Does Dash tends to value?

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Definitely believe in a future with dash . Bitcoin is far too slow, Bitcoin may be the first but not the best. When people realize this and other benefits of the Dash so I hope sincerely that the Dash is the largest currency !
The north american colony certainly exceeded the island head of the empire, and the sub-continent portion of that empire is potentially projected to surpass us all !
It's most likely there shall always be a respected place for grand dad, yet what has sprung forth will certainly exceed what he offers because of the successive improvements.
DASH is here to stay !
Hey @rustycase If bitcoin is grand dad then can litecoin be that weird spinster great-aunt with all the cats that you only ever see at weddings and funerals? :confused:

You could be right,methusaleh ! ...let me think about that for a few minutes...

I am studying all this to figure how it works and there are many interesting things that affect the world of cryptocoins.

Currently looking at origins, present geopolitical power base (control), market cap, volatility, and mining.

It is probable I may need to reverse my opinion of the DASH decrease in mining reward.

It's becoming apparent to me that SHA256 algorythm, ASIC miners and those who produce them, and utility cost to the miner are dynamically coupled with a predictable effect.
A dragon may wag it's tail whichever way it wishes.

OKay... I'm thinking LTC is perhaps more of a cousin to DASH, than a spinster great-aunt... Review Charles Lee, his origins, and associations, along with the description of LTC mission statement.

Yah, I'm still working my way through all this Newbie stuff ! lol

Ha yeah you're sounding less newbie by the minute if you ask me Rusty.
If you want to discuss your findings about mining I'd love to hear more on the subject in a PM sometime
Dash is growing insaine :) im so happy right now! A year ago I invested for a masternode. Passed ETH price, will this continue ?
Why the interest in Dash risen so fast? ;)
More publicity with new wallets and projects completing. Anyone who didnt know about dash with a jaxx wallet.will soon know learn and join the heard...
Dash is growing insaine :) im so happy right now! A year ago I invested for a masternode. Passed ETH price, will this continue ?
Why the interest in Dash risen so fast? ;)

The smart money follows Amanda B. Johnson.
Who says stalking doesn't pay?
@amanda_b_johnson let me know if you decide to leave Dash... Wherever you go, I'm going whitcha :)
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Ha yeah you're sounding less newbie by the minute if you ask me Rusty.
If you want to discuss your findings about mining I'd love to hear more on the subject in a PM sometime

I was once a prospector and miner of Au in the California hills. Placer, and hardrock claims.
All told, it was gubment regs that did me in.
Au was @ $300usd back then !!!! So I have dated myself.
Mining is ALL abt ROI.
.and there was recently a scuttlebutt rumour abt btc miners having a social get together somewhere near Beijing, maybe 10 days or so following the halvening.
And the btc exchanges in the land of the dragon began to show regular dumping (selling off mining proceeds?) with a marked downtrend.
Will it return ?
Will those miners go to some other coin?

Geopolitical influences in coin trading markets are perhaps more effective than in the forex, perhaps. Either way, I do not think all the tech chart analysis in the world presented in news items takes in sufficient information to be accurate representation.

Who factors in BDI and/or Paracell Islands & Fiery Cross Reef when making crypto predictions ???

Interpreting the Trollbox @Polo would be just as well, imo.

And pls get a 2nd opinion on anything I may say !
Dash is growing insaine :) im so happy right now! A year ago I invested for a masternode. Passed ETH price, will this continue ?
Why the interest in Dash risen so fast? ;)

What a day !!! $13.61 daily high 2day ! Astounding !!!
Actually, if u r able to read tech charts, this has presented a Perfect head and shoulders graph !
(they stump me. )

I feel the DASH- Detailed channel on Youtube has done a great service for DASH by Amanda B. Johnson's good work !

(I do find it annoying to see the HFT Bot activity on the DASH Exchange, though.)


PScript thought.... in reviewing various articles, 1 thing has come up in a glaring fashion... Fiat gateway is a major stumbling block to DASH.
I also believe a lot in the DASH project, and all depend on this community and the excellent work that everyone has done to enhance the DASH, but soon we will have a greater valorization of DASH else or maybe even at the same level as bitcoin
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