Here I got an idea (well actually no, I stole it directly off Bram Cohen but there you are,I admit it, lol)
Lets say its worth repeating and making more flowery.
For some time I have been trying to work out a way of getting more people into mining in order to introduce them to our coin, now, lots of people are going to either not have the tech know how to get it going or are just not bothered enough to go through the process, but the common element is that they all have internet and a computer so how to get round it?
Well what about using the javascript for doing Dash mining as people surf the web page when they go on certain pages? (good revenue to pay the host, if not to the visitor as well)
Bram Cohen says he has got it working for bitcoin, which I find surprising given the extraordinary difficulty in finding a block (puts a new definition to dust, eh)
Dash is still happy to make the most from mining of 1 or 2 cores from someones computer and still give out a certain amount of yield without stressing the computer too much.
And there is another way, this time done from the user end, what about a firefox miner plugin that you can switch on/off in the settings,
keeping the settings as simple as possible, perhaps just with wallet recieving address and core number for example.
So can get paid, to yourself or to the webpage host for surfing the net, could it catch on big style, worth funding ?