Error voting CGovernanceObject::ProcessVote -- Masternode voting too often


New member
I have a problem when making a vote,
note for vote use voteraw command**
proposal_test vote -> yes
change your mind proposed_test vote -> no
I get this error:
CGovernanceObject :: ProcessVote - Masternode voting too often
is there a certain time to vote again? and if so, what is it?

this is an image of the exception:

Yeah I get this too if I try to vote too frequently. The time is declared like so.
static const int64_t GOVERNANCE_UPDATE_MIN = 60 * 60;
I believe the units is in seconds, so it should mean you cannot vote more frequently than once an hour. The rationale for this could be that the votes are transported on the P2P layer only and never persist to the blockchain, they also incur no fee, so a bad actor could try to spam the network in order to prevent legitmate nodes from getting their votes through, so there is this rate limit on them.

Are you very uncertain about how to vote? You shouldn't be changing your mind about proposals that quickly, what is your use case?
Yeah I get this too if I try to vote too frequently. The time is declared like so.
static const int64_t GOVERNANCE_UPDATE_MIN = 60 * 60;
I believe the units is in seconds, so it should mean you cannot vote more frequently than once an hour. The rationale for this could be that the votes are transported on the P2P layer only and never persist to the blockchain, they also incur no fee, so a bad actor could try to spam the network in order to prevent legitmate nodes from getting their votes through, so there is this rate limit on them.

Are you very uncertain about how to vote? You shouldn't be changing your mind about proposals that quickly, what is your use case?
This comment is very true, wait an hour and I was able to vote again, I reached that problem in my use case due to the validations of the visual part of my application
This happened to me, I made a script

#/usr/bin/bash /home/darren-little/stuff/dash/dashcore-0.15.0/bin/dash-cli gobject vote-many REDACTED HASH funding no >> /home/darren-little/voteno.log

Then I had cronjob run the script every hour. I think it worked after the first hour.