DashForce Meetup & Presentation Program

Great video! Are you submitting this as a meet up?
Hello Mr. Arellanas, it's a pleasure to greet you, we are a multidisciplinary team, grupo certus is our name, this videowas made at a cultural event organized by us. We want to show in our city the uses and benefits of Blockchain technology and specifically Dash.
Hi Dashforce
I will once again be organizing another meetup in Tamale, Ghana. The event will be held at Ridge Junior High School (JHS) aimed at introducing Dash digital cash to the community. A number of newbies are expected to attend and will be taken through the following;
  • Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology
  • Dash digital cash
  • How to install Dash wallet
  • How to buy or sell Dash

Date: 25th August, 2018
Time: 3:00 pm
Venue: Ridge JHS

The link to the event is published at:

New weekly Dash meet up! Every Tuesday (start 7pm ICT) live from Bangkok
with Live stream co hosts in Vietnam and Indonesia.
reach of 2300 people so far. All details here:

please join, share and invite people to the facebook event page to grow the dash community.
Let's bring it to the masses! :)
Also please check the video links. newly published every Tuesday 8pm ICT
Will you please provide a list of the Dash Addresses Like everyone else has. Also, Photos of the meet up would be great to see as well! Thanks in advance :D

Will you please provide a list of the Dash Addresses Like everyone else has. Also, Photos of the meet up would be great to see as well! Thanks in advance :D


Screenshots of wallets attached to the initial post.

A picture of the meetup is below..



  • Screenshot_20180825-221449_WhatsApp.jpg
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Hi Dashforce


I am glad to announce that I had yet another successful meetup yesterday where I brought together 15 newbies to enlighten them about Dash digital cash. The aim of the event was to introduce people to cryptocurrency( Dash digital cash) and the benefits it offers for businesses and individuals.
  • Blockchain technology
  • Cryptocurrency and its relevance in world economy
  • Dash Digital Cash and its unique features
  • Advantages of Dash digital cash
  • How to download and install Dash wallet on phone and PC
  • How to buy or sell Dash on both local and international exchanges.
15 participants attended and hence 15 new wallets were created. The first two(2) participants who attended received $10 worth of Dash each and the rest(13) participants received $5 worth of Dash each. Therefore all the 15 new wallets created were tipped some amount of Dash.





List of addresses that received $10 worth of Dash:


List of addresses that received $5 worth of Dash:














Thanks for the opportunity @aarellanes and @mastermined
Best Regards.
New weekly Dash meet up! Every Tuesday (start 7pm ICT) live from Bangkok
with Live stream co hosts in Vietnam and Indonesia.
reach of 2300 people so far. All details here:

please join, share and invite people to the facebook event page to grow the dash community.
Let's bring it to the masses! :)
Also please check the video links. newly published every Tuesday 8pm ICT
Thanks for reaching out. Please see the DM on Discord.
Hi dash force,
Report on meet up.
Dash hunters had a successful meet up and this is what transpired.
The paticipant were educated on crypto
16 participants were able to set up dash wallet for their tip of 10 and 5 dollars respectively

currency Dash to be precise.
1. How to invest in dash being it short term or long term.
2.how to buy airtime with dash.
3.Dash being used as remittances.
The meaning of DAO.( Decentralized Autonomous Organization )
4 Dash vs PayPal and the new evolution of Dash and how it will surpass other crypto currency.
5. How to buy and sell dash using ebitconics and dashghana.
They again had the chance to learn how Dash is mined.
Further more some of them were showed how to play game to win Dash using Dashred.com.
Paticipant were thought on how to use Dash in their day in and out transaction. Two of them had the previlage to buy airtime on piiko with dash . 70 people participated in this meet up and 14 of them won 10 dollars of dash , two people also won 5 dollars of dash respectively.

This is the address of the fund which was given out as its always done.

Two people who won 5 dollars.


14 people who won 10 dollars.















This was the ticket on eventbrite for the meet up.


This is the link to the pictures of the meet up on Facebook.


I personally bought some airtime for two people with piiko as a demo so they could spend their dash.
Again the screen shoot of the wallet which was used for the transaction.
Thanks to you all for guiding me through.


  • Screenshot_2018-08-28-12-12-05.png
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Hey DASH community.

Recently i discovered your fantastic initiative which i actually wanted to create for BCH but the Bitcoin Cash Fund was more hindering adoption than improving it.

I am extremely disappointed how I was treated by Bitcoin Cash Fund and Roger Ver and Bitcoin.com which censored my account since the first day because they have some personal issues.

I would like to update the website of http://therealbitcoin.club to promote DASH as the real bitcoin, because it really empowers the people and it actually works in the real life.

I also have a Meetup page for Barcelona, which has 240 members: https://www.meetup.com/realBitcoinClub/

And i am currently updating the http://map.therealbitcoin.club to add all the DASH merchants in Spain.

As the movement in South America is so strong already, i think my energy could be better invested in Spain and Canary Islands or maybe Kuba, Mexico, Costa Rica which are countries where I always wanted to go.

I am working for bitcoin full time since the beginning of the year and we (a friend of mine sponsored mining rigs and we used the return to promote BCH) donated thousands of euros to promote BCH.

If i had known about the DASH community before, i would have probably promoted DASH from the beginning.

But there is a very personal reason why I never really took part in DASH and that is because i was scammed of 10 DASH on the website http://dash-wallet.com a few years ago already.

Anyway I traded some BCH for DASH about 3 days ago after I saw that article on news.bitcoin.com where Kai Sedgwick tried to spread fake news about DASH.

I currently own the same amount of BCH and DASH and no other crypto.

I really think this article boomeranged and the only reason is because the community of DASH posted such strong comments. That impressed me.

The videos on YouTube about the developments in south america and the interview with your CEO also impressed me a lot. You guys look so much more competent than the BCH community members.

I want to go full time for DASH and I can on board at least 30 shops in Barcelona within one day because they already take part in The Real Bitcoin Club concept.

At the moment I am in the south of Spain (Benidorm), as I was invited by a community member to create a playa Bitcoin here.

We are promoting DASH and BCH. Currently the DASH wallet is still quite complex and BCH has an advantage in that case which you guys probably fix with evolution.

So what would you recommend me to do? I just want to promote bitcoin because i really believe that it is necessary to create more peace in this world dictated by the U.S. fake money.

I think i can create a DASH nation in Spain (including Canary Islands) first and afterwards in Kuba, Mexico or Costa Rica.

First step would be to host a meetup in Barcelona, I can create a meetup for Barcelona in autumn and on-board all the bitcoin merchants there in a few days to get things started.

I would expect about 50 people at that meetup, because I am very dedicated and I go and poster the whole neighborhood instead of just doing online promotion.

I am living on bitcoin exclusively for 5 month, I do not own any fake money, I do not touch fake money, I am totally into bitcoin and I am extremely dedicated in what I do.

Please give me some feedback and tell me if you would want me to go full-time on DASH and create a DASH nation in Spain.

I am also on http://instagram.therealbitcoin.club and I own many bitcoin related .app domains which we bought a few weeks ago and are just waiting to be used to promote the http://bitcoinmap.world

But the site is currently down, as we did not pay the bill for the domains, when i realized the BCH community would not support us I got very demotivated and thought about quitting to promote BCH.

My personal idea was that we absolutely need a nice map for the users, otherwise they can not find the places to make a 100% bitcoin lifestyle.

Currently this map is the most beautiful available in the whole bitcoin space. As i put in many hours to personally select the images and the content.

But I do not invest much time on the web version as we have an Android App also (I am an Android developer since 2009) and I personally do not care about IPhone users as IPhone is closed source.

I started software development when I was 8 years old with BASIC and then i learned HTML, C++ in my free time and later got certified on Java by Oracle and Sun to work as a freelancer.

I have a Master/Diplom in Business Informatics, I have started a successful enterprise in 2014 in Germany with my ex-wife where i was living until 2015.

I have a lot of experience in communication and psychology as i studied these topics in my free time to become a successful professional poker player, I took part in the World Series of Poker in Las Vegas in 2010 being sponsored, cashed in on one tournament and after that i quit my poker career. I was playing the highest stakes in online poker in 2009 as people gave me money to play for them, I have a deep understanding about mathematics. My father was a linux pioneer and mathematics teacher.

You can download the Android App here: http://therealbitcoin.club/moveyourbch

To understand my philosophy you can also read the Satoshi Kodex which TRBC published under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto on 20.06.18: http://therealbitcoin.club/satoshiskodex

I have so much energy and I was trying to get financed by the BCH community "leaders" for such a long time but it simply didnt work because they would not realize the immense value I have to offer.

I live a very low cost lifestyle as I am living in my van since 4 years because i really like to live the minimalist lifestyle it makes me so happy and I can totally dedicate my whole time to bitcoin as I do not have to work to pay rent.

Any feedback is appreciated! What do you think about that idea? How can we get started?
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Hi Everyone!

I write to submit our Dash Force Meet-up and Presentation for Rewards.

136Newbies were presents, 110 New Wallet Downloads at CCC Conference Hall.

Check out @DashhubAfrica’s Tweet for Images of Event.

DASH Wallets Tipped
























Hey DASH community.

Recently i discovered your fantastic initiative which i actually wanted to create for BCH but the Bitcoin Cash Fund was more hindering adoption than improving it.

I am extremely disappointed how I was treated by Bitcoin Cash Fund and Roger Ver and Bitcoin.com which censored my account since the first day because they have some personal issues.

I would like to update the website of http://therealbitcoin.club to promote DASH as the real bitcoin, because it really empowers the people and it actually works in the real life.

I also have a Meetup page for Barcelona, which has 240 members: https://www.meetup.com/realBitcoinClub/

And i am currently updating the http://map.therealbitcoin.club to add all the DASH merchants in Spain.

As the movement in South America is so strong already, i think my energy could be better invested in Spain and Canary Islands or maybe Kuba, Mexico, Costa Rica which are countries where I always wanted to go.

I am working for bitcoin full time since the beginning of the year and we (a friend of mine sponsored mining rigs and we used the return to promote BCH) donated thousands of euros to promote BCH.

If i had known about the DASH community before, i would have probably promoted DASH from the beginning.

But there is a very personal reason why I never really took part in DASH and that is because i was scammed of 10 DASH on the website http://dash-wallet.com a few years ago already.

Anyway I traded some BCH for DASH about 3 days ago after I saw that article on news.bitcoin.com where Kai Sedgwick tried to spread fake news about DASH.

I currently own the same amount of BCH and DASH and no other crypto.

I really think this article boomeranged and the only reason is because the community of DASH posted such strong comments. That impressed me.

The videos on YouTube about the developments in south america and the interview with your CEO also impressed me a lot. You guys look so much more competent than the BCH community members.

I want to go full time for DASH and I can on board at least 30 shops in Barcelona within one day because they already take part in The Real Bitcoin Club concept.

At the moment I am in the south of Spain (Benidorm), as I was invited by a community member to create a playa Bitcoin here.

We are promoting DASH and BCH. Currently the DASH wallet is still quite complex and BCH has an advantage in that case which you guys probably fix with evolution.

So what would you recommend me to do? I just want to promote bitcoin because i really believe that it is necessary to create more peace in this world dictated by the U.S. fake money.

I think i can create a DASH nation in Spain (including Canary Islands) first and afterwards in Kuba, Mexico or Costa Rica.

First step would be to host a meetup in Barcelona, I can create a meetup for Barcelona in autumn and on-board all the bitcoin merchants there in a few days to get things started.

I would expect about 50 people at that meetup, because I am very dedicated and I go and poster the whole neighborhood instead of just doing online promotion.

I am living on bitcoin exclusively for 5 month, I do not own any fake money, I do not touch fake money, I am totally into bitcoin and I am extremely dedicated in what I do.

Please give me some feedback and tell me if you would want me to go full-time on DASH and create a DASH nation in Spain.

I am also on http://instagram.therealbitcoin.club and I own many bitcoin related .app domains which we bought a few weeks ago and are just waiting to be used to promote the http://bitcoinmap.world

But the site is currently down, as we did not pay the bill for the domains, when i realized the BCH community would not support us I got very demotivated and thought about quitting to promote BCH.

My personal idea was that we absolutely need a nice map for the users, otherwise they can not find the places to make a 100% bitcoin lifestyle.

Currently this map is the most beautiful available in the whole bitcoin space. As i put in many hours to personally select the images and the content.

But I do not invest much time on the web version as we have an Android App also (I am an Android developer since 2009) and I personally do not care about IPhone users as IPhone is closed source.

I started software development when I was 8 years old with BASIC and then i learned HTML, C++ in my free time and later got certified on Java by Oracle and Sun to work as a freelancer.

I have a Master/Diplom in Business Informatics, I have started a successful enterprise in 2014 in Germany with my ex-wife where i was living until 2015.

I have a lot of experience in communication and psychology as i studied these topics in my free time to become a successful professional poker player, I took part in the World Series of Poker in Las Vegas in 2010 being sponsored, cashed in on one tournament and after that i quit my poker career. I was playing the highest stakes in online poker in 2009 as people gave me money to play for them, I have a deep understanding about mathematics. My father was a linux pioneer and mathematics teacher.

You can download the Android App here: http://therealbitcoin.club/moveyourbch

To understand my philosophy you can also read the Satoshi Kodex which TRBC published under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto on 20.06.18: http://therealbitcoin.club/satoshiskodex

I have so much energy and I was trying to get financed by the BCH community "leaders" for such a long time but it simply didnt work because they would not realize the immense value I have to offer.

I live a very low cost lifestyle as I am living in my van since 4 years because i really like to live the minimalist lifestyle it makes me so happy and I can totally dedicate my whole time to bitcoin as I do not have to work to pay rent.

Any feedback is appreciated! What do you think about that idea? How can we get started?
Hey @RealBitcoinClub, First off welcome to the Dash community! I appreciate you sharing your journey with us here! It is great to see that you have such a big community that you are interested in sharing Dash with!

If you are interested in hosting your own meet up I would recommend hosting a Wild Card meet up just to see how things go and you can get a well organized structure to present Dash!

If you have any specific questions, please feel free to ping me on this thread. DM me on the Forum or DM me on Dash Nation Discord @AlbertArellanesiii (Best way)

Hello everyone!

It is that time again! You will need to submit your meet up reports within the next 24 hours. That is 15:18:00 UTC. If you need help converting that time please PM me or ask in the thread!

Thank you again everyone who submitted a meet up in August so far! I will be posting again tomorrow at this time saying


Thanks again everyone :)

Hello Everyone!

It is that time, Thank you again so much for everyone that submitted a meet up for the month of August! I will be reviewing everyone that submitted a meet up for August starting next monday and will reach out to you sometime during the week for a receiving address :)

I will include @Eunice and @Joney Castellanos Meet ups from July (Submitted with 24 hours of my announcement).

I will also include 2 Nigerian meet ups 1 from June and 1 from July due to technical issues with the forum.

NOTE: Some instances I will consider meet ups for the following month, HOWEVER, I will be making them far more strict.

Cheers Everyone and happy weekend!
