Enhanced Darkcoin Wallet UI

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Soooo glad you are working on this DRKLord!!! I love the fact that the coin is maturing to the point that we are focusing some effort beyond the functionality. The first draft is a huge improvement already, so I'm sure the final product will be great.

I'd like to inject an alternative mode of thinking into the discussion... we, as a community of crypto-currency geeks have a strong tendency to overvalue things like recent blocks found, network hashrates, next block difficulty, total blocks found, etc. But if our aim is mainstream adoption of our coin, 99% of users "don't care how the sausage is made, they just want to eat it." We need to value "white space" too, especially for our consumers. They want simple. They want clean. Think of Amazon's pay-now button. Or Apple's home button (the only button on the face of the phone). In my not-so-humble opinion, if we want to make our coin attractive to consumers and merchants, we need to keep the interface clean and easy to digest. No information that doesn't help them figure out how much money they have, and how to transact securely. If it takes a user more than about 10 seconds to read everything on the initial presentation layer, you have way too much on the page.

That said, I think having that stuff as an option is a great idea for "power users" like you and me. But make them options. Strip the whole upper right section down to "network health" and "peer connections". This helps a user understand if the network is up and running for them. Strip the lower left down to exchange rates and value for BTC value and USD (or other currency) value. Have the base currency selector there initially, but once you select USD, have it disappear and initiate a pop-up window that says "Your base currency has been set to USD. If you'd like to change your base currency in the future, you may do so in the xxx menu." If the immature or unconfirmed balances are 0, make them disappear. Basically, I'd encourage you to constantly be asking yourself, "would this confuse my mom?" (grandma is probably a step too far) and "what else can I get rid of?".

If you want an "advanced" version with all these bells and whistles, have a selection when the wallet is first opened that asks "what kind of user are you?" Merchants might get one set of tools. Personal wallets another. And "Power User" could include all the default options that a miner or enthusiast might want.

Next, my unreasonable wish list of features:
1) An optional sound notification that you've received a payment / mined. Preferably one you can set yourself.
2) The ability to add notes to each transaction... what the hell was the "Received with" on June 7th for? I have no idea.
3) +1 on client update notifications. Peercoin just displays a "update your clients before July 17th" message on their bottom row... you could use their code as a guide / idea generator for how to implement. I would caution against auto update. This is risking a hacker attack IMO.
4) Keep the long term in mind... would be good to design the interface knowing that you will need the same look and feel on Android and iOS in the future.
5) Basic merchant tools (e.g., a quick and dirty currency converter where a merchant could enter an amount in local currency and it tells them how much DRK to charge)

And finally (you'll be rid of me after this), I would encourage us all to not "judge the world based on our own irrelevant experiences". When ready, I would pull together some screenshots and some questions / options around functionality and look/feel and do a survey on survey monkey. You could have some qualifying questions upfront like "what is your level of interest in Bitcoin?" and "Do you own or operate a business?" etc. and get some reaction from merchants and consumers. Ask them what they would want from the wallet. I guarantee that the results will surprise you and hopefully help shape the final product.

Hope this helps shape your approach!!! I'm really looking forward to a new "non-bitcoin" wallet!!! Get it right is just as important as the back end.
You are my new favourite poster, I agree completely with all of this, plus keeping the wallet a wallet and not a trading platform - let 3rd parties handle that, the dev team needs to concentrate on core functionality.

The NXT interface looks slick, but it's too much info for 99% of users.

And, as I've harped on about repeatedly, can we PLEASE have the option to password protect the wallet on startup? I don't like anyone being able to view my transactions without entering a password/drop-down box PIN or whatever. It's a privacy centric currency, let's have some privacy! Make it optional by all means but it needs to be there.
Yes, vertoe, you could help me work on a layout. I would be most pleased to have your assistance on this. :)

Keep in mind everyone that this is just a simple mock-up/prototype design in my screenshot. It's not actually functional yet and just displays some static information. I made it just to demonstrate what sort of new features and whatnot I had in mind, and open the discussion on how to best implement the enhanced presentation layer. I really like raze's suggestion and I think a more "modernized" design would indeed be the best path to take once we've settled on the critical features and what information and capabilities will be present.

Right now I'm focusing less on the artwork and eye candy and more on the layout, arrangement, etc; what the new wallet will show you, what it will do and how it's arranged. It will, of course, be polished up with a more "fancy" and "sleek" theme in the end. :)


The DRK Lord
[quote author=coins101 link=topic=421615.msg7693266#msg7693266 date=1404592861]
[quote author=jdp527 link=topic=421615.msg7693204#msg7693204 date=1404592494]

[size=13pt]I'm excited about this. Hope it's functional and fancy. #iggy[/size]

Can we get some more cross posts going, please?

This is really frustrating. So many good things going on, but behind closed doors. Yes I have an account on darkcointalk. But people new to DRK don't. Tell me, who are the ones that hold DRK and those that are potential DRK buyers?
I do respect your opinion, and am not trying to be controversial. I think this is inevitable, and am just pointing out the value to darkcoin if it does happen that the first truly anonymous p2p marketplace does utilize darkcoin. And I also don't want to get too far off the topic of this thread, so I am sorry if that's what I did.
No worries, mate. We're all here for the same reason... to build a great community and service. Differing opinions are inevitable. As long as we debate each other respectfully, I'm sure we'll end up in a great place.
I think we should put our efforts on getting a very sleek wallet out first. Emphasis on good looking, intuitive design. Get the core functionality in place with a great GUI, so as to distinguish Darkcoin immediately upon download. Value added features can then be added with further versions. I would also prioritize features associated with the actual sending of payments. Expanded functionality in this area would be much more apparent to the average user than some of the more complex features that others have suggested.
As my first major undertaking for the Darkcoin Project, I'm going to work on a UI over-haul with a number of new features, enhancements and improved visuals. As the "new guy" on the dev team, I'm still familiarizing myself with the source and learning to work with the team and new technologies. If I start trying to mess with Darksend and the more critical sub-systems of the Darkcoin software, I would probably get in the way and mess a lot of things up. So by starting at the top with the UI and presentation layer, I can both become acquainted with the team and the code, and learn how the Darkcoin software is glued together.

I've already started working on a prototype version of the enhanced UI/presentation layer. And I've created this thread so I can share my current WIP screenshots and get feedback and tips from the community. I want to hear what YOU think about my work, and I would like to hear suggestions on how to improve it (visually), suggestions for new features and your opinions.

Here is a screenshot of my UI prototype (on-going WIP):

View attachment 190

Please feel free to comment and let me know what you think and what you'd like to see... :)


The DRK Lord
Thats great youre working on the UI! A wallet upgrade will add loads of value.
How will you be open sourcing your work as you go?
+1 for the idea of not overloading users with info. (At least, hide advanced info until you click an 'Advanced' button to fold it out or something.)

I'd like to see a miner in the wallet, so that you can have it always mining through the day. People relatively new to cryptos expect to be able to mine on their home PCs, and it really should be easier by now than it is.

(Even if you can't earn much money from it, some people have free or discounted electricity...)
In no particular order......
<seriously.... no particular order......>

At some point I'm gonna want a touch-screen option..... just say'n
(If windows can make an OS for multiple platforms look - lol - seamless - I'm sure we can do better with a single DRK-Wallet)
DRKw-qt - windows
DRKw-os - apple
DRKw-lx - linux
DRKw-an - android
DRKw-oc - open source (developer submission) - possible bounty...?
DRKw-mn - MasterNode Capable wallet - Without OR With "Partner's" locked into Contract, for a Term, when all DRK = > 1000DRK
(not available in mobile) and much later down the road............i can dream......

I'd like to see the Big Ole' DRK coin go away and have more of a watermark look, in the background so to speak.

I like the noob to nerd idea being able to switch from.... very simple > moderate info > Total Nerd Mode

Removing Recent transactions from the Overview - Like that
Making the Overview Tab very simple regardless of noob > nerd mode, only containing the Wallet Balance and very simple info
- maybe pending transactions - balance - and a DRK gif watermark

More tabs can be created to host: more detailed info....network info, coin valuation.. etc etc.

I also REALLY LIKE a small wallet with a decent font size (scalable)
If the wallet takes up more then 25% of my screen - ugh
(not an option w/ mobile of course)

We should have a very modern look - diffuse shading where appropriate, sharp edges with curvy lines - completely get away from the same-ole same-ole -QT Wallet look - 3D aspect buttons and tabs, there are ways to make it completely POP !!

We also need to keep in mind that a vast number, of diverse individuals, will be using it. It should appeal to all facets by remaining neutral in "interpretation". What I mean is, everybody that uses it should immediately say, " WHHAOOOoooooo..........." ......the first-time, each time
Should also look nearly the same across all platforms

All new symbols: Inout transactions; mining icon; confirmation dial/timer thingy; etc etc

New buttons: un/lock wallet; export with ease, input pvtkey, qr code.... etc etc

a New tiny 'CONNECTED" window/box in the top right that shows red or green when connected to the network - flashes white/blue when connecting - flashes orange/blue when disconnecting
OR - make the Borders do the same thing and forget the tiny window/box in the top right

- optional flash screen, that'd be okay......fade to white - fade to DRK - fade to DRKcoin (DRKc)

call me crazy - I'm okay - lol
Just thinking of a broader audience........
........... always (dyme)
and then I digress
Looks good. I like seeing the progress being made. I wish I knew more about the programming so i could help out.
First off: Thank you DRKLord, this excited me! :D

I really agree with the first post of babygiraffe and all the posts of ScioMind.

The Overview area of the wallet needs to have as LITTLE information as possible. In this way I actually like the old QT.

I think that all the extra info should be put in their own tabs, which you can hide or unhide from the options menu.

I would really like a tab where you can enter public addresses you want to monitor. In this way I could click the monitoring tab and see all my masternode and paper wallet balances! This would be awesome!

Also import private key tab, maybe even with a way to scan your QR code with your webcam? Would be really easy to sweep paper wallets with QT then :)

I think that all extra-info tabs should default to hidden in order to make it easy for everyone to understand the fundamentals. Then more advanced users can enable the tabs they need in options.
I like the idea of this being a project, but the original post is a step backwards in my opinion. Doesnt reflect the times.

I havent read every single comment here, but I can say that there has to be a balance between providing information and building something that is pleasing to the eye. Personally from a developers standpoint, the more info the better, even if its in a raw form, but not everyone is a developer or developer minded.

If needed, I would be more than happy to provide a small bounty for someone to create mockups that are purely design, and you guys can meet somewhere in the middle between providing information and making it visually appealing.

I would like to see a list of all masternodes, with things like earnings to date, date of that masternodes inception, etc etc. Basically just a run down of information that would already be public information. I feel like this would give others something to aspire to, in case they are thinking about providing a masternode service.

At this point if it is a choice between the original WIP or the current wallet, I would have to choose the current wallet. Its familiar, it works, and its simple.
I like the idea of this being a project, but the original post is a step backwards in my opinion. Doesnt reflect the times.

I havent read every single comment here, but I can say that there has to be a balance between providing information and building something that is pleasing to the eye. Personally from a developers standpoint, the more info the better, even if its in a raw form, but not everyone is a developer or developer minded.

If needed, I would be more than happy to provide a small bounty for someone to create mockups that are purely design, and you guys can meet somewhere in the middle between providing information and making it visually appealing.

I would like to see a list of all masternodes, with things like earnings to date, date of that masternodes inception, etc etc. Basically just a run down of information that would already be public information. I feel like this would give others something to aspire to, in case they are thinking about providing a masternode service.

At this point if it is a choice between the original WIP or the current wallet, I would have to choose the current wallet. Its familiar, it works, and its simple.

Ahhh, Little Finger... how nice of you to join us, Ser! ;-)

You know that I value your opinion on this matter, especially as "Master of Coin", heheh. But keep in mind this is just a static "mock-up" or "rough draft" of the UI. This isn't going to be the new wallet UI, and isn't fully functional. It is more of a demonstration to open the discussion on what can be done with this idea...

That being said, I'm working on a more "modernized" and "clean" interface design/layout and I think vertoe is going to help me work on this. If you'd like to provide some guidance and input you can find me on Skype and we'll talk about it. :)


The DRK Lord
I think you need to step back and consider what the average person using it really wants to know when they open it.

The 2 most important things are balance, and recent transactions.
Most users don't care about difficulty. They don't care about net hashrate. They don't care about the block reward. The don't care about the total block count. They don't care about network health beyond whether it's working or not. Many of them might not even know what those things are, and definitely don't care about them.

Recent transactions are very import to have quickly available. Often people will be expecting a payment, and want to see if it has arrived, and having a simple spot to see that is a must-have for the front page. Merging recent transactions and alerts just opens the possibility for people to miss alerts if they happen to be doing a bunch of transactions. It would be much better to have a small dedicated spot for 1 alert that no one will notice exists when there isn't an alert to show.

As for the market information, it seems a little strange to me for it to hit up exchanges for information on a privacy oriented coin, as this leaks information that you're running the wallet. It is a decent addition, but should be optional, and disabled by default. It also should be stripped down; most people only care about current price, and total value; most don't know and/or don't care about market caps, volumes, highs, and lows. Those who care will be looking at other places to see it, and it's just clutter for everyone else.

Changing the drop-down menu styling seems weird and inconsistent. You should either have everything on standard gui controls, or everything custom; not a mix of both.
I think you need to step back and consider what the average person using it really wants to know when they open it.
As for the market information, it seems a little strange to me for it to hit up exchanges for information on a privacy oriented coin, as this leaks information that you're running the wallet. It is a decent addition, but should be optional, and disabled by default. It also should be stripped down; most people only care about current price, and total value; most don't know and/or don't care about market caps, volumes, highs, and lows. Those who care will be looking at other places to see it, and it's just clutter for everyone else.

I agree. That's why I'm implementing it as a configurable "add-on" or "plug-in" for the wallet/client that you can opt out of or choose to use if you wish.
Ahhh, Little Finger... how nice of you to join us, Ser! ;-)

You know that I value your opinion on this matter, especially as "Master of Coin", heheh. But keep in mind this is just a static "mock-up" or "rough draft" of the UI. This isn't going to be the new wallet UI, and isn't fully functional. It is more of a demonstration to open the discussion on what can be done with this idea...

That being said, I'm working on a more "modernized" and "clean" interface design/layout and I think vertoe is going to help me work on this. If you'd like to provide some guidance and input you can find me on Skype and we'll talk about it. :)


The DRK Lord

You know I would help in a heartbeat :) I will spend some time pondering this entire project later tonight, and get back to you with any thoughts I may have.

I think it comes down to fluidity, and putting the right information in front of eyes vs a bunch of information. Although, I havent actually sat down and mapped any thoughts out, so later tonight when I get some spare time, I will def be thinking it over.
imho, the official qt should be as simple as possible...... only enough to serve the functions necessary. third party wallets can get as fancy as they want..

the only thing wrong with the current qt is that darksend is checked by default, i think it should be off by default.
i think it should be off by default.

Nope, it shouldn't. It has to be used by as many transactions as possible to work properly. Actually there shouldn't be a way to send non-darksend transactions to improve privacy.

Regarding the wallet: I don't think hashrate, trading data et cetera should be part of the wallet. People who need that data know where to get it. All it does is bloat the wallet. Showing the block height is totally useless.
There should be a switch for plain/advanced interface or an extra tab for trading / miining info
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