Does/Should DASH have a mascot?


New member
One of the most successful companies in the world is Disney. The secret to their success is how they've been able to manage leveraging the characters they create to make them into marketing machines. They make more money from merchandising their characters than they do selling movies.

Dash should approach marketing and advertising in a similar manner. We should define an official mascot character, much like how Disney has Mickey Mouse, and the Linux project has Tux the penguin. The treasury should fund animated shorts starring the official Dash mascot character.

The question is: Should we adopt an existing character, or create a new one of our own? Tux was a new character invented for the purposes of promoting Linux. The other option is spending some of the treasury "leasing" an existing character. Examples of this are Time Warner licensing the Road Runner character for their broadband business. Also, Potcoin has sort of done this with Dennis Rodman.

We have way more money in our Treasury than the Potcoin people. The next time Rodman is on the Colbert's late night show, he should ask: "Dennis, why are you wearing a Dash short, last time you were on, you were wearing a Potcoin shirt, what happened?". He will answer "The Dash people paid me more money". The studio audience will laugh and it'll be worth it.
Does paypal has mascot?

I agree about more efficient strategic marketing away from

crypto community is necessary, but I disagree that we need a mascot.