Does anyone know what happened to dash wallet in google play?

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I just noticed few days ago that I can't no longer find

Dash wallet in google play?

Its very hard to download apk from this website

and install for new people, including my self.

Does anyone know what happened to dash mobile wallet in google play?
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From the #android-wallet channel on Discord:
Google Play has suspended the Dash Wallet (android app) for violating their Impersonation policy.

Google Play could not tell that there was an affiliation between Hash Engineering Solutions and

They are working on getting it resolved.
Impersonation means that the Dash app is identical to an existing app on the Play Store

In this case (per Discord), the issue was that:
We heard back. Dash Wallet is impersonating!

The actual Google Policy doesn't relate strictly to source code, but "another app or entity’s brand, title, logo, or name".
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hashengeneering and fernando are working on the matter
should be solved soon
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