Sorry, I wasn't intending to imply that, it was more a general reply to the thread. Pinging
@toknormal on this as he started another thread a few days ago along similar lines and I think he hit the nail on the head with it:
What he's suggesting there (if I'm reading it right) is separating the properties of money and imho that's a damn good idea because practically every suggestion I see on tweaking properties of money addresses the symptoms but overlooks the cause and that cause is a fundamental problem with the properties of money, the dual property of both a store of value and a unit of exchange.
In a recent discussion I'd mentioned a real world example of that type of situation and didn't realise it at the time. It was on gold as money and the reasons why its remained stable for centuries in some situations and collapsed horribly in others, a huge subject in its self and outside the scope of this thread but the example was personal banking in the middle east. In that part of the world (and many others as far as I know) it's very common for savings to be in gold with fiat only used for day to day convenience, a dual economy with the store of value and the unit of exchange having different properties. In the west we're heavily indoctrinated to a single kind of money but other parts of the world think differently and when considered from that point of view the unit of exchange could have much better properties for carrying out that role than the multitude of fiat currencies currently in use (it's very common for a trader to accept whatever fiat you have, dollars, euro, local currency, etc.).
Something else that cannot be ignored (yet hardly ever gets discussed) is taxes. We'd all love them to vanish without a trace and stop being a constant drain but the cold hard truth is millions of people would suffer very badly if crypto made taxation impossible. The real problem is lack of competition to drive efficient use of tax revenue but that's another story, tax is an economy in its own right and has different properties from either a general purpose store of value or unit of exchange, properties that can be far better optimised by treating it as a separate economy than tying it to a single form of fiat currency. That's another huge subject in its own right and probably better treated as an entirely different form of crypto but interaction between it and other cryptocurrencies is an essential part of the big picture.