I appreciate you would like more detail, but many of these things are already described in other places. There is a functioning search box in the documentation which can help you find what you need. A certain economy of language and avoiding repetition is necessary to avoid high translation costs - each word will be translated into 5+ other languages, with all the costs and effort that entails. For this reason, it makes no sense to translate easily googleable things like how cron works. This documentation should be specific to Dash, not general documentation of Linux. Also, if we start writing instructions specific to Ubuntu Linux, then all the Fedora people start asking for specific instructions, plus specific keystrokes for Emacs or Vim instead of nano.... You get the picture
Now, your questions:
Ensure your masternode has sufficient memory, swap, processing power and hard drive space
I suppose so, it says 5%, but some directions might be good.
See here:
- Ensure that a BLS private key is specified using the masternodeblsprivkey option in the masternode’s dash.conf file
Ha! There is a key there. How would I know now if it is the correct one?
- Ensure that the BLS private key on the masternode is unique on the network and not shared with any other masternodes
And how would we do this?
- Ensure that the BLS private key on the masternode corresponds to the BLS public key registered on the blockchain in the ProRegTx or ProUpRegTx
Again, how do we do it?
This all depends on how you registered your masternode in the first place. Hardware wallet or Dash Core? You can examine the content of your protx on the blockchain using the masternodes tab in Dash Core or using
https://www.dashninja.pl/ - If you don't know your protx txid, try searching using the IP address instead. When you generated your BLS keys, you were given a private and a public key. The public key should appear on the blockchain in the protx, the private key should be in dash.conf on the masternode. If you lost your BLS key, you can generate a ProUpRegTx using the owner key to specify a new BLS operator key. If you lost the owner key as well, you need to start from scratch with the initial ProRegTx and sign a message with your collateral key again.
See here:
I know it is a lot of new stuff, but understanding these concepts is necessary if you want to maintain your own masternode. You can join us on
Discord where many masternode owners are helping each other through these steps, find a
third party hosting provider for $5 per month, or try to read this documentation again:
Ensure that Sentinel is installed, updated, not exiting with an error and is entered in your crontab to run every 1-2 minutes
Again, please, write specific lines.
You are writing your sentinel output to sentinel-cron.log - did you check that file? Otherwise run it manually like this:
cd ~/.dashcore/sentinel
venv/bin/python bin/sentinel.py
Good luck! Hope to see you on Discord soon...