While I agree in principle with what you say I'm against any proposal that could have negative legal aspects until we refine the current system. I understand that you want to make a positive difference in the world but it's too soon for this kind of proposal in my opinion. Masternode operators need legal protection if funds are diverted to an illegal activity, and hemp is illegal in many jurisdictions, so basically no.
Also why do you think switching to hemp would wipe out 75% of all chronic disease? That seems like such an outlandish claim.
Please note we have modified the language in the formal proposal to further reduce any risk of liability to masternodes. We are only interested in bringing further value to the Dash ecosystem and limiting the risk to masternodes is an important aspect of succeeding with our project.
All PureHemp Tech and both John and I are in the United States. No part of the hemp plant has ever been illegal. The only law that had existed was the restriction of cultivation of hemp, which was changed in 2014 by the federal government with the US Farm Act
https://www.agriculture.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Farm_Bill_Final.pdf , which basically deregulated and delegated the cultivation and US-based commercialization of hemp to the individual state's agriculture departments. Thus far 31 states have revised their state legislation to reflect the the US government's guidelines.
To answer your question completely I would have to post the bulk of the whitepaper. The short answer is the majority of people all over the world have adapted to requiring food to have sweetness to it. It is a DNA human instinct type thing that the sweetener corps figured out about 50+ years ago and have been perfecting ever since. Xylitol has the exact sweetness of sugar cane, but none of the toxic effects (Also has several health benefits
http://hempxylitol.com/health.html ). The reason why it has not replaced current market dominating sweeteners is complicated, but the easiest to understand and applicable to this project is that current sources (corn/birch tree) are not scalable enough to make it economically competitive. Hemp changes that equation completely.
Why could hemp wipe out 75% of all chronic disease? Also in the whitepaper, but basically 75% of all chronic diseases are inflammatory mediated. Meaning whatever causes systemic inflammation is causing the disease and harmful sugars have been identified as the leading (really only) source causing this systemic inflammatory reaction long enough and persistent enough to result in 75% of all chronic diseases we have today.
That is without mentioning the other whole body of data about another part of the hemp plant, which this project has no connection with. You can go to
https://hempsweet.net and at the bottom of the landing page shows the list of diseases/illnesses that hemp has been proven to treat or cure. If you click on a specific medical problem then the links to specific research articles that support the indication can be found. The epilepsy category and the video included is quite emotionally moving. The thing most people don't know is THC actually lowers the seizure threshold so it is not used treat seizures, but the other 117+ cannabinoids (all the same for bother plants) and specifically CBD (there are more) is the effective cannabinoid for seizures. The marijuana folks, the big pharma folks, and of course the banking folks who are all profiting by the lack of education of the public about the differences (legal, biological and medical) between hemp and non-hemp cannabis, all are providing road blocks to slow the progress down although they are quickly fading. They really cannot do much to slow down progress because the whole thing that started cannabis prohibition was the mind altering effect of THC and the scary reefer madness, which hemp never fit that category and now we have the technology to quickly determine the difference between the two plants......there is no legal standing for them to successfully use to stop the progress of hemp. The DEA tried and failed. They not only were quickly shut down on the topic of hemp and forced to correct their errors, but are actively being sued for damages by the industrial hemp industry. Needless to say, things have already changed. What side of the future do we want to be on? Does DASH want to be the standard currency for exchange of value for an industry that will without doubt heal this planet or be left behind with all the other parts of society that are no longer serving the people.