Also, one of the exciting opportunities that Masternodes provide, is that they can host the blockchain, decentralized, for lightweight users. I hope this feature happens soon. So only the masternodes, mining nodes and people who want to have a copy of the blockchain ever need have it. And yet it will still be stored in a decentralized fashion.Extra transactions will cause extra bloat. Fortunately, space is cheap, and the blockchain isn't growing that quickly, so it's unlikely to become unmanageable any time soon. If it truly did get too large(keep in mind that bitcoin's blockchain is only up to about 20GB, which although annoying to download, is hardly significant for current hard drives), there are some things that could be done to try to lower it. The current block data compresses very well, and just for the sake of testing, I ran it through winrar and was able to decrease the size by more than 40%. Obviously that isn't a format you'd try to run in-line, but I'm sure you'd get significant gains with something else that you could use to directly save and load compressed data. Another possibility is blockchain pruning could be attempted to be done, although that would likely be controversial, as it would break the ability to verify all the way back to the beginning.
I'm also still wondering about what thelonecrouton said. Was he implying that with a muddy blockchain, we can't verify the validity of the coins (that they're true mined coins?) Or was he saying something else? I'm confused? Thanks!