using a combination of things including IP address and messages signed using the key. If 2 attempt to use the same key with different IPs it will cause issues.