Evan Duffield vs Mark Zuckerberg

If Mark Zuckerberg owns 28% of all Facebook, what is the problem with Evan Duffield owning 3% of all Dash?

What is the problem with these social justice warriors constantly attacking Evan Duffield for mining so much Dash when it started?

If I created a coin, and it took me months or years of learning. I would mine the hell out of it, in fact I would pre-mine and tell the whole world.

I don't get it.
absolutely , i dont get why these crypto geeks get so angry , if u ask me i dont care if some one kept 50% of coins if its really kick ass one
The Creator of a coin, should be able to keep and hold whatever portion they like. If people don't like capitalism, perhaps they should move to Venezuela. Satoshi kept a lot of Bitcoin too. If people cared, or thought the creator of a product shouldn't get rich then they wouldn't invest in cryptos and they'd be missing the point, the guy created money, if you think he's not entitled to keep some of it, the you don't really understand property rights. Sorry for the rant, but I'm just so sick of people who hate those that have money. Rich people aren't the problem, it's the 'state power structure' behind them that's to blame. Hence the need for decentralized currency in the first place, or have people gone back to sleep and forgotten all about 2008!
absolutely , i dont get why these crypto geeks get so angry , if u ask me i dont care if some one kept 50% of coins if its really kick ass one

Evan Duffield should stand up and tell the whole world he created Dash: therefore he is entitled to X amount. And put all this stuff to rest once in for all.

I really hate internet tards in poloniex.com bad mouthing Evan Duffield. I don't see these idiots bad mouthing Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg for owning large portions of stock. Makes me so angry.
People also want to act like success guaranteed. This boat could of sank and it would of been worth nothing. Tolls are just sore they didn't have the foresight to buy in sooner. Or the vision to create something themselves.
Evan Duffield should stand up and tell the whole world he created Dash: therefore he is entitled to X amount. And put all this stuff to rest once in for all.

I really hate internet tards in poloniex.com bad mouthing Evan Duffield. I don't see these idiots bad mouthing Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg for owning large portions of stock. Makes me so angry.
He is NOT entitled to anything. But whatever he mined or bought is his, same as everyone else.
He is NOT entitled to anything. But whatever he mined or bought is his, same as everyone else.

Are you kidding? He was nice enough to give 97% of it away. Meanwhile Ripple owns 66% of XRP.

Entitled: believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment
Entitled: believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment
I agree with your point. But that is not the true definition of entitled. You shouldn't "google" words as you will return a spun definition. What you are describing is the unjust "feeling of entitlement". where as (entitled) is actually being inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.
I agree with your point. But that is not the true definition of entitled. You shouldn't "google" words as you will return a spun definition. What you are describing is the unjust "feeling of entitlement". where as (entitled) is actually being inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.

Sorry if that came out wrong, but this is something that's been bothering me for a while. Google define words with left leaning spin. Google the word fascism and this is what you get:.
  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
    synonyms: authoritarianism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, despotism, autocracy;More

    • (in general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.
Right wing? Most fascism throughout history has been carried out by socialism and communism which are both left leaning.

Webster says:
Definition of fascism
  1. 1often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

  2. 2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control.

Notice the difference or is it just me?
I am living in a socialist country and I know the value of equality. I think it is better for the Dash ecosystem if Evan possesses more coin, not less.
I applaud Evan for not defending himself and letting the code and market speak for itself. We are going a lot higher and excited to see many DOA within DASH eco system.
When Bitcoin was created Satoshi Nakamoto mined 1 Million bitcoins with other miners and this is what exactly what Evan did which he mined less than 1 Million.
If I bake a pie and give 97% of it away, am I not "entitled" to the other 3%? How do you define entitlement?
If I code a program that says no one has special privileges, then no one has special privileges. That's the way it should be, everyone plays by the same rules. Whatever he owns, he earned.
If I code a program that says no one has special privileges, then no one has special privileges. That's the way it should be, everyone plays by the same rules. Whatever he owns, he earned.
The creator gets the jump on mining early on, and acquires many coins very easily, I'd call that an advantage at least. Not breaking the rules, but a privilege that the creator inherently has. I think that is why people like to bitch. I agree that he still earned his coins either way, and as people are (entitled) to the things they earn, then yes he is absolutely entitled.
Guys, Evan didnt wrote Dash. Dash has been written by Satoshi and the rest Bitcoin developers, as long as Dash is a bitcoin fork.
What Evan did was to have a good idea, the budget System, and to write a relatively simple code in order to implement the Budget System.
Dash code is 99% Satoshi and 1% Evan.
But if we rate the ideas, the idea to vote the money (that Evan implemented) worths a lot, it is maybe the most valuable idea in the cryptocurrency ecosystem.
In adding my voice to this, I honestly think Evan hasn't done anything wrong.

I also feel it's important he owns more coins and not less. This will encourage him to put his all in the development of the coin.

Although Dash is a bitcoin fork, it was his idea to fork. So he deserves the coins he gets, if you don't like it, go and create your own coins and give everything away. Don't even own a single coin and you'll see how it feels playing Santa.