I have the answers to most of the concerns regarding pricing and exchanges already worked out. Been sitting on it for almost 2 years due tot he snowflake arrogance of the leadership and community.
@Solarminer and I had it ready to go and vendors already willing to participate. I even had a small convenience store/gas station chain on board. But after we pissed off the leadership by bringing the vending machine to last year's Miami conference, shit really hit the fan. Now look at what's on display... They even deleted the video less than 24 hours after uploading it, and the machine has disappeared and doesn't even work anymore... Not sure how they managed to fuck it up...
This poll has 17 upvotes and 3 maybes (I'm one of them). How many masternodes are there? They're not even smart enough to realize that this matters.
I already have the hardware and server needed for this proposal. That's 110 DASH that need not even be asked for. I have a bluetooth printer and an old Galaxy Mega 6.3 that I don't use anymore. A Trezor I'm not using (not that this is needed). I have plenty of free resources on my server. The remaining 55 DASH I could personally pay out of pocket without even noticing. Yet nobody sees fit to make sure it happens?
This is the most important thing DASH should have already been doing for the last two years, and you're willing to do it for a measly 165 DASH, and these jackasses can't even be bothered? This is exactly what drove off the business owners I worked so hard to line up. DASH is filled with people who are viciously opposed to successful business operation. No grown-up business owner wants to get in bed with people who hate business so much. Cryptotards are a bunch of lazy socialists who see the idea of crypto as a weapon they can use to destroy capitalism... It's effing bizarre, and there's no way businesses want to deal with that. DASH has willfully failed to capitalize on it's own invention, and even gone to the extent of sabotaging those who would have done it for them. I'm not sure there's a way to be more of a thing that no business could ever want... These people cut off their whole face to spite their nose, just because the guys leading the charge weren't special snowflakes. News Flash, nobody in the real, grow-up world of business is a special snowflake, has any respect for special snowflakes, or will enter into any sort of an agreement with a special snowflake. They're certainly not going to put their income stream in the hands of special snowflakes.
@babygiraffe and
@Minotaur did their best to sabotage the vending machine and what we wanted to build out of it last year, and did nothing but troll and misinform every day after.
@eduffield mostly stood idly by and let them, but even he, eventually, got involved with the propaganda and misinformation campaign. All in the name of left-fringe hipster snowflake politics and making sure nobody got a piece of their precious piggy bank...
People willing to go so far into self-destruction just to stab the best allies they ever had in the back... DASH invented the concept of IX, and deliberately destroyed it's own opportunity just because "That guy isn't a Hillary supporter." This project is nothing but lucky that other cryptos have screwed up even worse. XVC was literally days away from making DASH permanently irrelevant before it's lead dev spazzed out. Now we have the usual fanboys trying to downplay lightning. MAID is doing so much more than simply IX... All because the brats hated the very thing that would make them succeed so much that they would throw themselves under the bus just to take me with them?
No doubt, there's some bad blood between me and this community. Feeeeeelings.... But when the wind blows, the trees bend.
It's not about the feelings. It's about the facts behind them. The trolls think they're winning when they talk about "butthurt." It only shows how much more important damaging a non-snowflake is to them, over getting shit done and winning. They destroyed themselves, but think they're holding the trophy of "we fucked over
@camosoul, lols!" Reality is that I'm even better off now. I was willing to make a sacrifice for this project, but went back to my primary business instead and made way more money. When you live in your mommy's basement and the only thing that makes you feel good is acting like this... It's like being given the finger by cockroaches. Their whole world is petty, so they have no idea what real things they've lost out on, and that the "damage" they think they've done was actually a godsend... It's not about "feelings." It's about how ridiculously out of touch these people are, and the messed up values they have, where a successful penetration into retail, and the visibility it would give DASH, is less important than spreading lies and hate about the guy who was set to do it for them just because he's not a batshit crazy left-fringe lunatic like they are... I've made more money since then than I made in my entire life up to that point. How could I possibly be butthurt? These people think trolling and swaying the popular opinion of the clueless is more valuable than actually accomplishing anything. Trolling from their mommies' basements is the only thing they've ever done that gave them a rush, so they don't know any better... They have no idea what the satisfaction of accomplishment is because they've never done it. they have no idea the monumental failure to capitalize that they represent, that any real, grown-up business person in the real world can see, because they trolled and loled and think that's all there is to life. Look at captain echo chamber trying to drag me into it over here:
https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/dashs-more-incredible-2016.12722/ Look at all the ugly directed at
@Solarminer for nothing more than accurate observation... This loser called the answer he doesn't like an "
ff topic rant" just to get the last word before having a mod lock the thread for him. It doesn't matter how or even if BTC solves the problem he's talking about. The entire premise of his question is flawed and I explained it int he very first sentence, just like the premise that throwing away a 2 year head start on your own idea is acceptable because "that guy disagrees with our totally unrelated political interests." The worst part, is that they know it, and don't care. They just want to look like the keyboard warrior that won some silly fight on the Internet... This is what they imagine to be the ultimate prize, because it's all they've ever known. Who wants to do business with that?
As a footnote, go check the timestamps in that other thread. Even as a keyboard warrior who thinks he's got it all figured out, he still walked right into it, and his chest is still puffed up because he has no idea I made lemonade out of his lemons by setting him up as the perfect example of exactly what I'm talking about here... This is what DASH has become. I gave him the link and everything, and he still didn't read enough to realize I was setting him up... Doesn't matter! Echo Chamber! Marching orders! Why bother to look when you're not going to think about anything you might read anyway?
If you want/need these funds/resources, I'll be happy to give them to you, no strings attached if the suckernodes can't figure it out. Free stuff. But, I doubt it'll be needed since the King and his Pied Pipers (mentioned above) have deemed you "
one of us, one of us..."
See that look on her face? Yeah. That's
@camosoul and
@Solarminer when we finally realized what was going on... Be careful getting in bed with these people. They're freaks.
I took DASH off my website. I was using
@nmarley 's plugin. But, if you look at the thread where it was developed, you can see where he refused to make the changes needed to be used in the real world "this is good enough" when it most definitely is not good enough... They just don't get it. They want to cater to their own deluded special snowflake mentality, then wonder why the world doesn't want it... It completely borks the proper flow of an eCommerce transaction and simply insists that it isn't a problem. Didn't even use the "It's a feature, not a bug" excuse...