Receive, lot of thanks. wait when restart the program then. that was my first participation and I like that and will participate a lot when we re open the contest.
Hi @mastermined ! May I ask you a question?
Can this proof of individuality meetup be financed by the Dash Force Meetup & Presentation Contest?
Coach Digi and Colours ( made a comercial partnership so Dash can sponsor their diferent international events like:
- Fashion Week Mexico (october) (
-Winterbeach Tulum (December) (
Pre-propousal template
Mercedes Benz Fashion Week info
In Mercedes Benz Fashion Week we will have the right people (influentials) in the right place (fashion events) with the right brands (luxury), the right media (952 registered media) so we can position DASH as Digital Cash by making them understand what is and how to use DASH, they will pass from unknowing about DASH to be a DASH user so they can spread the DASH word.
Project Purpose / Business Justification
“I hear and I forget, I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” Confucius.
In MBFW we will have the right kind of people to spread the DASH word, not only in Mexico but internacional.
- First they will have to understand DASH and the best way to understand DASH is to Download wallet + receive DASH + pay with DASH:
We will have a DASH party and the tickets will cost $5USD in DASH only, so they can keep some DASH in their wallet.
- Download wallet + receive DASH
- Download Wallet and receive DASH: We will have a charging zone lounge in the lobbies of the Fashion events where people can download and receive the $10USD in DASH currency.
- We will have flat screens so we can loop DASH info in the lounge
- Pay with DASH:
- We will have a DASH party, the tickets will be paid only in DASH currency
- The tickets will cost $5 USD in DASH
- The tickets will be sold at the Fashion events (not to everyone, we have to calculate how many, it depends on the venue of the party).
- When a person buys a ticket, he or she will receive 1 ticket and 1 coupon
- The coupon will be so they can invite another person to the party. (must be a person who didn´t download o received the $10.00US in DASH)
- The invited person will change the coupon at the party entrance for $10 USD in DASH, so he/she can pay the $5USD of his or her ticket and keep some DASH.
- Debit card
Mercedes Fashion Week Mexico 2017 stats.
- Also some specific influential people will receive a DASH debit card, so they can spend their DASH in any place.
- We will stream in DASHenespañ how this influential people pays with DASH debit card.
What the sponsoship inlcludes:
- 10,000 assistants
- 1,600,000,000.00 impacts
- 7 different locations
- 952 international registered media
We want to position of DASH as “DIGITAL CASH” in the top of minds of latinamerica people:
- 10,000 assistants
- 1,600,000,000.00 impacts
- 7 different locations
- 952 international registered media
Press Conference
Digital Content
- Thanks at press conference
- Mention in press conference
- Communication of #DASH (hashtag) during the event (2.5M impacts on the hashtag )
- Mentions - 10 copies of the mark distributed in the different social networks of the platform accompanied by the #MBFWMx and the #DASH (post GIF format provided by the brand / applied guidelines)
- GIF banner provided by DASH on the official site (300x300)
- Editorial Note - DASH will provide the note that will be on official site
- Alliance with a platform influencer with 50k followers (4 posts - guidelines applied)
- Video spots on screens prior to 5 calendar shows (platform guidelines apply)
- Digital capsule produced by the MBFWMx team for social networks highlighting the values of DASH
- Amplification of Dash digital actions in the networks of MBFWMX
Branding Material
- Logo in event screens loops.
- Logo in press wall of the different venues.
- Logo in bar of sponsors.
- Logo printed materials of the event
- 10 total tickets in Front Row for the brand during MBFWMx in parades to be assigne
Activation at the commercial lobby
DOES NOT includes (Working On quotation):
- Space for activation in multivenue format - dimensions to be confirmed.
- Right to do data collection during the event.
- -transfer, assembly and logistics of the stand
- -Hostess
- DASH party production
COST $55,000 USD x 200 DASH/USD = 275 DASHES
I´m still working on the quotations of the stand, hostess and party production, I also need to calculate how many people will go in every fashion event and how many people will receive $10 USD in DASH en every Fashion show and how many tickets we will give.
13 Proprosal proyect format pre-budget Forum
15 proprosal upload for votation
16 Interview with Edgar "Cory" Crespo Why DASH in MBFW?
23 Last day we have to confirm de Sponsorhip (DÓN´T WAIT TO VOTE), so we can have the DASH Branding in place on time
27 Last voting Day
30 Press breakfast
4 MBFW Casting
5 Dash Payment
24 Coach Digi and Dashtecas Crew flight from Cancun TO Mexico city
27 Castillo Chapultepec Fashion Show
1 Ángel de la Independencia Fashion Show
2 Universidad centro Fashion Show
3 Frontón México Fashion Show
4 Frontón México Fashion Show
5 General Prim Fashion Show
5 DASH Party
6 Monumento a la Revolución Fashion Show
8 Coach Digi and Dashtecas crew flight from Mexico City to Cancun
me tooI'd be interested in attending one of these meetups if they weren't always scheduled in venues that are exceptionally hostile to basic human rights...
Me too, that´s why I think is a great idea, like the Trojan Horse, First we will be inside their world and then we will atack spreading the DASH too
The first basic meetup Dash New Friends in the Office was a success. To be the first, my partners were very receptive and are very interested in continuing to learn how to use Dash!
Thanks for your generosity.
Jahlexis Tafari!
New Dash-user address 1: XxQgakixZZe2PVaP6caFAWNLvhp3VAfPp7
Tx: (10$ in Dash)
New Dash-user address 2: XdoqbG7r5bRbBrCjGkGXjKHYFmMpPaU6x9
My Dash-address:
1. 3rd #KriptoMeetup #Dash in Russia, Petrozavodsk [20.08.2017] - Basic Monthly Meetup Program
Hi Buddy... Well i read the rules, and i see this Advanced Merchant Adoption meetup program: 2 Dash - Paused ... The program meetup is not suspend just this part...
Please list on discover Dash and provide the link.