December 2015 Budget Proposal


Core Developer
It’s that time again, here are the budget proposals for this month. We’re really looking forward to the mexico conference, see you there!

Previous Items:

Core Team Budget - $2904 - 1176 DASH (ongoing)
Public Awareness Campaign - $5500 (ongoing)

We’ve been working on our public awareness campaign, which is getting highly organized. You can see more information about this here:

Liquidity Providers - $300

We have created a new team to support the network by providing liquidity for the mixing on the network. Results for mixing on the network look promising, users have reported being able to mix in a few hours instead of days.

New Proposal Items:

New Website Acquired - DASH.ORG

We are extremely happy to announce we’ve successfully acquired the domain! This took months and many team members to successfully close this deal, so we thank all involved. Total costs for this purchase are $20,329.99, split up in four payments of 2100/DASH per month.

Full Announcment:

laBITconf Video Advertising Budget - $3120

We have prepared a presentation targeting the Bitcoin community for the Mexico conference and have designed an advertising plan to show the video to lots of people outside of our community. This is intended to start a conversion about Dash technology in the greater community.

December Budget:

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The plan is to take a video of the my talk and promote it via the budget system :cool:

Cool, 1500 seems a bit steep but after all the uncertainty with the Bitcoin Wednesday vid imo it's worth it to know the vid will be available. I'd be interested to know if Alex is involved with production, live feeds etc. but I'm guessing all that will be discussed elsewhere, looking forward to it :)
Thats interesting with China, it would never have occured to me that they can not even download the wallet due to the 'other' great wall of China, would have been a none starter for most people before then.
So whats the situation with being able to host a masternode through the big wall, is it doable?
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Public Awareness Campaign decreases to $4632 for December, down from $5500 the previous 3 months...
Are there any details of the who and how these funds are being spent?
Public Awareness Campaign decreases to $4632 for December, down from $5500 the previous 3 months...
Are there any details of the who and how these funds are being spent?

I'd like to know that as well, as far as I can tell there is no active campaign.

let me try to be more specific to see if anyone can help me understand that table...

laBITconf Video Advertising Budget - $3000 but in the table it's $3120 ??
New Website Acquired - DASH.ORG - $20,329.99 divided by 4 it's $5082,49 and in the table it's $4368 ??

another thing, my suggestion is to include the dates of the transactions in the table too.
let me try to be more specific to see if anyone can help me understand that table...

laBITconf Video Advertising Budget - $3000 but in the table it's $3120 ??
New Website Acquired - DASH.ORG - $20,329.99 divided by 4 it's $5082,49 and in the table it's $4368 ??

another thing, my suggestion is to include the dates of the transactions in the table too.
Actual dash price? here it was 2,42$ now it was 2,08$ or meaby I`m probably each month budget is adjusted on actual dash price.
eduffield am I right?
let me try to be more specific to see if anyone can help me understand that table...

laBITconf Video Advertising Budget - $3000 but in the table it's $3120 ??
New Website Acquired - DASH.ORG - $20,329.99 divided by 4 it's $5082,49 and in the table it's $4368 ??

another thing, my suggestion is to include the dates of the transactions in the table too.

Based on Dash price at time domain was acquired, the amount to reimburse is 4 x 2100 coins... the $4368 is 2100 x current price ($2.08 per coin).
And by the same reasoning, the $3000 budget amount at $2.00 would calculate to 1500 coins... the $3120 is 1500 x current price ($2.08 per coin).
Cool, 1500 seems a bit steep but after all the uncertainty with the Bitcoin Wednesday vid imo it's worth it to know the vid will be available. I'd be interested to know if Alex is involved with production, live feeds etc. but I'm guessing all that will be discussed elsewhere, looking forward to it :)

There's a nice promotional tool called virool, where we got thousands of views (~4000 I think) last time for about $400. So imagine a well targeted video at the Bitcoin community funded at $3120 and that's what we're aiming for. We'll see what happens, I'm excited to see the outcome.

Based on Dash price at time domain was acquired, the amount to reimburse is 4 x 2100 coins... the $4368 is 2100 x current price ($2.08 per coin).
And by the same reasoning, the $3000 budget amount at $2.00 would calculate to 1500 coins... the $3120 is 1500 x current price ($2.08 per coin).

You got it. I corrected the post.
Does the LP proposal need to be re-added? I don't see it in the list to vote on.

Yeah, looks like I only set it up for one month last time. I added it again, please vote for: