Budget proposals that expect longterm funding should not be able to ride rises in Dash valuation for multiple cycles.
Specifically, if a proposal is being funded, and it has no rollover method in place and continues to ask for funding
with a rising Dash valuation, it should be downvoted by the network beyoind a certain percentage rise in valuation
absent a new proposal being put forth.
Dash has seen a large rise in USD valuation over the last couple of months, and although a continuation in this rise in
valuation is not absolutely guaranteed, tokenomics models expect this rise in valuation.
Proposal owners that submit proposals for more than 3 voting cycles should be subject to a review in Dash valuation
each cycle, as the market matures, Dash valuation is expected to rise, having proposals that came in at 80-100 USD
Dash valuation expecting to get continued funding at 240 USD Dash is ridiculous.
Some have suggesated we lower the proposal fee, open up compettition for funding, what I am suggesting is that any
proposal initiated at a funding rate that is 40% or higher at current Dash valuation be discontinued. We have a situation
now where there is no room left in the budget because of POs that were funded initially at a much lower Dash valuation.
Thank you.
Specifically, if a proposal is being funded, and it has no rollover method in place and continues to ask for funding
with a rising Dash valuation, it should be downvoted by the network beyoind a certain percentage rise in valuation
absent a new proposal being put forth.
Dash has seen a large rise in USD valuation over the last couple of months, and although a continuation in this rise in
valuation is not absolutely guaranteed, tokenomics models expect this rise in valuation.
Proposal owners that submit proposals for more than 3 voting cycles should be subject to a review in Dash valuation
each cycle, as the market matures, Dash valuation is expected to rise, having proposals that came in at 80-100 USD
Dash valuation expecting to get continued funding at 240 USD Dash is ridiculous.
Some have suggesated we lower the proposal fee, open up compettition for funding, what I am suggesting is that any
proposal initiated at a funding rate that is 40% or higher at current Dash valuation be discontinued. We have a situation
now where there is no room left in the budget because of POs that were funded initially at a much lower Dash valuation.
Thank you.