February 2016 Budget Proposal


Core Developer
It’s that time again, here are the budget proposals for this month. We’ve been working hard to invest resources as efficiently as possible. Budget allocation during Q1 looks like we are finishing up with several important investments we have done like our new dash.org domain among others. It is amazing to see how much we have accomplished since the budget system started. We are very excited about the future.

Many good things came from Miami, specially the opportunity for Dash to participate in the Satoshi Roundtable for the first time ever and we are hoping the community will support this important meeting. The most exciting thing about it is that it is and invite only event and it feels great for people to start recognizing the value of our project and giving us the opportunity to explain what we are doing at the highest levels in the industry.

We have other very important projects on the works that we will publish for discussion ahead of time and will probably submit for vote starting Q2 to continue with the good momentum the project is having.

Previous Items:

  1. Core Team Budget - 1,174 DASH (ongoing)
  2. Public Awareness Campaign - 2,226 DASH (ongoing) (Please see the Michael Terpin - Transform.PR new project below.)
  3. Dash.org domain acquisition - 2,100 DASH (payment #3 of 4)
  4. Liquidity Providers - 121 DASH (payment #3 of 12)
  5. Dash-Lamassu ATM Integration - 610 DASH (payment #2 of 12)
  6. Transform PR - Michael Terpin - 1,100 DASH (payment #3 of 3)

New Proposal Items:

Dash Satoshi Roundtable Participation


One of the best things that came out of Bitcoin Miami, was an invitation to the Satoshi Roundtable. For those of you that are unaware, the Satoshi Roundtable is an invitation only event that helps those very close to the Bitcoin project to organize and talk about some of the most pressing issues that are happening in the space. We’re really happy to be invited to this event and get some time to chat with the Bitcoin core developers, along with talking to large stakeholders in the Bitcoin ecosystem. Building these relationships will be critical to our long term success as a currency and project. You can see a list of this year’s attendees here:


From the core team, Daniel Diaz and Evan Duffield will be attending the event. The participation cost is $2450 per person ($4900 total), then flights $440 for Evan and $660 for Daniel.

Due to the full budget we’ll be spreading out the reimbursement for this over two months.

A special thanks goes to Michael Terpin for helping us get this amazing opportunity for Dash.

mnbudget vote 7871fdf6e916c54b725a389cc2b8bc7e63d513b227a9fa7d857d5c00b23c2354 yes

February Budget:

Note: USD conversion assumes $4.18 as of January 28th, 2016 for new budgets. Old budgets use the exchange rate at the time of creation. Exchange risk is carried only by the proposer of the budget proposal and not by the network.
Nice, revoted yes, voted earlier no because no title or explanation.

Quick question: With the nice appreciation that Dash has seen lately, how are fixed-cost projects handled? For instance, $X was needed as reimbursement for the acquisition of the dash.org domain name, but the coins per month was calculated back when the price of Dash was lower. This will result in the project receiving more dollars than is needed for completion.


Quick question: With the nice appreciation that Dash has seen lately, how are fixed-cost projects handled? For instance, $X was needed as reimbursement for the acquisition of the dash.org domain name, but the coins per month was calculated back when the price of Dash was lower. This will result in the project receiving more dollars than is needed for completion.

Per Evan above:
"Exchange risk is carried only by the proposer of the budget proposal and not by the network."
Just a guess, but if we've got honest operators around here, when there's a DASH surplus at project completion (as yet undisbursed from the blockchain), the proposer should return unused funds in DASH to help cover for when there are budgetary shortfalls in other proposals (but this is difficult to enforce). A $ surplus could be viewed as a reward for bearing the exchange rate risk.

Obviously the bigger problem is with a $ shortfall. If there's a significant slide in the DASH/USD price, and the treasurer for a critical project is unable to hedge, he/she may have to come back with a second proposal, detailing the extent of the budgetary shortfall. Then the masternodes can vote again whether to continue funding the project.
"No brainer" for this month's budget is an understatement.

Price appreciation is a very valid argument. I only wonder if the same argument would be put forth if such appreciation declined since DGbB's inception.
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That Roundtable is amazingly exciting !
Dash will be finally sitting at the Pro Crypto Table
and who better to send than Evan + Daniel !!
(tx to Michael Teprin for the hook up !)
I wouldn't praise Terpin too much for this to be honest.

Look at the previous attendants. They've had Mastercoin devs there and some lower profile folks you never heard of. 50 people is a lot of people and it's not like the entry is free of charge. http://satoshiroundtable.org/

They pitch this exclusivity thing but it's not that exclusive really. Check their 2015 list. Lots of low profile folks like people from Storj. Storj is below 2mil mkt cap coin, so is Mastercoin whose devs were also present. Of course they'd want to have Dash there, a top 5 coin with lots of innovative features.

We didn't need Terpin for this. Dash could have easily got in without his help.

That being said, something positive can come out of this for sure. Some VCs could be convinced to put some money into Dash.
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I wouldn't praise Terpin too much for this to be honest.

Look at the previous attendants. They've had Mastercoin devs there and some lower profile folks you never heard of. 50 people is a lot of people and it's not like the entry is free of charge. http://satoshiroundtable.org/

They pitch this exclusivity thing but it's not that exclusive really. Check their 2015 list. Lots of low profile folks like people from Storj. Storj is below 2mil mkt cap coin, so is Mastercoin whose devs were also present. Of course they'd want to have Dash there, a top 5 coin with lots of innovative features.

We didn't need Terpin for this. Dash could have easily got in without his help.

That being said, something positive can come out of this for sure. Some VCs could be convinced to put some money into Dash.

True that it's probably not quite as exclusive as it's billed, but that doesn't mean Terpin wasn't instrumental in setting it up. There will definitely be some very influential people there...I look forward to seeing what comes of it.
I wouldn't praise Terpin too much for this to be honest.

Look at the previous attendants. They've had Mastercoin devs there and some lower profile folks you never heard of. 50 people is a lot of people and it's not like the entry is free of charge. http://satoshiroundtable.org/

They pitch this exclusivity thing but it's not that exclusive really. Check their 2015 list. Lots of low profile folks like people from Storj. Storj is below 2mil mkt cap coin, so is Mastercoin whose devs were also present. Of course they'd want to have Dash there, a top 5 coin with lots of innovative features.

We didn't need Terpin for this. Dash could have easily got in without his help.

That being said, something positive can come out of this for sure. Some VCs could be convinced to put some money into Dash.

woods woods woods
any links to back up that negativity ?
woods woods woods
any links to back up that negativity ?

I've been involved in other projects that hired his advertising agency. That's all I'll say on the matter. The results were mediocre to say the least.
I've been involved in other projects that hired his advertising agency. That's all I'll say on the matter. The results were mediocre to say the least.

you still can not compare that from one deal to the other
it depends a lot on the team/client behind to push them hard enough !
if you (as a team and client) do not do that, sure i can imagine that nothing happens
(lucky we are pushing :eek:)
I say no to the glorified fratboy party for Bitcoin Chieftains. What happened to distancing ourselves from bitcoin? There are other proposals I would rather see funded than this one.


These things seem to be frivolous, is that event really going to help Dash out? Or just give everyone ideas to add into BTC as they continue to act like we don't exist?
I say no to the glorified fratboy party for Bitcoin Chieftains. What happened to distancing ourselves from bitcoin? There are other proposals I would rather see funded than this one.

Good point. PITA Turd, the traitor of Crypto is going to be there. He smack talked DASH on Twitter and Reddit. He's actively trying to destroy Bitcoin with terrible design suggestions while being a BTC maximalist and now Evan and Daniel are going to meet him there? What's the possible gain from this holiday that can't be achieved by meeting Roger Ver and other relevant attendees in the course of this year? There's gonna be more productive crypto-related events than this during 2016.

BTW: Does this funding proposal include a life insurance? If Evan had a "boating accident" there and "disappeared" you think those BTC-Masters had nothing to gain from it? /conspiracy-mode
Good point. PITA Turd, the traitor of Crypto is going to be there. He smack talked DASH on Twitter and Reddit. He's actively trying to destroy Bitcoin with terrible design suggestions while being a BTC maximalist and now Evan and Daniel are going to meet him there? What's the possible gain from this holiday that can't be achieved by meeting Roger Ver and other relevant attendees in the course of this year? There's gonna be more productive crypto-related events than this during 2016.

BTW: Does this funding proposal include a life insurance? If Evan had a "boating accident" there and "disappeared" you think those BTC-Masters had nothing to gain from it? /conspiracy-mode

Sadly Evan would have to vote this down himself for it to not pass. Or Otoh I guess.

It's a dead argument but I honestly feel like this is a waste of the funds available. Completely. Noone is the BTC space wants to see BTC dethroned. They want to snatch ideas.
I say no to the glorified fratboy party for Bitcoin Chieftains. What happened to distancing ourselves from bitcoin? There are other proposals I would rather see funded than this one.

I guess you're referring to the Roundtable meeting.

The only real positive I can see for DASH is being more appreciated by some early Bitcoin adopters, which should result in them putting a portion of their savings into DASH. This in turn could have some positive side effects. Dash mkt cap would grow, which means the project would also grow. There'll be more money for proposals and so on. If some of these guys get into DASH big time, they will start mentioning DASH and advertise it to their friends, which would in turn create another snowball effect.
I guess you're referring to the Roundtable meeting.

The only real positive I can see for DASH is being more appreciated by some early Bitcoin adopters, which should result in them putting a portion of their savings into DASH. This in turn could have some positive side effects. Dash mkt cap would grow, which means the project would also grow. There'll be more money for proposals and so on. If some of these guys get into DASH big time, they will start mentioning DASH and advertise it to their friends, which would in turn create another snowball effect.

And if they only want to see BTC grow? I mean these guys are the top dogs in BTC.... why would they have any reason to stifle Bitcoins innovation by promoting something arguably better?