Do you have more faith for project.manager or proposal.submitor ?. So in general, FAITH can cause things to happen. and because of that faith they are able to complete their task.
Do you have more faith for project.manager or proposal.submitor ?. So in general, FAITH can cause things to happen. and because of that faith they are able to complete their task.
Do you have more faith for project.manager or proposal.submitor ?
But, at what point will it come that the MNOs are actually in charge of something and actually making the calls? Calling it "governance" by a body of voters who don't actually have any say in anything is kinda not governance at all...
The voting system doesn't have a way to enforce change. It doesn't have a government police force, jails, or even a legal entity to prosecute. It can only fund opportunities.
Taxation doesn't work in crypto. You can't force someone to pay something - they can just create a new wallet with a new 'identity'.The budget system doesn't have a way to enforce change.
But you can add a taxation system in the protocol of dash.
Taxation can be used to enforce change, or to financially punish someone who is not compatible with the decisions of the community.
Taxation doesn't work in crypto. You can't force someone to pay something - they can just create a new wallet with a new 'identity'.
A government can put you in jail....(unless you are running for president or a CEO)...that has a little more pull than a taxing a dead wallet.
Yeah, you can stop paying someone that has a budget paying them. That isn't a tax. That is just defunding future work. A government can tax you and go after all your assets and put in jail depending on if you pay. There is a big difference.Taxation works, for the budget system.
How do you pay those who implement a budget proposal? They are forced to give a dash wallet address in order to get paid.
So if you want to punish them you can implement taxation into the dash protocol, for those specific dash wallets that are paid by the budget system.
Yeah, you can stop paying someone that has a budget paying them. That isn't a tax. That is just defunding future work. A government can tax you and go after all your assets and put in jail depending on if you pay. There is a big difference.
Besides for setting a really bad precedence that any wallet can be zeroed at the touch of a button, why would anyone keep funds in the same wallet if they knew it would be confiscated. They would just transfer to another wallet. Mix it. Send again. (wallet isn't really the right term but I am making this simple)I didnt mean just stop paying him.
The protocol may also include the option for all his dash wallet that is affiliated to the budget to be confiscated, if this is the decision of the dash community. Confiscation is taxation.
Crypto isn't like a credit card - you can just charge up a debt on someone. There is no social security number to track an identity and take future earnings.
Besides for setting a really bad precedence that any wallet can be zeroed at the touch of a button, why would anyone keep funds in the same wallet if they knew it would be confiscated. They would just transfer to another wallet. Mix it. Send again. (wallet isn't really the right term but I am making this simple)
I dindt said ANY wallet may be confiscated. I said specific wallets, affiliated to the budget system should be confiscated if something bad happens. For those specific wallets affiliated to the budget, transactions and money transfer should be recorded and rollback if neccessary, and mixing should be prohibited by the protocol, for a predefined time period.
And I didnt said "at the touch of a button" those specific wallets to be confiscated. I said "after a decision-vote of the community".
It is tottaly different what I proposed, and what you understood. By allowing in the protocol the confiscation of specific targeted wallets after the decision of the community, this threat could enforce people to behave properly. This will turn dash closer to a nation. If you are only based in the good will, and if you dont have a mechanism to enforce and to threat, then it is likely to fail.
Although it might not be going *exactly* that way, we are moving in that direction with programmable budgets.
I dindt said ANY wallet may be confiscated. I said specific wallets, affiliated to the budget system should be confiscated if something bad happens. For those specific wallets affiliated to the budget, transactions and money transfer should be recorded and rollback if neccessary, and mixing should be prohibited by the protocol, for a predefined time period.
And I didnt said "at the touch of a button" those specific wallets to be confiscated. I said "after a decision-vote of the community".
It is tottaly different what I proposed, and what you understood. By allowing in the protocol the confiscation of specific targeted wallets after the decision of the community, this threat could enforce people to behave properly. This will turn dash closer to a nation. If you are only based in the good will, and if you dont have a mechanism to enforce and to threat, then it is likely to fail.
that isn't a big incentive to enforce someone to act. The government has much stronger ways (police, jail, or docking future paychecks).
Fortunately for their market cap, none of the cryptotard bagholders have any idea what this means; 1000% fuxored.You can't rollback a transaction without redesigning code. This is what Ethereum is trying to do with the DAO problems. It is ugly to say the least. If they do it then it allows the possibility to do it in the future - weakening the faith in Ethereum and it's fungibility. If they don't do it the attacker gains a lot of ether.