Donating DASH from the budget to the Venezuelan people

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Switzerland has direct democracy.

Anyway... your basic premise is wrong. When someone is rich, it doesn't mean that that value was necessarily taken from someone else.
Actually, in most cases, the biggest wrongdoer and bully are the governments that take the money and things from ordinary people with the excuse that they are just "taking from the rich and giving to the poor".

Our native state is poverty, everything else is a bonus.
Fortunately, today we have less poverty in the world that at any previous time in the history of mankind.
I dont care to add value to the sites I visit. I rather prefer to inform the new site visitors about the quality of the people who are running the site, behind the scenes. I also try to predict what will happen in the future. And I warn the people about the future, in order to be prepared.
That actually WOULD be adding value, if that actually was what you are doing. But I have already exposed what you are actually doing.

My purpose is not to spread discord, lies, nonsense e.t.c. I always try to be objective. I know how people react when they hear the truth. Back in 2009, even before Satoshi released his code (03/Jan/2009), I used to describe the bitcoin features into a forum. What they did ? They accused me of talking "pure nonsense". They wanted also to delete the whole thread, but fortunately the creator of the thread was a free speech advocate, so he asked to preserve the discussion (although he was also against). This is how people react when they hear about the truth and about the future, and this happens because the daemons inside them contravene.
What website?

My current purpose is to convice a community to vote the numbers. If there is a community that gets used to vote the numbers one day they may try to delimit extreme richness or extreme poverty. One day they may try to vote the numbers in order to confiscate a portion from the richest wallets (or a portion from the unspend money of the budget that is burned every month) and give it to the new generation or to the poor.

But as far as I know, there is no community in the whole world that votes the numbers, nor has it ever been in the history of the human kind. My mission is unique, similar to the mission of bitcoin back in 2009, or to the mission of the nomic bank that tezos is trying to built. If there is a community that votes the numbers, somewhere in this evil dominated universe, please let me know. I would like to join it.
That community you describe is not here. You should start it yourself - perhaps try to a "Kick Start" campaign or something similar as a way of raising money and getting the word out, and create a simple website where you state your mission. You have wasted an enormous amount of time and energy here, where the vast majority actually UNDERSTAND economics and morality, and will NOT be swayed by your nonsense. That wasted time and energy would be MUCH better spent actually BUILDING the community you wish to find. But as I have said before, I strongly suspect you are being paid to come here and create discord.
If a state truly wanted to destroy Dash (as you seem to) then they would buy up Masternodes and then ACTUALLY destroy the network, rather than consistently voting in ways which INCREASE Dash's value.
The agents imposed the static IPs to the dash community, so that they can destroy with one click the dash network in case it becomes dangerous for them. And of course they bought some masternodes, and some dash in order to control the governance. Thats why the price of dash increased.

You keep saying "YOU did this" and "YOU did that." First of all I didn't do anything, but buy some Dash at a good price. Nothing wrong with that! But to address your concerns:
You is plural, most of the times.

TOR is not used for the Masternodes YET, because TOR would slow the network down and Dash is INSTANT. I suspect that TOR and/or I2P will be introduced later, when or if it can be integrated without degrading network performance.
If this is the case, then why you prohibit dynamic IPs? Dynamic IPs are instant too, but they cannot easily controlled.

There is no "brainwashing" involved in the simple economic reality that early adopters of crypto tend to get in at a MUCH better price than later adopters, and therefore tend to hold MUCH more of the currency. The same goes for many other asset classes, including stocks, for example.
The brainwashing that the old generation is doing to the new generation, in order for the young people to accept as medium of exchange the money of the old ones, is a very old story. It begins with the silver standard, then the gold standard, then the fiat money, then bitcoin. Dash is just yet another case of brainwashing.
The fact that you think it would be morally justified to "confiscate the richest wallet" shows that you are immoral, and therefore not here for any good purpose. The fact that you think "economic incentives" justify stealing someone else's money implies that you think ALL theft is justified, because ALL theft is done for the "economic incentive" of the thief. Furthermore, it appears the link which you quoted about "confiscating wallets" referenced this apparently Russian scam. You may well be part of this scam yourself, for all I know. I DO know, however, that you are an immoral liar, who attacks the VALUE CREATORS involved with Dash; and rather than attacking a REAL SCAM, you would rather promote it. I haven't been unduly rude to you (although you have been rude to me) but I will tell you, very simply and honestly, that your entire approach is disgusting and reprehensible to me, and I want EVERYONE on this board to see you for the IMMORAL spreader of DISCORD and LIES that you truly are.
I dont know whether this Russian coin is a scam or not. But I know that in Democracy, the richest one is forced (by community vote) to give to the poor. The rich can avoid giving only in case he can prove that there is another richer than he is. This is because in democracy money is not a property, but a social convention, and has to be signed by all involved parties.
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The agents imposed the static IPs to the dash community, so that they can destroy with one click the dash network in case it becomes dangerous for them. And of course the bought some masternodes, and some dash in order to control the governance. Thats why the price of dash increased.
This is a paranoid and unfounded assertion. Making such an assertion could just as easily mean YOU are an "enemy agent," paid to create discord here. So rather than making such a ridiculous claim, PROVE IT.

If this is the case, then why you prohibit dynamic IPs? Dynamic IPs are instant too, but they cannot easily controlled.
You would then be dependent upon the dynamic domain name server, which would add a bit more time (hence less than instant, especially depending upon its speed) and which would still know the location of the masternode. No real advantage at all regarding performance or security.

As for the rest I have already deal with that here.
This is a paranoid and unfounded assertion. Making such an assertion could just as easily mean YOU are an "enemy agent," paid to create discord here. So rather than making such a ridiculous claim, PROVE IT.
I hope you realize how difficult it is to prove that.
I havent prove it yet, but I am trying.

You would then be dependent upon the dynamic domain name server, which would add a bit more time (hence less than instant, especially depending upon its speed) and which would still know the location of the masternode. No real advantage at all regarding performance or security.
This and this are my proposals regarding the masternodes anonymity issue.
If you were not controled by state agents, you should have support me and you should financed proposals that turn the masternodes really anonymous.
But instead of doing it, you refused to finance any research or any proposal towards the anonymity goal, and above all the core team rejected the will of the majority.

Isnt this a proof that you are an agent controled crypto currency? This is the fate of all governed coins. The agents will try to infiltrate them.
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Giving people free money is never a good idea. It doesn't solve the problem in the long run, it teaches them nothing and usually makes the problems bigger.
Look at Africa and all the food and clothes donations that actually killed the local production, because nobody could compete with free.
I am all for making some local actions where people could earn Dash easily, but giving it away is just not a good idea.
Totally agree, but the free food and clothes would have helped had they actually been free, the problem was that those that came to "donate" sold them at very low prices and that made it impossible for local producers to compete. When a country is going through hyperinflation, pumping in more money doesn't really help. I support the idea to help people earn dash.
I hope you realize how difficult it is to prove that.
I havent prove it yet, but I am trying.
Of course you haven't proven it...and yet you claim to believe it. Carl Sagan has famously said, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." I totally agree. Until you have such extraordinary evidence (which you admit you don't) then you are unjustified in your claims. Until then you just sound like a paranoid nut-job, if you will pardon the phrase. But I don't think you are a paranoid nut-job...I think you are here intentionally trying to spread discord, either because you are being paid, or because you have interest in some other (inferior) coin.

This and this are my proposals regarding the masternodes anonymity issue.
If you were not controled by state agents, you should have support me and you should financed proposals that turn the masternodes really anonymous.
But instead of doing it, you refused to finance any research or any proposal towards the anonymity goal, and above all the core team rejected the will of the majority.

Isnt this a proof that you are an agent controled crypto currency? This is the fate of all governed coins. The agents will try to infiltrate them.
Until you justify your extraordinary claim, mentioned above - No, this is not "proof" at all that this is a state agent controlled currency. If, however, you ever actually had real proof of such a thing, I would personally thank you for sharing the information, and then act accordingly.

Justify your claims before making further such claims, or continue to appear as a paranoid nut-job. Your choice.
(And since your real purpose here is the creation of discord, I am sure you will choose the "paranoid nut-job" route.)
No, this is not "proof" at all that this is a state agent controlled currency.

Ok. Just tell me, what is a proof for you?
Describe me what will make you believe my claims, and I will provide this proof to you.
Ok. Just tell me, what is a proof for you?
Describe me what will make you believe my claims, and I will provide this proof to you.
You are making the accusations so you need to find the so-called proof
You are making the accusations so you need to find the so-called proof

The MNOs didnt finance any research or any proposal towards the anonymity of masternodes, and the core team rejected the will of the majority. For me this is a proof that you are an agent controled crypto currency. It is not for you (obviously).

So please tell me what kind of proof do you want, so that I will search for it and bring it to you. Because if you do not honestly and publicaly declare what type of proof will make you believe, this means that you are biased and that you will not believe my allegations, whatever proof I will provide to you.
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I am very interested in making a meaningful difference in the economy of Venezuela. And in fact, we are making meaningful progress and have a couple more proposals in the works that would also make a real difference.

We are funding monthly Dash seminars, specifically targeting local entrepreneurs. These are the people who will fix the Venezuelan economy. Every seminar has been packed. A larger venue has be rented every month, and still, more people come than anticipated. Thousands of entrepreneurs will have new tools to succeed and win in a very very difficult economic environment.

And, we very narrowly missed approving a local Bolivar/Dash exchange in the last budget cycle. 6 votes we missed it by. But that proposal will be back, and it will be improved and will likely pass. Ditto on the separate proposal for another local exchange. Once we have functional exchanges up where people can easily and directly convert the local crap fiat to a stable currency like Dash, then the magic starts to happen.

As correctly noted by Isobel C, injecting free money (even awesome money like Dash) into a damaged economic model like Venezuela almost universally has "unintended" bad consequences, and almost universally fails to fix the fundamental issue that caused the problem in the first place. Only by encouraging and facilitating people to start/run/grow businesses that deliver actual needed products and services, will we fix the underlying problems and make permanent and sustainable improvements in Venezuela.

So, by all means, continue to support the Dash seminars, and the Dash/Bolivar exchange proposals. I haven't had a chance to study the Venezuelan "help desk" prop, but that is likely also a legitimate way to push new life into the new economy of Venezuela.

I am not opposed to thoughtful charity, but I believe that should be left to the individual, not the Dash treasury system. That is not it's purpose, and it may do more harm than good. If it's a good/effective/clever proposal to market Dash more effectively in Venezuela, or start more Dash based businesses in Venezuela, or a better/easier Point Of Sale system that allows Venezuelan business to very easily accept Dash, I will happily promote those things with every ounce of strength that I have.
Ok. Just tell me, what is a proof for you?
Describe me what will make you believe my claims, and I will provide this proof to you.
I simply want ACTUAL PROOF. Not unsupported nonsense about "state agents" which, as I have said, makes you sound like a paranoid nut-job.
The MNOs didnt finance any research or any proposal towards the anonymity of masternodes, and the core team rejected the will of the majority. For me this is a proof that you are an agent controled crypto currency. It is not for you (obviously).
LOL! An opinion poll is very different from an masternode poll. And, even more to the point, even if a thing were voted upon UNANIMOUSLY, if it is impossible (or even just prohibitively complex/difficult) to implement, then voting won't make it happen.

So please tell me what kind of proof do you want, so that I will search for it and bring it to you. Because if you do not honestly and publicaly declare what type of proof will make you believe, this means that you are biased and that you will not believe my allegations, whatever proof I will provide to you.
Just any COMPELLING proof will do, for any reasonable person. But to make UNSUBSTANTIATED CLAIMS, as you are doing, actually exposes YOU as the one with the bias. But then again, you have already been exposed as only being here to create discord, so no surprise there.
LOL! An opinion poll is very different from an masternode poll. And, even more to the point, even if a thing were voted upon UNANIMOUSLY, if it is impossible (or even just prohibitively complex/difficult) to implement, then voting won't make it happen.

Just any COMPELLING proof will do, for any reasonable person. But to make UNSUBSTANTIATED CLAIMS, as you are doing, actually exposes YOU as the one with the bias.
You may see me as biased, but this is because you dont believe that the rejection of the majority will (by the core team), is a compelling proof.

What is a compelling proof for you? You are saying words without accurate meaning.
Explain A CASE where a proof will be considered as compelling by you.
You may see me as biased, but this is because you dont believe that the rejection of the majority will (by the core team), is a compelling proof.

What is a compelling proof for you? You are saying words without accurate meaning.
Explain A CASE where a proof will be considered as compelling by you.
I wish we had flying cars. I think most people would like to have a flying car, and would vote for flying cars. I can imagine a national referendum (in a country which has such referendums) where the vast majority voted for flying cars.

But...flying cars are technically infeasible. There is no practical way, under current technology, to make such a thing possible. Maybe someday, but not today. So, it would not be because anyone was "rejecting the will of the majority" that such flying cars did not exist. It would not be because of "enemies of the state,", or "foreign agents," or any such thing. It would be because of basic physics, and the state of technology.

This is analogous to the idea of anonymous masternodes. It would be great, but just like flying cars, it is technically infeasible at this time. say that the lack of flying cars would imply that "evil agents" were ignoring the will of the people would be idiotic. Likewise, to say that the lack of anonymous masternode imply "evil agents" is idiotic. Your continued assertion of such a thing is therefor also idiot - or more likely, simply a calculated effort to spread discord.

You ask what kind of proof I would need? Well, if you could come to this community with a truly workable solution to creating anonymous Masternodes, WHILE STILL RETAINING INSTANT TRANSACTIONS, and if you actually had the CODE to make this work, and if the code was checked and found to be good (not buggy, or at least any bugs were able to be fixed in it) and then there was an actual masternode vote on adopting that code but the results of that vote were rejected, THEN that might be proof that something was "fishy." It would not prove "state agents" were at work, but at least prove that the core team was acting contrary to masternode votes.
Right now Venezuela is in a huge financial crisis with deflation worse than anywhere on earth!
Would it be wise to put dash in the hands of these people to actually have it begin being used as a currency? These people live off tiny amounts of money so the budget could make a real difference here.

This in my opinion would be doing a charity and at the same time getting DASH used for its exact reason for creation.

we have enabled free dash for venezuela , feel free to refer as many folks as you want.

you get $1 for sign up and $1 when you refer others
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