Effective Promotion Strategies for Dash. How to move Dash back up the charts where we belong


Active member
Dash is currently 34th in Coinmarket Cap with inferior coins such as NEM, Lightcoin and Bitcoin Cash, BSV all above us. Why is that when Dash is clearly a superior coin? Let me first define what I mean by superior:

Dash has the following all of which make it superior to the other coins mentioned:
1. better more unique brand - Dash is not a knock off of Bitcoin branding and we're not playing second place to the Bitocoin like Lightcoin "silver"
2. faster transaction speeds than all the above coins. Dash is just a few seconds before it can be re spent unlike lightcoin and BCH that take minutes to confirm and then even longer before it can be re-spent.
3. resistant to 51% attacks unlike lightcoin and Bitcoin cash.
4. governance funding unlike Bitcoin Cash and Lightcoin
5. Dash chainlocks, instant send, privacy, DIF, legal ownership of Dash software and assets held by DCG
6. decentralized governance that avoid coin splits
7. dash is focused on payments.
8. funded projects that increase Dash development.
9. Dash masternode network offering second tier functionality such as Dash Evolution.

So, why is Dash falling down the charts and the others not? Have you ever wondered what is causing this ? My view is there are several factors for this fall as follows:

1. Dash communication has been confusing with mixed messages. It is not clearly understood what Dash is and what we have created in terms of innovations.
2. Dash has been de-listed from exchanges around the world as it has been labelled as an anonymous coin. Again, this is due to poor quality communication and understanding of what Dash is.
3. Repeated and continual delays on Evolution lost a lot of confidence in the Dash project. DCG not responding to valid questions on development in their funding requests in 2018. Repeated delays and poor communications from DCG. Ineffective marketing strategies. Focus given to markets that can't use cryptocurrency.
4. No overall leadership for sharing the vision of the Dash project as a whole. Evan Duffield disappearing from the project, for me at least this had a big impact on my confidence in the Dash project. Why would Evan just leave in the middle of Dash taking off?
5. The inability to consistently get Dash Values broadcast in our media messages.

No one factor is responsible however. It is a series of factors that cumulatively have their impact on eroding investor confidence in the Dash project. So what do we do ? What is the solution? I believe the solution is not just one solution but a series of solutions that must all be worked on.

1. Clear consistent communication of Dash's Values
First of all we must clearly agree upon Dash's core values and ensure that these core values are transmitted in every media message we have. I wrote about Dash's core values in the following post:

People buy into a product based on its values. If we don't verbalise these in every message people will not know what Dash is about.

If we take the example of BSV and their media messages. What are their core values? I am not saying I agree with all of these but I'm hoping to demonstrate that their core values are clearly articulated in all their media messages in a consistent way. Their core values are as follows:

1. Massive scalability
2. Maintaining the original protocol that is set in stone so that businesses can build on their blockchain with confidence.
3. Compliance with government and commercial laws in all countries to make BSV attractive for industries to work with. Working with businesses and governments not against them.
4. Protecting (and controlling) blockchain innovations through patenting.
5. Avoidance of using the BSV for crime.

2. We need to focus on articulating the benefits of our technology and NOT the features.

Let me be clear:
People don't buy into features. People are not motivated by features. People don't give a hoot about features.

People buy into benefits that features give them.

I have noticed that inevitably whenever we have a media communication about Dash the message is focused on the features and not the benefits.

Case in point "Dash is becoming a cloud" is the new message in the Dash Evolution videos. A cloud is a feature so what is the benefit to our customers? A better message to focus exclusively on would be "Dash is making crypto payments simple for anyone to use" No more complicated crypto addresses. We will be giving you the ability to choose your own usernames and to store them, along with your friends username in your Dash Wallet.

Who gives two hoots about Dash becoming "A cloud"? That is simply wasting valuable airtime space. People don't care how its done. What they care about is what is in it for them. Imagine Apple saying "We will be giving you a 3Gig hrz processor with 32 Gig Ram in our next iPad" So what? Who cares? But when they show us what the new iPad can actually do like drawing and animations customers are blown away.

How do we identify a benefit from a feature?
The best way I've found to identify benefits from features is to ask the question "So What"? and to ask "So, what's in it for me"? If you can't answer that question then you're not communicating benefits you are communicating features and people don't give a hoot about features.

3. Consistency in branding and message
It is one thing to broadcast a message but it is another thing to consistently broadcast those messages. By consistency I mean in respect to time and in respect to the different departments of Dash. It needs to be fully co-ordinated so that the message remains the same throughout all departments.

Case in point: Dashnewsdesk is talking about "Dash becoming a cloud", Dana is talking about "release of version 16 of DASH. Fernando is talking geek language in Dash product upgrades which even I don't understand. https://blog.dash.org/dash-product-update-september-6th-2020-cdc935e911b

In time we have talked about Dash Evolution, Dash platform and Dash cloud. This is what I mean by non consistency in messages.

We need to agree on Dash's values and our message and ensure that all teams have consistent messages regarding Dash.

4. Communicating our messages in the right channels that have the most impact on crypto investors.
There are important sources of information that investors use to gauge the success of a project. So far Dash is appearing low down to non existent on these channels.

Case in point: one metric used by Venture capital firms is to determine the amount of coding activity on a project to determine how active that project is. A website that focuses on reporting coding activity for investors is Cryptomiso but where is Dash listed in coding activity on this site? Answer 88th! yes that's right Dash community. And according to the Graph by cryptomiso we have had no commits since February! Clearly this is not correct however who at DCG or Dashnewsroom is correcting this ? nobody.

Check this out for yourself and see where Dash is on the coding activity report https://www.cryptomiso.com

There are a whole host of websites used by investors to gauge the work being undertaken by a crypto project. We need to be correctly represented in all of them. Here is a list of important market research websites that Dash could have a substantial presence in and would significantly boost our profile with investors as a quality cryptocurrency.

LunarCrush: https://lunarcrush.com

Messari: https://messari.io

Glassnode: https://glassnode.com

Skew: https://skew.com

Santiment: https://santiment.net

CoinGecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en

CryptoPanic: https://cryptopanic.com

Coinmarketcal: https://coinmarketcal.com/en/

CryptoMiso: https://www.cryptomiso.com

Coin Dance: https://coin.dance/

There was an excellent review of the above investor research sites by coinbureau which I highly recommend you watch:

5. Education not marketing
In my opinion and in my own personal experience education is more valuable than marketing. What is the difference between marketing and Education? The difference is Education is customer focused and Marketing is "Us" focused.

Education is better than marketing for several reasons:

1. If you help people to understand our tech or the tech of crypto they will have trust with the person / organization that taught them.
2. If we educate people using DASH users will also feel more confident in using DASH over other cryptos.
3. Education has a long shelf life of years. Marketing is disposable short shelf life material. We need long shelf-life material.
4. Education positions us as a trusted authority in the subject thus gaining the trust of people that learn with us.
5. Free search engine positions. The role of search engines is to return the best possible search results that answer the searchers question. High quality educational material will find its way to the top of search engines. I can speak from first hand experience on this. I get all my customers from search engines. around 15 million people each year and without paying a dime in advertising. Year after year free customer referrals from the search engines. You have to know how to do it right though and it can take some time to learn the strategies to do this well.

6. Find problems in payment areas where there are millions of users. Payment problems that cannot be solved with normal fiat currency and then Dash aligns with businesses in those markets to provide a workable solution. In this way the technological solution that Dash provides becomes the most effecting marketing solution. This strategy has been used by many successful firms, including Google who provided search results for Yahoo. Eventually Google outgrew Yahoo... Note that google made sure that their brand was shown in the search results with Yahoo.

The same marketing strategy was used with IBM and Microsoft. Microsoft insisted that their brand was present in the IBM product and that the software be sold under license. That is what made Microsoft the powerhouse it is today.

Find large companies or application with millions of users. We then just need to make the sale once to the company with the network of users we need. We build a solution for that company and we get all the users. The main proviso is that we must retain our brand name DASH and that brand name must be present in all advertising for the solution we develop. Let us learn from the likes of the KuvaCash project where we had no branding presence. I had raised this point from the very beginning but few people listened.

We must retain our brand name with joint ventures.
Retaining our brand name is first class promotion of for DASH. We are building awareness through solving real world problem and having our brand name exposed to millions of users.

I will continue this message into a new post because the 15K word limit has been reached.
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continued from previous post:

8. Always be closing. Use every opportunity to get our marketing messages and values across.
Every communication needs to highlight our core values and the benefits to our customers. Upgrades and new releases of the Dash software should be intelligible by anyone and the benefits should be clearly articulated. Fernando released a recent upgrade notice which has absolutely no benefits highlighted. This is a wasted opportunity to market Dash. See Fernando's post here: https://blog.dash.org/dash-product-update-september-6th-2020-cdc935e911b

In my opinion the above product upgrade release notice is pretty much useless.

9. Dash innovations need to be named as Dash innovations with the prefix "Dash". Dash software should remain open source however we should pre-fix the technology we develop uniquely with the word DASH and ensure in the license agreement for using our source code that any projects using Dash original innovations use the word "Dash" before the innovation in all marketing of that other coin e.g. We should call "Chainlocks" "Dash Chainlocks" and any other crypto that wants to use our chainlocks technology must also use the word "Dash chainlocks". This requirement should be written into the MIT open source license agreement for the Dash source code. This is similar to how Intel markets its processors. It makes certain that on every Ad for a PC that uses an intel processor it has to have an Ad for the Intel processor with that catchy jingle.

Dash Chainlocks, Dash Private Send, Dash Instant Send, Dash Masternodes are just a few innovations that we should retain the recognition for in other projects. We can do this by modifying our current open source agreement to ensure that the word "Dash" be used in the other crypto project. The project is still open source, but open source does not mean there are no conditions. We can set those conditions and it is a first class opportunity for us to get the DASH brand name out there. There is absolutely nothing wrong with us getting credit for the innovations we develop.

10. Formal Media training: All DCG and people involved with Dash communications that publish content or have dealings with media in marketing should receive formal media training. Without this training we will always come across as amateur.

We need to consider every activity that the Dash network undertakes and consider how we can convert the message about that activity into a marketing message that everyday people will understand. If we don't do this we are simply throwing away valuable opportunities to highlight Dash's amazing technology and we will continue to slip down the marketcap charts.
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Dash is currently 34th in Coinmarket Cap with inferior coins such as NEM, Lightcoin and Bitcoin Cash, BSV all above us.

Actually Dash (a cryptocurrency coin) is ranking 20 on coinmarketcap : https://coinmarketcap.com/coins/ and its price percentage down from ATH (-95,8%) is very similar to other Altcoins (between 80% - 95% down from ATH).

Ripple : -93,7%
Bitcoin Cash : -94,7%
Cardano : -92,2%
Litecoin : -87,7%
EOS : -88,7%
TRON : -91,2%

I really have difficulty understanding why people are getting so upset about marketcap (supply x price), when the price performance of Altcoins across the board is very similar and most of the time gets completely overlooked. Marketcap is just a very poor tool to use, for rating the performance of a cryptocurrency.

Most of these coin's blockchain have much higher supply then Dash anyways, so i am not surprised their marketcap is higher as well.
Which is why this topic should avoid using a sentence in its title like 'how to move Dash back up the charts' as this can not be achieved solely through marketing, as a large part of how marketcap gets calculated is already settled through each crypto project coin emission rate schedule.

Dash : 51,4% mined. Supply : 9,726,829 DASH
Monero : 96,2% mined. Supply : 17,710,544 XMR

Marketcap is supply x price. Price-wise there is not a whole lot of difference between Dash and Monero. But supply wise there is a world of difference.

Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=421615.msg55168224#msg55168224

I do agree with you that not using Dash Evolution in our Dash marketing is a missed opportunity. From developers i can understand it, as they always regarded Dash Evolution as just an internal codename. But from totally loosing that name in any marketing and just switching to 'Dash is a cloud' out of the blue, sits not well with me either.

What we currently have is only a PR organisation from Mark that is very closely linked to and has a supporting role for Dash Core Group, which is totally fine with me. No need to mess with that, if that works for Dash Core Group. But it leaves Dash without a marketing organisation solely focused on marketing Dash and taking feedback from its community.

That is why i think we need an independently funded marketing organisation. That can work with Dash Core Group, but is independent of them. A marketing organisation that gather feedback from the whole Dash community and comes up with a correct marketing identity for Dash.
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Actually Dash (a cryptocurrency coin) is ranking 20 on coinmarketcap :

See the links below were I got the ranking number for Dash. You can see the rank position under Dash logo on each of these pages.

Coingecko ranks Dash as 34th position today: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/dash
Coinmarket cap ranks Dash as 30th: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/dash/

Coingecko is a more reliable and more useful reference source than coinmarketcap anyway. I used coingecko more now.

You can see the Dash rank number on the above pages. If you think those rankings are wrong please explain specifically why they are wrong.

In terms of why a drop relative to other coins is important. Companies look at the coinmarket cap position of a coin to determine if a coin is popular enough to consider listing it or working with it. Jan of the Dach embassy reported himself that they had problems with some partnerships because the low Dash ranking position. The further Dash drops down the charts the less noticed we become and the more difficult it becomes to attract new investors.
See the links below were I got the ranking number for Dash. You can see the rank position under Dash logo on each of these pages.

Coingecko ranks Dash as 34th position today: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/dash
Coinmarket cap ranks Dash as 30th: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/dash/

Coingecko is a more reliable and more useful reference source than coinmarketcap anyway. I used coingecko more now.

You can see the Dash rank number on the above pages. If you think those rankings are wrong please explain specifically why they are wrong.

In terms of why a drop relative to other coins is important. Companies look at the coinmarket cap position of a coin to determine if a coin is popular enough to consider listing it or working with it. Jan of the Dach embassy reported himself that they had problems with some partnerships because the low Dash ranking position. The further Dash drops down the charts the less noticed we become and the more difficult it becomes to attract new investors.

It is wrong because comparing coins (Bitcoin and Altcoins) with tokens is comparing apples with oranges. Even coinmarketcap acknowledge this by introducing two separate categories, each with their own marketcap and ranking.

If coinmarketcap makes this kind of differentiation, then so should we.
It is wrong because comparing coins (Bitcoin and Altcoins) with tokens is comparing apples with oranges.

Coinmarketcap may distinguish but at the end of the day potential partners don't care if it is a "token" or it a "coin" Its all seen as cryptocurrency and DASH is falling down the charts whether we consider it a token or a coin we are falling relative to other inferior coins. The rest is just semantics.

I notice you did not comment on any of my other contribution in my post with the exception of Evolution. You are clearly not bothered that we are dropping down the ranks relative to other lesser coins. That is your opinion. That's fine with me that you have your opinion. My opinion is that it is damaging to DASH because potential investors and partners look at the coincap rankings whether it is a coin or whether it is a token it is a problem as explained by Jan of Dach embassy. Besides my feedback is also to boost Dash awareness as a whole and be more effective in getting Dash established. Coincap is like free marketing and awareness that is what everyone uses to see how a coin is performing. I think it important we move up the charts.
Coinmarketcap may distinguish but at the end of the day potential partners don't care if it is a "token" or it a "coin" .

You think investors don't care if they invest in a token that is used on one specific blockchain (Ethereum) over which that token does not have any direct control, a blockchain that is highly congested, has extremely high fees, a blockchain that can not scale and is user-unfriendly, versus coins that each have their own blockchain, their own fees, their own network security ? Their own profitability ?


I think investors do care if they want to invest in a tokens project or in an (Alt)coins project. It is why i am still invested in a coins project, and not in a tokens project.
It is why some investors invest in tokens projects and other investors invest in coins projects. They differentiate between the two. Some investors jump on the tokens hype, other investors simply invest in older more established coins projects.
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You think investors don't care if they invest in a token that is used on one specific blockchain (Ethereum) over which that token does not have any direct control, a blockchain that is highly congested, has extremely high fees, a blockchain that can not scale and is extremely user-unfriendly, versus coins that each have their own blockchain, their own fees, their own network security ? Their own profitability ?

Yes, that's right. I don't think investors give a rats ass whether its a coin or a token as long as they can make money.
Yes, that's right. I don't think investors give a rats ass whether its a coin or a token as long as they can make money.

Well, good thing that coinmarketcap clearly thinks differently or they would not have created two separate marketcap rankings for coins and tokens.
Which is fine with me, because i don't really care about tokens or their specific ranking. I don't even care that much about marketcap to be honest.
Only thing i care about is price performance (price percentage down from ATH), which shows that Dash is doing pretty much the same as a lot of other Altcoins right now :

Dash : -95,8%
Ripple : -93,7%
Bitcoin Cash : -94,7%
Cardano : -92,2%
Litecoin : -87,7%
EOS : -88,7%
NEM : -94,2%
Stellar : -92,2%
NEO : -89%
TRON : -91,2%

Source : messari.io
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Well, good thing that coinmarketcap clearly thinks differently or they would not have created two separate marketcap rankings for coins and tokens.
Which is fine with me, because i don't really care about tokens or their specific ranking. I don't even care that much about marketcap to be honest.
Only thing i care about is price performance (price percentage down from ATH), which shows that Dash is doing pretty much the same as a lot of other Altcoins right now :

This post is not talking about you want and what you think is good for DASH. We are talking about what institutional investors want to see before making an investment. I may point out that Coinmarketcap is not an investor in DASH as far as I am aware of, so I don't see your point why you mention that "clearly coinmarketcap thinks differently".

Besides coingecko is a far superior reference source now to coinmaketcap. More helpful information than coinmarketcap.

I notice that you have not made any comments about 95% of what I've written above? You have only gone after the one point you disagree with in my post. Do you have anything to say about the rest of my contribution in this post?

Do you think it is a good idea to attract investors to DASH by ensuring DASH is correctly represented with correct investment data using the crypto research reference sources I listed above?

Do you think that the data is correct on coinmiso showing that DASH has not had any coding commits since February 2020? Think about what impact that would have on an investment firm looking at that data - No DASH commits since February. They don't know about our other repositories, they don't know about Evo. Those coding activity stats do not look good to a potential investor, they look terrible. Dash is listed 88th in terms of coding activity on cryptomiso.

Who do you think has the responsibility for correcting incorrect investment data on DASH?

Do you think that investment researches are going to use the research websites I stated above for market research on a coin as according to coinbureau youtube video? If not what sources would they be using?

If you think any of the above points are of value - why have you not mentioned anything on them but simply focused on your negative point of view toward my article and contributions here? A balanced response would have at least also indicated some agreement on other points in my contribution.
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I notice that you have not made any comments about 95% of what I've written above? You have only gone after the one point you disagree with in my post. Do you have anything to say about the rest of my contribution in this post?

My my, someone is doing a lot of selective reading ;)

From my first post :

I do agree with you that not using Dash Evolution in our Dash marketing is a missed opportunity. From developers i can understand it, as they always regarded Dash Evolution as just an internal codename. But from totally loosing that name in any marketing and just switching to 'Dash is a cloud' out of the blue, sits not well with me either.

What we currently have is only a PR organisation from Mark that is very closely linked to and has a supporting role for Dash Core Group, which is totally fine with me. No need to mess with that, if that works for Dash Core Group. But it leaves Dash without a marketing organisation solely focused on marketing Dash and taking feedback from its community.

That is why i think we need an independently funded marketing organisation. That can work with Dash Core Group, but is independent of them. A marketing organisation that gather feedback from the whole Dash community and comes up with a correct marketing identity for Dash.

Seeing your behavior and attitude in this thread and other threads, if there ever will be an independently funded marketing organisation for Dash i don't think you should be involved in it. Period.

Also i am done with this (second) thread. Hopefully there will not be a third thread about this topic.
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Might be late to this thread, but just tossing out some ideas...

Investors love the first to market pitch. BTC is in an awful state yet it still tops the charts because "first to market". Dash has been a leader in crypto innovations particularly the masternode system. "Proof of Stake" has been a big buzz word in the space with investors drooling at the possibility of something like ethereum switching to it. Yet, Dash has evolved past that with the first "Proof of Service" cryptocurrency that has been provably working for years now.

So how do you market?

Tell them they missed the boat. That Dash is the first "Proof of Service" cryptocurrency.

How else?

Chainlocks are great; they're already well marketed but their explanation isn't always clear. There is focus on how it secures Dash and not the features it provides such as faster and more secure transactions and how there would be more confidence in Dash vs other instant transaction coins.

Another thing is the Dash cloud platform; It needs to be said that these are decentralized apps on the dash chain. I've seen some contention over the naming in these forums but its probably too late to change. So Dash Cloud should always be near a concise explanation like Decentralized Apps on the Dash Chain or something else that communicates that it is not a traditional nor centralized cloud.
Seeing your behavior and attitude in this thread and other threads, if there ever will be an independently funded marketing organisation for Dash i don't think you should be involved in it. Period.

I notice you did not answer any of my questions. I should have known better because you are a mismatcher personality. But, anyway , I guess knowing you better now I don't need your feedback in business dev and Dash promotional topics. From reading your previous feedback your value in terms of contribution appears to be more on the technical.

In terms of business dev and marketing it's clear to me you don't have much experience. I find is funny that people that don't have much experience in business development think that they can advise people that do have experience simply because they bought into DASH early like you.

In your last post you used the word "Naive" when referring to my area of expertise and my contribution. It's those types of Ad hom attacks that now makes it clear to me what type of personality you are. Unfortunately that is not the type of person I want to have dealings with.

You could have just stated your comments without dropping in your Ad homs but you do it frequently in response to my comments then play innocent. People with negative attitudes like yours in the forum are the reason MNOs are leaving DASH. Successful people like to hang around with other successful people and that's the reason why I'm thinking my contributions are not appreciated - so why bother contributing?

It's clear you're a fan boy of DCG who supports them on everything they do irrespective of their performance in areas where they are not that good and messing up. If you read other peoples feedback and comments they mostly agree with what I'm saying.

To be clear: My comments are not an attack on DCG as I you think they are. Feedback that needs to be said, no matter how unpleasant is the only way to improve. But very few have the balls to say the truth to DCG for fear of being classed as "dissing core" and being the target of Ad homs from the DCG fan boys like you.

DCG fan boys are a big part of the problem with DASH not being as successful as it could be. Instead of saying what is actually necessary to be said you support them no matter what and thus not giving them the feedback they need to improve. By doing so DCG fan boys are doing a big dis-service both DCG and to DASH.

I've noticed that some (but not all) early investors to DASH, like you (2014), who haven't put in real $$ money into their investment, don't have much to contribute when it comes to business development, promotion or marketing. Early birds tend to be able to contribute more in the technical area where I've noticed that you do have some contributions to make. Which makes perfect sense since the more technical people would have got in early to DASH.
I believe that to place DASH "where it deserves" it is only necessary to let a positive inertia flow and give the closest measure to its potential ... and for this, the response strategy must be very thoughtful BEFORE the first move. Undoubtedly, the waste of golden time and resources is brutal and it is normal that an immediate repair is required ... but not an immediate action that can be precipitated - and but, sterile and the umpteenth failed attempt to "recover" the "original DASH" "-.

Imho, the first strategy is not "to break up big problems into smaller problems to make them more accessible and controllable" as the OT proposes.On the contrary, the first step is an exercise in synthesis, not optimization of supposedly negative nuances (that is energy given to a wrong base - which often, due to the incompleteness of the analysis, will transcend the wrongness of the objectives chosen to be optimized - ). So it is from the greatest possible synthesis exercise, from where to restart the optimization process. I understand that the synthesis of DASH, its molecular structure, the minimal expression that expresses its characteristics ... is a combo of financial independence + decentralization + resistance to censorship. Optimize from there, eliminating subsequent "noise" that today, without being it, can be considered a "project", would take DASH to the place it deserves.

If the big problems in DASH are STRUCTURAL - e. imo, they are -, that approach of breaking them down and embracing them in expressions, emotions that try to make them more accessible and / or manageable, will only lead to failure ... because you will be "popping pimples" and powdering spots on the skin ... while the metastasis devours the object of your desire to the bone. And you will die in your endeavor, even if you execute it correctly ... because you are shooting against innocents - or only "collateral culprits", which are symptoms, not causes - .

With which that reaction could be marked by a comprehensive trolling from the beginning by a deceptive system from its genesis and doomed to failure ... and will only generate controlled dissent - which will show a critical but sterile spirit , giving a corrupt system a false appearance of continuous optimization that simply does not exist -.
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