Enlightened Post on /r/Bitcoin Worth Reading



Hi !

I saw this post on /r/Bitcoin where they are quaking in their boots over Ethereum taking over the 1st place spot in marketcap ranking which it seems about to do.

I thought this was a very poignant comment because it hits on the growth of the monetary ecosystem and how a 'base money' supply quickly grows into derivative platforms if it's successful. The poster points out that bitcoin's stagnation over development has prevented it from doing this much more than a lack of scaling.

Dash has a huge opening here because if its DAPI layer I would imagine. Not the same as a smart contract system but that will allow it to 'sprout' all the same.

I think it's worth reading !

Original link: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/6grmqv/i_hate_to_be_the_one_and_saying_this/


One might argue that improving on dash's governance is akin to bitcoin's block size debate. MNOs refusing all attempts to change the fee / structure; unwilling to compromise.
One might argue that improving on dash's governance is akin to bitcoin's block size debate. MNOs refusing all attempts to change the fee / structure; unwilling to compromise.

I fear that you are right. And with dashtreasury.org radicalising people it's not that hard to imagine a divide forming.
One might argue that improving on dash's governance is akin to bitcoin's block size debate. MNOs refusing all attempts to change the fee / structure; unwilling to compromise.

I also had such a feeling.

Granted, building a dash forum tipbot to collect 5DASH proposal fee is much easier than launching SegWit. And requires no permission :)
The main threat has been stagnation and the loss of innovation to another network. The main reason to want SegWit was not to increase capacity, that is just an added benefit. The main reason is to allow for progress to continue, to allow for new innovation, to allow for lightning network, for side chains, for smart contract platforms. Bitcoin is failing to add intrinsic value to the network by making it difficult for anyone to build upon it, to innovate using it, and to use it for anything beyond making simple currency transactions -- and even those are becoming difficult due to high fees which are also a result of this stagnation.

The thing that Dash is going to have is the distributed API (DAPI) and the cool thing about that is that it will enable mediocre developers like myself to get crazy innovative with business models without getting hung up with coding ICOs and smart contracts. "making simple currency transactions" is a killer app, and that is exactly what Dash is designed for.

Re: governance - the MNO network is an amorphous, opaque, yea/nea voting blob composed of people all over the world with differing motives, knowledge, skills, talent, energy and cultures. I think it is an entity that will be very conservative, especially in matters that touch on the Dash protocol. Evolution will probably be the last great change to Dash. Hopefully it will take us many years into the future.
be very conservative, especially in matters that touch on the Dash protocol

I've been having this dream of engineering Dash (picking on it because holding it) to be the money that makes trees and animals worth money for being alive. I think a first cut at it could be done by simply using Google Earth data and landsat data and whatever else and measure how green earth's lands are, and create new Dash to pay any land owners who sign up in direct proportion to how green their land is. The idea is to create a positive feedback loop by basically paying land owners to not cut down their trees. It would change Dash from a zero or slightly negative final inflation to positive and approximately constant year over year inflation. But the amount of new coins brought into circulation every year would remain about the same, and thus the percentage increase in the number of Dash in circulation would gradually drop to near zero. Plus, trees, and later on animals, get to live more. And it could be priced so that the national lands of, say, the USA, could entirely fund the cent gov budget (meaning good bye to the hated income tax).

I suppose an idea like this is by now pretty much out of the question for the MNO blob these days?
I've been having this dream of engineering Dash (picking on it because holding it) to be the money that makes trees and animals worth money for being alive. I think a first cut at it could be done by simply using Google Earth data and landsat data and whatever else and measure how green earth's lands are, and create new Dash to pay any land owners who sign up in direct proportion to how green their land is. The idea is to create a positive feedback loop by basically paying land owners to not cut down their trees. It would change Dash from a zero or slightly negative final inflation to positive and approximately constant year over year inflation. But the amount of new coins brought into circulation every year would remain about the same, and thus the percentage increase in the number of Dash in circulation would gradually drop to near zero. Plus, trees, and later on animals, get to live more. And it could be priced so that the national lands of, say, the USA, could entirely fund the cent gov budget (meaning good bye to the hated income tax).

I suppose an idea like this is by now pretty much out of the question for the MNO blob these days?

Pretty much out of the question at anytime I would say!

That said, creative thinking like yours is needed in a healthy eco system.

Maybe you should consider a fork of Dash and try it... :)