Well-known member
...unable to find any mention of it anywhere else, it includes no information on voting for or against it, I have no choice but to abstain.
...unable to find any mention of it anywhere else, it includes no information on voting for or against it, I have no choice but to abstain.
This is a valid point. It takes a tiny percentage of upvotes to approve a budget item at this point. It's very possible for a small group of people to completely control this. Downvotes have no impact on that threshold. It's basically a "pass everything and leave it completely open-ended unless there is a wildly overwhelming opposition threshold which can't be reached based simply on abstaining volume alone, so; pass everything money hose without ASICs."
Don't get mad. It's the truth. Whether we believe the matter to be benevolent, or not, is irrelevant. The blockchain currently resembles a wide-open fire hose with no one manning the nozzle....
We had a protracted discussion about pork barrel system. The current implementation of the budget system is actually worse than all of the bad scenarios there imagined put together...
Perhaps the solution is to downvote proposals until they are adequately communicated, displayed, put somewhere that we can be aware of it, clearly, anything... Beuller? Beuller?
Gentoo has a cool news system built directly into emerge (it's package handler). No GUI BS. Right in the console, where all the headless Masternodes dwell... Adopting a similar announcement system would keep us up to date. It keeps people aware of what's going on without them having to dig through forums for information that may or may not even be there...
The "delay" is only a result of failure to promulgate information. I outlined a simple way to have a "squeaky wheel" notification in any client who contains a valid mnprivekey variable in it's dash.conf file... We could at least be getting notifications that there's a new budget on the 'net and google the fingerprint for info... Crude, but it'd work. And even my dumb ass could implement that...I believe the problem is that the threshold to get a yes vote passed is only 10%. Originally, we were asking for a supermajority. Something had to be really good to get everyone to agree. I think even a simple majority might not work without considerable advertising to vote. I would think a 30% threshold would get the control out of the "inside mn owners". A 30% will delay the voting a few weeks but should be attainable based on previous votes..
Downvoting won't work. You would need a large downvote 45% to stop proposals - do any proposals even have 45% of the votes yet? It shouldn't be a requirement that masternodes stop a proposal anyway. Only good proposals should pass and they get voted when the right amount of masternodes vote yes.
Maybe a single payout proposal has a 20% threshold. An multimonth proposal would have a 30% threshold. The proposal that worries me is the public awareness(which is not specific) that overlaps with the conferences/ has a nice listing of proposals along with comments. Rango is planning to implement email notifications when a new proposals is added. There is also a mobile app too.
That still wouldn't work for me. I don't run my GUI all that often or want to remember check websites. I need an email or text telling me about a new proposal. That should be doable from the masternode daemon. Do your lookup every 60 minutes and if there is a new one ssmtp an email with "check for a new proposal".There needs to be some kind of squeaky wheel that gets in the face of masternode operators.
While the GUI client for "normal" users needs to be friction-free, I'd suggest a page from Gentoo's emerge package manager. Major changes have a rudimentary newsfeed announcement that shows up in the CLI of emerge so that any user is notified of things that might affect their system. You are notified of news relating to your installed packages right in your face in the package manager as you are using it. If you choose to ignore it, well, that's on you and you can't say nobody warned you.
If MNs had a stdout print announce that was also echoed in debug.log of "unread budget proposals" or something... Something that gets attention during other operations such that it isn't required that an MN operator spend brain and life time polling for information that may or may not even exist... Some kind of squeaky wheel that lets us know there's something we need to have a look at, get informed about, and make a decision upon. GUI "fat stack" wallets could do similar. These proposals are time sensitive, and we're temporally disconnected from it.
It is one thing to actively seek educational material. Quite another to constantly be trolling for "is there any new budget item? Where do I find it if there is?"
I realize there's a website being made for this... But, still, that requires I go check the website. Can't the daemon check the website and have an "Unread time-sensitive budget items exist. Click here to rectify the fact that you're not "with it," man!!"
Is it real so hard to add a "read?" tag to my masternode-many wallet's fingerprints for the budget items?
if == FALSE
print "$budgetfingerprint"
It would be nice to not tie any more identifying info into it. I ask for something even less complicated which can be done in console the same way Gentoo does it in emerge. Make it fancier if you must... But, I really don't want to get an email or a text message. The daemon should do this without attaching itself to other information, let that be optional. Emerge doesn't ask me for my email, my DNA, or how many burritos I ate last Thursday.That still wouldn't work for me. I don't run my GUI all that often or want to remember check websites. I need an email or text telling me about a new proposal. That should be doable from the masternode daemon. Do your lookup every 60 minutes and if there is a new one ssmtp an email with "check for a new proposal".
Moocowmoo could do this in like 2 minutes with his updater. Shoot, maybe I can figure this out. Research underway.....
Code...LOL. Keep in mind a budget notification is only affecting 4000 masternodes, maybe only 500 people. Normal users don't see this or care.It would be nice to not tie any more identifying info into it. I ask for something even less complicated which can be done in console the same way Gentoo does it in emerge. Make it fancier if you must... But, I really don't want to get an email or a text message. The daemon should do this without attaching itself to other information, let that be optional. Emerge doesn't ask me for my email, my DNA, or how many burritos I ate last Thursday.
I thought DASH was about privacy? Why not aim to preserve that in every aspect?
I'm not on dashwhale. I'm not going to be. This should be handled internally, without having to sign up for an account, give out my info, etc... That's not meant to knock the service trying to fill the vacuum. Things like dashwhale and dashninja are invaluable, but only because DASH is failing to do it itself...
This concept has been an absolutely essential since the first thought of self-governance, yet where is it? It's like buying a house, but the walls, floor, and roof are optional, not included, and haven't been invented yet...
I'm not expressing anger, entitlement, etc... Just that there seems to be no sense of urgency over a hair-on-fire level of feature deficiency... It's not like this budget thing was thought of 2 days ago and nobody got around to it yet... Your hair is on fire, man! You can't ignore that for 4 months!
The price is going up, so who cares? Duh, this Mexico bit is drawing eyeballs. Eyeballs that can see this "WTF?" hole in it... If you're going to stand up and draw attention to yourself, make sure your zipper is up and your you-know-what isn't hanging out of your pants... might drag on the concrete and that hurts.
GeorgeM needs to do up an image of Evan with his hair on fire... Super Sayan Level 12? Cue the "0ver 9000" meme...
Take my simplistic idea, and let services build on top of it for those not concerned. I realize I could parse the data myself. And I'm all for not being lazy as fuck. But this is a lot like an air compressor with no pressure switch. It just runs and runs and runs until you unplug it, or it explodes... It's got to have some kind of self-regulating feedback so I don't have to sit there flipping the switch all the time.
I think the best way to say this is that DASH has made itself biologically extensible. Even as a headless daemon, the Masternode Operators are part of the program now. But, none of the essential variables are being passed to their brains
10 Do Nothing
20 GOTO 10
Cool loop, bro.
I could see it in a notification capacity only. No need to have an account, declare any MN info, or even if you are an MN or not. Maybe people just curious would like to see and get notifications?Code...LOL. Keep in mind a budget notification is only affecting 4000 masternodes, maybe only 500 people. Normal users don't see this or care.
Understand about not registering for dashwhale. Would you be open to getting an email that goes out whenever a new version is released or budget proposal added?
The new dash features affect all users and that is what needs to be pushed to get adoption. Dash is lightyears ahead of Bitcoin - that was obvious at the conference. Each company was trying to solve a tiny bitcoin ecosystem problem and Dash solves everything with Evolution. I am all for the developers spending time on the ground breaking features.
/home/dash/dash-cli -datadir=/home/dash/.dash/ mnbudget show > budgetsnew
diff=$(diff /home/dash/budgetsnew /home/dash/budgetsold)
if [ -n "$diff" ]
echo To: [email protected] > /home/dash/changes
echo From: [email protected] >> /home/dash/changes
echo Subject: New Proposal Added to Budget >> /home/dash/changes
diff /home/dash/budgetsnew /home/dash/budgetsold >> /home/dash/changes
ssmtp [email protected] < /home/dash/changes
cp /home/dash/budgetsnew /home/dash/budgetsold
UseStartTLS=YES (or UseStartSSL=YES)
I think you can sign up with without any masternode info. Then you can get notifications and comment on budget proposals. Not really why I asked the question though.I could see it in a notification capacity only. No need to have an account, declare any MN info, or even if you are an MN or not. Maybe people just curious would like to see and get notifications?
Why not simply have a nag in the debug.log that says "Hey, slacker, you ain't looked at this stuff yet: [open local, dynamically generated xml in default browser, or use ncurses in consoleif no GUI]"
I'll repeat for emphasis your own inquiry: "Would you be open to getting an email that goes out whenever a new version is released or budget proposal added?"
Sure, if that's all it was. But what happens when someone spams the budget system? More people get involved? 700 emails a second would suck... A nag that brings up a list for me to peruse at my convenience would still be preferable.
notify_email="[email protected]"
BUDGET_NAMES=$(dash-cli mnbudget show | grep Name | awk '{print $3}' | sed -e 's/[",]//g' | sort)
echo "$BUDGET_NAMES" > /tmp/current_budgets
if [ -e /tmp/previous_budgets ]; then
NEW_BUDGETS=$(diff /tmp/current_budgets /tmp/previous_budgets | grep '^<' | awk '{print $2}')
for new_budget in $NEW_BUDGETS; do
nbi=$(dash-cli mnbudget getinfo $new_budget)
email_body=$email_body$(echo -e "\n$nbi")
if [ ! -z "$email_body" ]; then
echo "$email_body" | ssmtp $notify_email
mv /tmp/current_budgets /tmp/previous_budgets
It's a little bit off topic, but if BolehVPN can make a proposal and organize common promotional campaign "Dash+BolehVPN", targeting it to people who are looking for anonymity - it would be great!
1. You know this audience very well (and this audience is several times bigger than traditional cryptocurrency's community).
2. There is no need to describe for those people why anonymity does matter.
3. Private payments is an important part of the whole process...
4. ...
If you can make and release such a proposal in fair manner - I am sure it will be supported...
/home/dash/dash-cli -datadir=/home/dash/.dash/ mnbudget show | grep Name | awk '{print $3}' | sed -e 's/[",]//g' | sort > /home/dash/budgetsnew
cp -n /home/dash/budgetsnew /home/dash/budgetsold
diff=$(diff /home/dash/budgetsnew /home/dash/budgetsold | grep '^<' | awk '{print $2}')
if [ -n "$diff" ]; then
echo To: [email protected] > /home/dash/changes
echo From: [email protected] >> /home/dash/changes
echo Subject: New Proposal Added to Budget >> /home/dash/changes
echo These proposals were changed >> /home/dash/changes
diffdetail=$(/home/dash/dash-cli -datadir=/home/dash/.dash/ mnbudget show | grep -A 19 "$diff" | grep -E 'Name|URL|TotalPayment"' | sed -e 's/[",]//g')
echo "$diffdetail" >> /home/dash/changes
#echo "$diff" >> /home/dash/changes
/usr/sbin/ssmtp [email protected] < /home/dash/changes
cp /home/dash/budgetsnew /home/dash/budgetsold
I didn't realize there was a contest... I just consolidated and purged a 2.2GB wallet from impersonating an LP... Got tired of the 20+ minute load time, lols.2nd place world record holder of a DASH wallet with 2 Million+1 Keys coming in with a bloated size of 1.18GB.
I didn't realize there was a contest... I just consolidated and purged a 2.2GB wallet from impersonating an LP... Got tired of the 20+ minute load time, lols.
Looks like you got your wish to delay this budget round.<Significant Snip>
Perhaps the solution is to downvote proposals until they are adequately communicated, displayed, put somewhere that we can be aware of it, clearly, anything... Beuller? Beuller?
<Significant Snip>
I certainly wouldn't call it a wish, but, uh... Toljaso.Looks like you got your wish to delay this budget round.