Ed25519 node key


New member
I'm trying to set up an Evo node and Dashmate is asking for a Ed25519 node key. I think it's from this part in the docu?

I tried both ways - using Docker and using open SSL - and copy the results without quotes. But whether I enter the ID or the private key, I always get "invalid format". What am I doing wrong?
I think this is your Platform Node key (Tenderdash). Try using the Platform Node key that is getting auto-generated on https://mnowatch.org/evonodes/ when you visit that site (it is located below the Credit Pool Balance section).
Make sure you save the whole text and keep it safe.

It will be either be the value string or the id string. Looks to be the id string.

The above is your unique and secure Dash Platform Node-id and Node-key. From the first line, the 'id' portion of the above can be entered in the protx register_prepare_evo part of the Evonode setup in argument 9 labelled 'platformNodeID'. Copying the block above will give you the private key for your node_key.json file which goes in your tenderdash configuration. In case you are setting up an Evonode now and intend to later setup the server running tenderdash etc, just copy the entire block above and save it in a password manager or similar until you need it.
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I'm trying to set up an Evo node and Dashmate is asking for a Ed25519 node key. I think it's from this part in the docu?

I tried both ways - using Docker and using open SSL - and copy the results without quotes. But whether I enter the ID or the private key, I always get "invalid format". What am I doing wrong?

I got mine from this site, it works perfectly!

OK, what are the Platform Node ID and the private key internally used for? Or - what is the risk if I use a generated private key from a third-party website, which could potentially save the key? Could someone hijack my node or bring it down using that key?

And this really needs to be named better. The documentation only ever talks about Platform node ID. Dashmate only talks about a ED25519 node key. Neither mentions the respective other. If that's referring to the same thing, it's confusing.
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ED25519 is your Tenderdash "privacy key"
Node ID is like "pubkey".
You can generate them on your machine as well, still mnowatch.org/evonodes works cool and they are generated each time on your own machine.
Doń;t wanto trust? Go ahead and generate yours on your own machine.
openssl genpkey -algorithm ed25519 -out privkey.pem
It will generate privkey.pem file on your machine, copy all from inside.

This is just an example:

Then paste it into the dashmate setup when asked.

Then paste it into the dashmate setup when asked.
This doesn't work. Dashmate gives "Invalid format".

The keys generated this way including your own example are 64 characters long and always start with "MC4CAQAwBQYDK2VwBCIEI". Dashmate rejects them. The keys generated by the MNOwatch site are 88 characters long and do not have repeating patterns.

Thanks all, I got it to work by now using the Docker / Tenderdash method. But I'm still curious what the key is internally used for and if revealing that private key enables any kind of attack scenario.