Directorio comercial interactivo

usarian la plataforma?/ la recomendarian?

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New member
My name is Omar Gaitán, I am a medical professional, I was born in Colombia.

To start talking about the creation of the Nuttb platform, I must return to the year 2011 and 2012. At that time, a friend invited me to the first official talk about Bitcoin in New York City. From there I aroused my interest in the subject, so I began to study it in depth. Years later I had the opportunity to go to Europe, specifically to Germany in 2016, where I discovered that the subject was not as well known or commercial yet. Later I went to Italy where the use and commercialization of this new economy focused on large transactions both local and international. From there I went to China, where until a little before 2017, the concept is much broader, including its huge mining operations. Since my departure from Colombia to China, I could see a commercial opportunity, given that since BOOM in 2011 with Bitcoin in the United States, neither mining nor the basic concept of trade, have been massified in Colombia, preventing the daily use of people, final goal of any decentralized economy to benefit all users regardless of their nationality, beliefs or knowledge.

Since 2015 I started an investigation on what would be the ideal way to consolidate the benefits of the whole community, thus developing NUTTB (this is the name of the platform and whose geo-location application is currently in the development phase). for which I present this information, requesting your support both in the economic part as in the disclosure, affiliation and use of the platform, so that it reaches all corners of the planet and in as many languages as possible.

NUTTB is a platform that already exists with investment for expansion and growth of the same
The purpose of this platform is basically to connect shops of all kinds and that all can buy in them with all the coins being the main dash the platform already works we have physical headquarters in Bogota, but we need the support of all to continue creating and increasing this ecosystem .

How do we do this CONNECTING, yes, connecting businesses with users of currencies, and these with the businesses where we teach the first the benefits of this growing economy and users we motivate them so that they not only work in trading if they do not use the establishments Affiliated to the platform, in your daily life, that is, the experience for us as users is to be able to take a coffee, clothes, medical services, travel and much more with samples, coins and for the stores, increase of clients and de-centralization, helping us to grow by trust , it is important for a voice to voice that the platform already exists and works and we want to strengthen it and improve its reach and development
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busco crear una gran comunidad con la ayuda de todas las personas creyentes en la cripto economia pues lo que buscamos es decentralizar las finanzas de este sistema dañado actual y monopolizado por un par de personas y entidades pero esto no se puede construir solo esto lo podemos hacer juntos la plataforma ya esta funcionando cuento con su apoyo ?

I seek to create a large community with the help of all the people who believe in the crypto economy because what we are looking for is to de-centralize the finances of this current damaged system and monopolized by a couple of people and entities but this can not be built only this we can do together the platform is already working, have your support?
Hola, bienvenido
Con mucho aprecio te hare algunas recomendaciones:
1. Trata de poner tu pre-propuesta en ingles para que este al alcance de toda a comunidad
2. Debes ser mas amplio, detallar cual es tu mercado, como va a funcionar ese directorio, que tipo de promoción va a tener
3. Muestra los beneficios que DASH podría tener con tu proyecto
4. Cuanto va a costar? en cuento tiempo va a estar listo?
5. Usa inflografias, videos, y cualquier otro recurso para mostrar tu proyecto
6. Crea un perfil mas detallado de quien eres, permíte a la comunidad saber de ti y por qué eres la persona ieal para llevar a cabo este proyecto.
7. Lee el articulo de @strophy que es muy util para que te orientes

Espero entonces que puedas mejorarlo. Saludos
Hello and welcome
With much appreciation I will make some recommendations:
1. Try to post your pre-proposal in English so that it is available to the entire community
2. You must be more extensive, detailed.. for example: what is your market, how will that platform work, what kind of promotion is going to gain merchants
3. Show the benefits DASH could have with your project
4. How much will it cost? how much time you need to implement?
5. Use inflographies, videos, and any other resource to show your project
6. Create a more detailed profile of who you are, let the community know about you and why you are the ideal person to carry out this project.
7. Read the article by @strophy that is very useful for you to orient yourself

I hope then that you can improve it. regards
La plataforma ya esta creada podemos promoverla entre todos para que todas las personas a nivel mundial podamos comprar todo lo que deseemos sin importar el pais ni el idioma ya que esta nueva economia nos permite romper fronteras sin tener limitaciones en las divisas la pueden visitar se llama nuttb no coloco el link para respetar las reglas de la comunidad juntos somos mas .

the platform is already created we can promote it among all so that all people worldwide can buy everything we want regardless of the country or the language as this new economy allows us to break boundaries without limitations in the currency can visit is called nuttb I do not place the link to respect the rules of the community together we are more
Básicamente lo que hacemos mas allá de mostar comercios es eliminar las intermediaciones de empresas que afectan la economías de los emprendimientos nuevos creando falsos clientes y pidiéndoles descuentos y poniéndolos a trabajar por debajo de los costos reales ya llevamos un tiempo funcionando esperamos su apoyo esto es real contamos con cada uno de ustedes.

Basically what we do beyond showing business is to eliminate the intermediation of companies that affect the economy of new ventures by creating false customers and asking them for discounts and putting them to work below real costs. We have been working for a while now, we hope your support is real. we have each one of you
Hola, concuerdo con los consejos que te ha brindado @jesccs ya que no queda suficientemente claro cual es el objeto del hilo de conversación ni de la propuesta. ¿Quieres crear una campaña de marketing para esta plataforma? ¿o que a través de esta se realicen pagos en Dash? Recuerda que el sentido de la DAO (organización autónoma descentralizada) es que la comunidad aporte valor a Dash y a sus tenedores y en este sentido, de acuerdo a la apreciación de los MNOs, los proyectos serán ejecutados.

Organiza las ideas: Propuesta de valor, beneficios para dash, problema, solución, alcance, objetivos generales y específicos, esto te permitirá tener una visión más clara de lo que quieres hacer y podrás presentarlo a la comunidad de un modo más inteligible. También debes presentar esto en inglés, si no dominas bien el idioma puedes integrar a alguien a tu equipo que tenga esa facilidad.

Con todos los ánimos de apoyarte, saludos desde Guayana.


Hello, I agree with the advice that @jesccs has given you since it is not sufficiently clear which is the subject of the conversation thread or of the proposal. Do you want to create a marketing campaign for this platform? Or that through this payments are made in Dash? Remember that the meaning of the DAO (autonomous decentralized organization) is that the community contributes value to Dash and its holders and in this sense, according to the appreciation of the MNOs, the projects will be executed.

Organize the ideas: Value proposal, benefits for dash, problem, solution, scope, general and specific objectives, this will allow you to have a clearer vision of what you want to do and you can present it to the community in a more intelligible way. You must also present this in English, if you do not master the language well you can integrate someone to your team that has that facility.

With all the encouragement to support you, greetings from Guyana.
Hola @NUTTB , También soy de Colombia. Hago parte del equipo de Noticias de Dash en Español. Que bueno tener más colombianos acá.
Con relación a su post, la verdad no entiendo muy bien cuál es el propósito (como ya lo comentaron antes). Con solo mirar el título creería que se trata de crear un directorio de comercios que aceptan Dash, Por favor acláreme si estoy equivocado.
Si es así, le comento que ya existe un directorio: El cual actualmente tiene listados más de 1000 comercios.
Quedo atento a cualquier inquietud, en lo que le pueda servir.

Hi, I'm from Colombia too. I work in Dash News en Español.
I really don't understand very well whick is the purpose of your post (as was said before). By reading the header I would think that your idea is create a merchants directory that accept Dash, please, let me know if I'm wrong.
If so, please notive that already exists and at present it has listed over 1000 businesses that accept Dash as payment.
We'll keep in touch,
Hello guys, you should talk in english only, in that way you dont have to type your messages twice. Just a recommendation.
