Btw, I'm not sure why there is a discrepancy in the vote count between Dash Central and DMT.
Not sure what you're expecting...
My personal opinion :
More than 10% budget --> More selling of Dash on the market by those projects that receive Dash funding --> More Sell Pressure & Reduced Dash Store of Value (by making masternodes less attractive to invest in). It directly undermines our whole blockreward allocation change.
the treasury kills outside incentives and innovations.
We need to kill more. The history of our treasury can be summed up with the following slogan...
Funding products no one needed that never arrived.
And yet you are pushing hard for the DAO treasury allocation proposal to pass.
That makes about as much sense as a dry year and I wore two raincoats.
1 - They don't understand the proposal.
2 - Voted no because they don't have time or attention span to consider the proposal.
3 - They don't like it because it's from DCG.
4- They don't trust other MNOs to support their pet projects under the plan.
3 - They don't like it because it's from DCG.
OF course Demo you have to make a meta-comment. You can't comment on the actual proposal. That would be beneath you.
hipnotic said:“I already have no confidence in MNO's ability to make good decisions, so increasing the budget would be crazy.”
“If I don't trust the MNO's to spend the current budget wisely, why would I give them more money?”
(copied from DashCentral)
It’s frustrating that you and others here don’t understand why economic value incentives should be optimized. In your opinion, you think that if we do improve the incentives, then MNOs will react to the change by overspending (or underspending) because they’re all stupid and irrational or whatever. You think YOU know better than everyone else when it comes to deciding what adds value to Dash. And therefore, your solution to the voters’ poor decision-making is to misallocate block rewards (supply inflation) in a way that directly increases relative downward pressure on Dash’s price and would likely prevent some value-adding +ev proposals from being funded.
+Ev proposals are called +ev proposals because they add more value than their cost. => As many +ev proposals as the block reward budget can afford, after fully paying for continuous network security and functionality, should be included and funded. A 20% treasury cap does this.
So then if MNOs were to make bad decisions or mistakes in their assessment of how much value will be added by proposals, their mistakes would hurt their investment’s value. That perfect incentive is what will make MNOs take voting most seriously.
To keep incentives misaligned instead - just because of opinions, emotions, or guesses - is definitely the incorrect thing to do. The correct optimal solution is more likely to maximize Dash’s expected value.
Please have the humility to seek the actual true solution that would maximize Dash’s value. If you own one or more masternodes, you have a large investment in Dash. You should realize that you will benefit more from implementing the best economic solution that adds maximum value to Dash than from basing this decision on personal opinions. I want 2021 to be really amazing for Dash, and I think this change to more optimal incentives needs to happen as soon as possible for Dash to advance and succeed this year. Choose the correct economic solution. Anything else would make/keep things worse.
Happy New Year Dash Community!!![]()