DCG Business Dev Strategy, Presentation and Q&A

Dear Community

Thank you to those who were able to join us a few days ago in reviewing the DCG business development strategy. Please find below a link to the replay of the broadcast as well as the English version of the presentation. We hope to post the Spanish version within a week or so.

For questions and answers we’ll be using the following process:

We are working with @Arthyron who has kindly offered to act as a point person for collating the questions.

Please post your questions to this thread. We will collect your questions here and will keep this open until close of business Tuesday 11 September Arizona time.

We have already collected some of the questions raised earlier. We’ll also be reaching out separately to the Masternodes on Discord shortly.

The intent is to answer around 20 questions, Arthyron will help us reduce the list down to roughly 10 from the community and 10 from the MNOs.

Best Regards

DCG Business Development Team

Ernesto, Omar, Jon and Brad


  • Business Development Strategy Presentation_Final 5 Sep 2018.pdf
    537 KB · Views: 231
Hi Bradley, you said you wanted to at a minimum work with exchange partners to enable instantsend for deposits. Does Business development actually think it’s a). possible and/or b). responsible to suggest to exchange partners to enable instantsend from withdrawals? Have they thought about the technical limitations of implementing this? And secondly, how do they think the instandsend integrations into exchanges for deposits competes with other similar solutions traders already have access to for arbitrage purposes through other cryptocurrencies?
What are your plans to give dash the final catch up push inside the cryptocurrency industry? There are some highly successful services that are still not integrated with dash. Gemini, Coinbase, bitpay come to mind but certainly also a few others. How do you plan to get dash into the crypto premier league?

The freelancing industry is another industry plagued by high fees and expensive cross border payments. Did you consider this industry as well? It holds a big potential spreading sash all over the world and infusing counties with dash where it would otherwise not be easily possible?
Hello Bradley,

I have seen the video, and I think that we should expand the LATAM focus to Argentina, its current economic situation and the future will be ideal for the growth of the use of Dash.
I would like to know if this suggestion you will annotate to include in the growth roadmap, since Mexico-Venezuela-Argentina could be very good strategy to geographically have a good market positioning in Latin-america.

On the other hand, I consider the Cannabis industry in the USA as a top priority for the increase of market share in B2B, I think that the focus should be on attending the fairs and events in this sector, so that they know the solutions and advantages of Dash and get new partnerships, taking advantage of the current alliances in this industry. I wanted to know if you are going to focus on these actions?
¡Hola a toda la comunidad de habla hispana! Tal y como acordamos hace unos días, en el link adjunto les comparto la versión en español de nuestra estrategía de desarrollo de negocios. Espero que ayude a compartir nuestra visión del crecimiento de Dash de parte de DCG, y quedaremos atentos a cualquier duda o comentario que puedan tener.




  • Español Sept-BizDev Strategy .pdf
    498.2 KB · Views: 241
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