08-12-2017 payout hash is 6f0c115d7a3a0ffc7c1d58112cb250f492787569b51392a5e36c95089adc7c3e. 0.003 DASH per 100% (0.002 DASH base + 30% daily bonus). $1.77 USD per 100% (15736.40 BTC/USD exchange rate). DASH/BTC exchange rate is 0.04335886. DASH price is $682.31
Note: Yesterday our service went down for 2 hours. That's 8.33% of total time in a day (100% * 2hrs / 24hrs = 8,33%). The actual bonus for yesterday was only 20%, but we multiplied it by extra 8.3% to provide you a refund.
Sorry about this.