Agreed. According to, there are 946 active masternodes + wannabe masternodes. In other words, approximately 946,000 coins are tied up.
There are 4,700,000 DRK coins outstanding. The ratio of tied up collateral to coins outstanding is 946/4700=0.201.
So we've tied up 20% of the coin with 20% MN payouts. Interesting, right? Most MNs tend to hold their coins and add MNs over time. So there is an effective 20% seigniorage on the coin economy now. So the big econ question is: If we want the number of masternodes to double, is the proper lever to double the masternode payout percentage? What are the unintended consequences of this action? Allow me to give some food for thought on that:
Perhaps there is a point where miners will be incentivized to sell their mining gear to buy MNs and run those instead. We may strengthen our proof of service network at the expense of PoW security, giving us another problem. We may weaken mining profitability to the point that the X11 ASICs won't be developed (a bad thing IMO).
We better think this one through carefully.