08-04-2018 payout hash is 1cfda33836e1ffde4a13cead9b88b08259c67c30093f8831724a531c04797f68. 0.0016 DASH per 100% (0.0014 DASH base + 17% daily bonus). $0.51 USD per 100% (7115.42 BTC/USD exchange rate). DASH/BTC exchange rate is 0.04413351. DASH price is $314.03
Note: there was a technical problem with the pool for a few hours. Today's and tomorrow's payments have been prorated to cover for this. So you should get a regular payout. Sorry about this.
09-04-2018 payout hash is 29ab8812af1f2a53dd277e635901eb9ea5eeb0769eaab0fe4143412b6d05c6f2. 0.0018 DASH per 100% (0.0014 DASH base + 26% daily bonus). $0.53 USD per 100% (6733.34 BTC/USD exchange rate). DASH/BTC exchange rate is 0.04463309. DASH price is $300.53
Note: there was a technical problem with the pool for a few hours yesterday. Today's and yesterday's payments have been prorated to cover for this. So you should get a regular payout. Sorry about this.